Antian Martial God's body began to tremble violently.

Pillars of blood gushed out from his body.

Not only that, the transplanted arms, organs and even flesh on his body began to peel off at this moment.


An Mingyue let out a shrill scream.

Everyone's eyes widened, looking at Antian Valkyrie in disbelief.

However, Antian Martial God began to cough violently, his body trembled, and then he could hardly stand up, half-kneeling on the ground, vomiting blood from his mouth.

His fleshy arms kept falling to the ground.

The sticky flesh and blood seemed to no longer belong to him.

His transplanted eyes fell from his forehead, and the Qi veins all over his body slowly slid down his body.

In the blink of an eye, Antian Martial God has become dripping with blood, extremely ferocious and terrifying.

The originally strong and tall body has also become extremely thin and ugly at this moment.

Antian Martial God widened his eyes, looking at the flesh and blood peeling off the ground in disbelief, with an expression of disbelief.

"This...why is this?"

He opened his mouth and cried out with difficulty.

The dry voice was like the sound of stones rubbing against each other, very harsh.

"Master Antian, this person has long seen the flaws in the transfer technique. He has already seen the flaws in the sutures on your body, so it is easy to remove those organs and limbs on your body that do not belong to you!"

"Just now he threw out a series of traps, just to attract you and me. His main target is you. He doesn't kill you, but directly breaks your torso augmentation with a silver needle! So, how can you Do not lose?"

Ye Yan said in a deep voice, explaining everything.

Antian Martial God's eyes were dull, unbelievable.

At this moment, he finally understood the meaning of Lin Yang's previous words.

In order to transplant those limbs and organs, he destroyed his originally strong physical body in sevens and eights. If these limbs were still there, his combat power would be absolutely transcendent, but if these limbs were removed, he would be equivalent to A Valkyrie who respects wounds.

In this case, what threat can a respectful Valkyrie bring?

There is no difference between him and Taitian and Canglan.

No wonder Lin Yang didn't take him seriously!

It turned out that Lin Yang had seen through everything.

"Why is the flaw in your technique so easily seen through?"

Antian Martial God gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice.

"This person has entered the secret room, so he can see through everything at a glance, but in the final analysis, it is because the time for you to transplant limbs and organs is too short."

Ye Yan said hoarsely: "I also transplanted limbs and organs, but this person can't do anything to me, the reason is because I have completely fused these limbs and organs, if you can fuse them, Lord Antian, even if he knows the weakness, you can't do anything to me." Can't get it easily!"

Antian Valkyrie was silent.

He stared at Lin Yang, and took a step back with difficulty.

Lin Yang seemed to realize something, and suddenly raised the peerless evil sword, and slashed at Antian Martial God.

"help me!"

Antian Martial God couldn't hold back any longer, he roared as hard as he could, and turned to run away.

But he couldn't run fast at all with bruises all over his body, before he could run a few steps, he fell heavily to the ground.

In order to make his feet run faster, he connected seventy-eight energy channels to his feet.

Now these Qi meridians are all peeled off, the scars on his feet are exposed to the air, and the scars where the flesh and blood have been dug out are clearly visible, even the bones can be seen clearly.

With such serious injuries, escape is impossible.

But An Mingyue and others in the periphery reacted at this time, and immediately led people to rush towards Antian Martial God.

"Behead Antian Martial God, today! Kill!"

The Martial God Canglan roared hysterically, and rushed in like crazy.

Langya and the others also seized the opportunity and rushed towards Antian Martial God.

But Ye Yan naturally wouldn't let Lin Yang succeed easily, and immediately ran towards Lin Yang with the bone sword in hand.

The two sides fought fiercely.

Langya and the others were also stopped by the followers of Antian Martial God.

A new round of war broke out again.

An Mingyue didn't dare to hesitate, carried her father on her back and ran outside.

"good chance!"

The woman in red who was watching the battle from a distance seemed to realize something, and roared in a low voice: "Linghu Yu, quickly send all the members of the Linghu family to intercept and kill Antian Martial God and seize his inheritance! Quick!"

Linghu Yu, who was still in shock, shuddered suddenly, and then realized what was going on, immediately drew out his sharp sword, and roared in a low voice: "Everyone, follow me!"

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