What about people?

Antian Valkyrie immediately looked around.

But no trace of Lin Yang can be caught!

There was an uproar outside.

Stealth directly?

What means?

Could it be that that person transcended the appearance of a mortal and became a real Da Luo Jinxian? Can go through the sky and escape the earth?

"Bastard, this is my domain, this is my world! I tell you to have nowhere to hide!"

Antian Martial God roared, spread his arms, and then closed them.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom...

In the domain, except for the area where Ye Yan and Antian Martial God were located, violent explosions occurred out of thin air in all places.

A large amount of destructive evil energy lingered in the explosion area.

As soon as the explosion was over, countless ghost claws holding the air swords stretched out from the evil energy, slashing fiercely in all directions.

The evil energy domain is completely filled with the sword light stirred by the Qi sword.

Incomparably dense, no corner is spared.

Antian Martial God believed that as long as Lin Yang didn't escape into the ground, there would be nowhere to hide.

But after the series of attacks ended, Lin Yang's voice was not caught.

All attacks were missed.

"Have you left my field?"

Antian Valkyrie's breathing tightened suddenly.

"Of course not!"

An indifferent voice came out.

Antian Martial God was horrified.

Lin Yang came quietly behind him.


The peerless evil sword strikes viciously.

The speed is extremely fast and the killing intent is extremely strong.

The terrifying sword intent is like a mouth full of blood, trying to swallow the Dark God of War.

But in the next second, Antian Martial God's palms quickly accumulated the power of ascension, tied the peerless evil sword that hit, and then threw Lin Yanglian and the sword out.

Lin Yang spun around in the air and landed firmly on the ground.


Antian Martial God snorted coldly: "It's a pity that these methods of yours are heretics after all. The difference in strength between you and me is too great. You can't be my opponent at all!"

"Don't talk too much, Lord Antian, kill!"

Here, Ye Yan managed to shake off Yuanpan, holding the bone sword and slashing towards Lin Yang.

Lin Yang was holding a suitcase in one hand and a peerless evil sword in the other to parry Ye Yan's attack.

He pressed another button on the suitcase.

The Frisbee slashed towards the back of Ye Yan's head again.

Feeling threatened, Ye Yan was forced to retreat.

But the Frisbee frantically chased him as if it had locked onto him.

Ye Yan was harassed by the Frisbee, so he couldn't attack Lin Yang effectively.

"Don't panic, let me come!"

Antian Martial God snorted coldly, raised his hand and grabbed it from the air.

whoosh whoosh whoosh....

A large number of ghost claws rushed out and directly grabbed the frisbee.

Although the Frisbee rotated at a high speed and chopped up a large number of ghost hands, the ghost hands kept flowing. When one ghost hand was cut to pieces, another ghost hand sprang out.

After a while, the Frisbee was completely held down by the ghost's hand, and then it was torn into pieces.

The broken Frisbee exposed a large number of wires.

"This is modern technology!"

Antian Martial God stared at the Frisbee for a while, then looked at Lin Yang with a frown: "Are you... a worldly person?"

"Secular people?"

Ye Yan breathed tremblingly, stared at Lin Yang suddenly, and asked coldly: "Your surname is Lin... What is your relationship with Lin Yang?"


Lin Yang exhaled, then raised his hand to wipe his face.

He saw his face move for a while, and then, the face of Miracle Doctor Lin was completely exposed.

"You are Lin Yang?"

Ye Yan's eyes widened with disbelief on his face: "I didn't expect it was really you?"

"Is it a surprise?"

Lin Yang said calmly.

"How can it not be a surprise?"

Ye Yan breathed out, and said hoarsely: "I didn't expect you to come to this underground dragon vein in order to chase and kill me..."

"Actually, I don't want to come to such a ghostly place, but Ye Yan, you are too much of a threat to me!"

"I used to have a grudge against the Holy Son of Heaven, but you blacklisted me in order to avenge the Holy Son of Heaven, Ye Yan, since you will never die with me, then naturally I will not let you go. In the ends of the earth, I can only kill you, otherwise, I will have trouble sleeping and eating!"

Lin Yang said lightly.

Ye Yan was silent.

He never thought that this Lin Yang would have such a firm mind and such a tenacious will.

Such an enemy should never be provoked.

In fact, he was just talking harsh words at the beginning.

But he never thought that one of his harsh words would bring him so much trouble.

But he doesn't regret it either.

Because the current situation is very favorable to him.

"Lin Yang, I admire you very much. You can fight all the way from the secular world, dominate the Nirvana Realm, and achieve such achievements in the underground dragon vein. This is a height that ordinary people can't reach in a lifetime! But sometimes you are too aggressive and risky , I know you really want to kill me, but in the current situation, how do you kill me?"

Holding the bone sword, Ye Yan said hoarsely: "You can't deal with me and a Valkyrie at the same time, especially the transformed Valkyrie! Today, you will definitely die!"

"Who wins and who loses is still unknown."

Lin Yang shook his head.

"What? Ye Yan, do you know this person?"

Dark Sky Martial God said hoarsely.

"Yes, he is the enemy who destroyed my temple!"

Ye Yan said coldly.

"The road to the enemy is narrow, so this son must be killed!"

Antian Martial God's eyes flashed with a cold light.

"Master Antian, let me put it this way, if you don't kill him, he will only chase you down all the time!"

Ye Yan said in a low voice: "If you don't solve this problem today, there will be endless troubles in the future!"


Antian Martial God drank heavily: "Don't delay, otherwise changes will happen, let's do it!"


Ye Yan stopped talking, raised his bone sword again and rushed towards Lin Yang.

This time, he did his best.

But Lin Yang remained calm, took out the box again, took out a cube-like object from it, and threw it forward.

Ye Yan was stunned again.

I saw that the lump deformed rapidly after falling to the ground, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into a small person of about 1.5 meters.

"Is this...the organ man?"

Ye Yan was stunned.


Lin Yang drank lightly, and the organ man's palms immediately transformed into two sharp blades, and rushed towards Ye Yan.

Ye Yan frowned, and immediately picked up the bone sword and slashed away.

The speed of the organ man is very fast, but a master of his level can still see clearly.

The bone sword came down, but the organ man stretched his arms horizontally, and crossed his two sharp blades to block it.


As a crisp sound spread, the bone sword was blocked heavily.


Ye Yan couldn't believe it.

Can a mere organist block his own attack?

What kind of material is this organ man made of?

Could it be that... the same as the Frisbee?

Ye Yan suddenly raised his head, staring at Lin Yang.

"That frisbee, and this organ... Could it be that you got a chance in the Dragon Palace?"

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