"How did you do it?"

Antian Martial God narrowed his eyes and asked coldly.

He knows the attributes of the Peerless Evil Sword best.

Why did Martial God Antian not rush to get it back after An Mingyue lost the sword.

That's because he knows that this sword is absolutely uncontrollable.

Those who plunder this sword will only be eroded by the special evil power contained in this sword, controlled by the evil sword, and finally sucked up by the evil sword to dry up their essence and power of ascension, turning into walking corpses. The control of the sword automatically came to the body of the Antian Martial God, allowing the evil sword to return to the embrace of its owner.

If the Martial God Antian deliberately suppressed the evil power of the Peerless Evil Sword and handed over the sword frame capable of controlling the Peerless Evil Sword to An Mingyue, otherwise An Mingyue would not be able to control the sword.

But now, the young man in front of him has not only controlled it, but... he has also let the Peerless Evil Sword be controlled by him!

This is absolutely beyond the reach of human beings!

"This sword does have spirituality, it is just choosing a more suitable owner."

Lin Yang said lightly.


Antian Martial God suppressed his anger, walked quickly towards Lin Yang with a cold expression.

He didn't want to talk nonsense anymore.

The man in front of him has a thousand damn reasons.

So now, what he wants to do the most is to tear Lin Yang into pieces.

With his left hand, Antian Martial God quickly pulled out a large number of pitch-black silver needles, and pierced the broken wrist.

In an instant, the blood gushing from the wound stopped, and the flesh at the rupture began to squirm and grow little by little.

In just a few tens of seconds, a new palm of Antian Martial God grew out.


The expression of Martial God Taitian here changed drastically.

"What's wrong?"

Cang Lan beside him asked deeply.

"Antian Martial God repaired his broken limbs, but he didn't consume a single bit of his ascension power!"

Taitian Martial God condensed.


Martial God Canglan's pupils trembled wildly.

He knows what that means.

If the power of ascension is not needed to repair the broken limb, it means that the body of the Dark Sky Valkyrie can regenerate infinitely!

What kind of terrifying power is this?

"This kid can master the peerless evil sword. I think he has some skills, but if the body of the Dark Sky Martial God can really regenerate infinitely, it means that he is immortal... If so, he will be invincible in the world... "

Taitian Martial God said hoarsely.

Martial God Canglan gasped, but didn't say a word.


Langya's face became tense, he looked at the Antian Martial God who was approaching every step of the way, and drank a low sentence.

"Brother Langya, you retreat one after another, I can deal with it."

Lin Yang said lightly.

"But...forget it, we believe in you! If you make a mistake, we will definitely try our best to snatch your body and help you resurrect!"

Langya drank heavily, waved his big hand, and led the people back.

"Dark Sky Domain!"

I saw Antian Martial God suddenly waved his arms towards Lin Yang across the air.

Whirring whirring...

Endless evil energy suddenly spewed out, quickly covering everything around the two of them.

The figures of the two became hazy immediately.

"The power of the domain?"

Lin Yang frowned slightly.

"That way, you won't be able to escape."

Antian Martial God said indifferently.

"I'm not going to run, I said, it's you who should run!"

Lin Yang shook his head.

"are you sure?"

Antian Martial God said calmly, and then moved his fingers.

Chi! Chi! Chi! Chi....

Amidst the evil spirits around, a large number of ghost claws suddenly sprang out, directly grabbed Lin Yang's limbs, and locked them completely.

"Tell me, how many pieces should I tear you into?"

Antian Martial God said coldly.

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