No one can believe what they see.

Many people try to rub their eyes, hoping that all in front of them is their own illusion.

Including Chu Yao hang and manager Zhang.

But the truth is cruel!

"Mo... uncle Mo!" Chu Yao hang gave a trembling cry.

Mo Qing's age is not much older than he is, but because of his identity, even he has to call his uncle.

But today.

People who call themselves "Uncle" kneel down to Lin Yang?


What's wrong with the world?

How could Mo Qing kneel down to a soft food waste?

Chu Yao hang feels his brain is about to explode!

No one in the banquet hall dared to speak.

The picture is so shocking that many people's thinking has stopped thinking.

The scene was like being frozen.

Of course, the biggest impact is Su Yan.

She doesn't know Mo Qing.

But no matter who it is, even if it is just an ordinary person, it is impossible to kneel down to Linyang, right?

The whole Jiangcheng who does not know that his husband is a soft potato, kneel down to such a person? After that, you still have the face to hang out in Jiangcheng?

However, Mo Qing didn't think so!

A man has gold on his knees. Kneeling is disgraceful, but... He has to kneel!

Because in his opinion, he is kneeling for Chinese medicine!

If he doesn't kneel down, once Dr. Lin gets angry because of his curse and ridicule, and is recruited by the South Korean side to join the Korean medicine, it will be a huge loss for Chinese traditional medicine, and he will become a criminal!

He made this evil, he has to fill it up!

This kneeling is worth it!

It's just that Lin Yang is not interested in Mo Qing.

"Get out of the way!" Lin Yang cold road.

Mo Qing heart a Leng, see Lin Yang full of forest cold, realize the situation is not quite right, immediately back to one side.

Lin Yang takes Su Yan's hand and strides towards the outside.

"Linyang..." Su Yan was at a loss.

When things got to this point, it was no longer possible to discuss business with Chu Yao hang. She was a little frustrated and even more helpless.

"Stop! Who let you go

At this time, sister Mei jumped out and stopped them.

Chuyao Airlines didn't stop it.

"I count three and get out of here." Lin Yang said without expression.

"Dog, dare you threaten me?" Sister Mei was so angry that she would jump at Lin Yang.

"Chu Yao hang, if I remember correctly, is she your secretary? She's crazy here, you don't care? " Suddenly, Mo Qing opened his mouth.

In a simple word, it is more powerful than just kneeling.

The audience was shocked.

Chu Yao hang was pale.

When Mo Qing kneels down, he still talks for this trash?

What is the relationship between him and Lin Yang?

"Stop, Xiaomei..." Chu Yao hang hoarse shouts.

"Chu Shao!" Sister Mei trembled and looked at him strangely.

Chu Yao hang made an envoy look, and then looked at Zhang Xi beside him.

Zhang Xi immediately understood and rushed out: "no way! You can't go

"Well?" Mo Qing looks heavy.

Mei Jie is from Chu Yao hang, but Zhang Xi is not!

Obviously, Chuyao Airlines is not dead hearted!

"You don't listen to what I say, do you?" Lin Yang stares at Zhang Xi coldly.

He is a little higher than Zhang Xi, and his cold eyes seem to be going to wear Zhang Xi's hole.

Zhang Xi breathed a shudder, subconsciously stepped back half step, but thinking of Chu Yao hang behind, looking at himself, gritted his teeth or withstood the pressure.

"Chu Yao hang, what do you mean?" Mo Qing's face collapsed and asked angrily.

"Uncle Mo, I don't know. Zhang Xi is not from my Chu family. What does he want to do with me?" Chu Yao was in charge.

He Chu Yao Hang is afraid of Mo Qing, but his Chu family is not necessarily, he can give Mo Qing face, but this does not mean that he must follow Mo Qing's example.


Why can't Mo Qing see through his little Jiu Jiu? In a hurry, he would go up and open Zhang Xi.

But at this moment, a sound with a round voice sounded.

"It's so lively. What are you doing?"

Mo Qing, Chu Yao hang, Zhang Xi and others all looked at the sound source, but saw Anna in a snow-white evening dress and several gentlemen and ladies came in.

"Miss Anna?"

