
The terrifying palm of Antian Martial God slammed heavily on Lin Yang's body.

Lin Yang's body was blasted out.

The earth burst.

Lin Yang shattered the ground and rolled several times among the chaotic rocks, really embarrassed.


Langya and the others shouted with all their might, and immediately rushed to help Lin Yang up.

However, Lin Yang seemed to have made preparations. Although his body was covered in mud, he didn't have any substantial injuries.

Looking at his attack again, when it hit Antian Martial God, it was like a breeze blowing on his face, and it had no effect on him at all...

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"Your attack has no effect on me."

Antian Martial God looked at the evil energy that hit him and then dissipated, and said expressionlessly: "Besides, you use my unique evil energy to deal with me? Isn't it just a classmate?"

"That's not necessarily the case."

Lin Yang smiled faintly, holding the peerless evil sword and quietly watching Antian Martial God: "I said, you are no longer Antian Martial God, now you are just a stitched monster, you are full of flaws, It's easy for me to defeat you!"

Antian Martial God snorted, and didn't take Lin Yang's words seriously.

But at this moment, Ye Yan over there made a sound.

"You...see it?"

A few simple words made everyone's heart tighten.

"What's so difficult about it?"

Lin Yang smiled faintly.

Ye Yan was silent.

The more people listened, the more confused they became.

"What are they talking about?"

"What did you see?"

"I don't know."

Someone muttered.

"Brother Ye, what did that man see?"

An Mingyue hurriedly asked.

But Ye Yan didn't answer her words, but cast his eyes on Antian Martial God.

"Master Antian, if you want to survive, leave quickly!"

"What did you say?"

Antian Martial God frowned, he couldn't believe what he heard, and stared at Ye Yan.

But Ye Yan looked serious: "I don't know why this person can understand my technique, but I believe that he is not putting on airs, and leaving quickly is the best policy!"

Antian Martial God lowered his eyebrows and thought about it.

For a while, his face was gloomy, he stared at Lin Yang, and said hoarsely: "So, what he said is true? Now I am indeed full of flaws? And can he break it?"

"After all, you have just started to transform this body. Many places have not been fully integrated. There are flaws, but they can be repaired!"

Ye Yan explained.

"Canglan and Taitian can't see it, but this son can see it clearly. It can be seen that this son is extraordinary and different from others!"

Antian Martial God said hoarsely: "I think the only person who can see through my flaws is the only person in the entire underground dragon vein. If he is killed, then, wouldn't my flaws be equivalent to non-existence?"

"Master Antian, this person is not easy to deal with. If you act recklessly, you will only bring risks."

"Worriless! It's easy for me to kill him!"

Antian Martial God said lightly, then raised his hand, and grabbed Lin Yang from the air.

I saw a lot of evil energy overflowing from his palm, and then submerged into the void.

He makes a grasping gesture.

At the same time, the peerless evil sword in Lin Yang's hand also began to tremble.

"No, he is recalling the Peerless Evil Sword!"

Seeing this, Langya cried out.

"Brother, be careful!"

"Protect this sword!"

Everyone shouted, and quickly urged the power of ascension to isolate the aura around Lin Yang and prevent the Peerless Evil Sword from being taken back by the Dark Sky Martial God.

But Lin Yang remained calm.

"It's okay, he can't take this sword away!"

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