Antian Martial God approached Lin Yang, with all his arms in front of and behind him stretched out, grabbing from the air.

A large amount of evil energy rose up, gathered in the palms of his hands like a storm, and then frantically threw it towards Lin Yang.





Countless tyrannical forces descended.

Lin Yang was not afraid at all, and fought against him with a peerless evil sword.

Both sides come and go, and the fight is inexhaustible.

Don't look at the Antian Martial God who has more than a dozen arms, but against Lin Yang, he didn't take advantage of it at all.

No matter from which side he launches the attack, Lin Yang will predict it in advance and block the peerless evil sword like a prophet.

After hundreds of moves, Lin Yang only suffered a sword wound on his shoulder.

"You seem to understand my sword moves?"

Antian Martial God realized something was wrong, and sneered coldly.

"Know a thing or two!"

Lin Yang said calmly, jumped again and attacked him.

Seeing this, countless people's scalps tingled.

"That kid's moves actually have some shadow of An Tian's sword formula? Could it be that this kid has secretly learned An Tian's kung fu?"

Taitian Martial God felt extremely incredible, and said in a voiceless voice.

Canglan Martial God's face was extremely serious, he stared at Lin Yang for a while, and said hoarsely: "It's true that I learned it secretly!"

"What? Did you really learn it secretly? In this way, this son already knew the whereabouts of the Antian Martial God, but he didn't tell us?"

Martial God Taitian was a little angry.

But Martial God Cang Lan shook his head again and again: "An Tian is cautious and his whereabouts are mysterious. It's not easy to steal exercises from him!"

"Where did this kid steal it from?"

Tai Tian asked in a daze.

"Mostly I learned it from An Tian's subordinates."


Tai Tian was stunned.

"This son is very talented and his strength is astonishing. He can not only master the opponent's skills in the process of fighting, but he can also improve them! The reason why Antian has been unable to gain the upper hand in fighting against him is because of this son. The sword tactics used are better than Antian's!"

Martial God Canglan said in a deep voice.

After these words fell, Taitian Martial God's heart seemed to pop out of his throat...

"This son... so terrifying?"

Taitian Martial God murmured.

He had never seen such a prodigy.

"It seems that the seven Martial Gods will indeed be shuffled from today on."

Martial God Canglan sighed and murmured.

Gradually, Antian Martial God also realized the way of Lin Yang's sword move.

He knew that it would only be a waste of time to use his own skills against the enemy, so he had no choice but to change his strategy and use his physical advantage to launch a surprise attack on Lin Yang.

At this time, Ye Yan also rushed over and joined the battle.

"Master Antian, you attack left, I attack right!"

Ye Yan shouted, and the bone sword attacked violently.


An Tian nodded, and immediately launched a fierce attack on Lin Yang's left side.

Ye Yan opened and closed, and the bone sword slashed towards Lin Yang's right side like crazy.

The two cooperated left and right, and Lin Yang immediately retreated steadily.

Seeing that the situation gradually became clear, An Mingyue and the others became excited.

Langya and the others were extremely worried.

After all, the gap in hard power lies here.

Although Lin Yang took advantage of the weapons developed by Xu Zheng and others to temporarily gain an advantage, it was short-lived, and both of them had stronger cultivation than Lin Yang.

If you can't break the game, defeat is inevitable.

But Lin Yang seems to have made preparations long ago.

He fought and retreated without any panic on his face, and at the same time threw the suitcase in his hand into the air.


Ye Yan was startled, and immediately shouted: "Destroy it!"


Antian Martial God shouted angrily, and raised his hand to grab it from the air.

Countless evil spirits flew over, bound the suitcase, and smashed it into pieces.


The suitcase was split.

But in the next second, a divine light bloomed from the broken suitcase...

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