"My God, is this Miss Anna?"

"Much better than on TV."

The young ladies and gentlemen around were amazed.

Mo Qing was surprised: "Miss Anna, why are you here?""Lin, you're here

Anna ignored people's words and saw Lin Yang. Her eyes were like jewels. She trotted over, excited.

Seeing this scene, all of us were dumbfounded again.

Su Yan opened her mouth slightly.

Zhang Xi and Mei Jie were completely petrified.

The shock in Chu Yao Hang's heart can't be described by words.

How can this rubbish know Mo Qing? How do you know Anna?

Is that true?

Is he really invited by Anna?

Isn't he a soft potato?

At the moment, it is not only Chuyao airlines that thinks so, but everyone thinks so.

Until the next manager Zhang shudder called out a voice: "Anna... Miss?"

"Manager Zhang, Mr. Lin is my guest. Why didn't you arrange him to the banquet hall above?" Anna asked, looking sideways.

"This..." manager Zhang did not know how to answer.

Seeing the hesitation of manager Zhang, Anna raised her eyebrows and vaguely knew something.

"What happened?" Anna asked coldly.

"Miss Anna, I'm afraid I'll have to excuse me first."

Lin Yang said without expression, and then dragged Su Yan toward the outside.

"Lin! Please wait a moment

Miss Anna needs to catch up.

But without any effect, Lin Yang directly pulled Su Yan out of the hotel.

Anna stomped her feet and turned her head suddenly, staring at Chu Yao hang.

"Who can explain to me what happened?" Anna asked angrily.

"Miss Anna, how could this man... Know you?" Chu Yao hang asked in dismay.

"Ask your father."

Said Miss Anna angrily, shaking her hand and walking away.

"Miss Anna, where are you going? Just a moment, Miss Anna

Chu Yao hang ran after her in a hurry, but she couldn't stop Anna at all.

Soon Anna got into the car.

"Chu, you let me down. I think I have to reconsider the project cooperation of medical device development." Anna said coldly and left the hotel.

"Miss Anna, please listen to me!"

Chu Yao hang shouts in a hurry.

But Anna's car had disappeared into the night.

"What the hell is going on here?"

Chu Yao hang stupidly way, side head looks at Mo Qing: "Mo Shu!"

But Mo Qingli ignored them and went straight out.

As he approached the gate, his pace stopped.

"Chu Yao hang... You've made a big mistake!"

Then he went out the door.

"Disaster? What did I do? I Chu Yao hang can't even deal with a little white face who eats a soft meal? It's impossible. There must be something wrong with these guys. I didn't do anything wrong. It must be so! " Chu Yao hang was in a state of confusion at the moment, and his words were like chanting sutras.

"Chu Shao, what's going on here Zhang Xi came over and asked.

"How can Lin Yang know these people?" Xiao ran asked, trembling.

"It must be just a coincidence. It must be that they recognized the wrong person..."

"but Mr. Mo Qing..."

"I said it was just a coincidence. Can't I understand people?" Chu Yao hang roared.

All of us couldn't help shaking.

"Tonight's party is cancelled. Listen, no one is allowed to talk about this evening, understand?" Cold channel of Chuyao aviation.

"Yes, Chu Shao!"

"Don't worry."

People are obedient and obedient.

Chuyao airlines will leave as soon as they shake hands.

But at this time, his cell phone suddenly vibrated.

Chu Yao hang looked at the phone, his face changed in horror, and he was busy connecting.


"Where are you?"

"In the hotel..."

"wait for me there, I'll be right there!"

When the voice goes down, the phone is hung up.

"Isn't dad in Huichang? Why are you here? "

Chuyao airlines can't understand.

I don't know how long after that, a group of people with stiff suits walked into the banquet hall.

At the head of it was a middle-aged man with a vigorous spirit. His face was full of anger. He went straight to Chu Yao hang and slapped him hard.


Chu Yao hang was fanned back and forth, bleeding from the corners of his mouth.

"You beast! Do you know what you did? " The man broke the void and scolded.

Chu Yao hang was completely dumbfounded.

"Dad, are you beating me for the sake of Lin Yang?"

Chuyao Airlines has been in despair...

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