Yanghua group?

Many Jiangcheng bigwigs are always looking forward to it.

What is this sacred?

Why does Ma family, one of the four big families in Jiangcheng, merge the family business into this Yanghua group?

Why is the first product launched by this group such an exaggeration?

Radical cure of cerebral infarction?

I'm kidding.

This is a problem that the World Health Organization has been unable to overcome for many years.

The Yanghua group has solved the problem? And patents?

If this medicine is really effective, it is an unprecedented earthquake for the whole world!

So the next morning.

In Jiangcheng and even in Jiangnan Province, countless reporters poured into the temporary office buildings of Chaoyang group, and countless people wanted to meet the old directors of the company.

However, at present, only the team of Mahal and Dongguang group is responsible for the company.

Chi Chi!

Mahai's Mercedes is parked in front of the gate.

The reporter immediately rushed with a long gun and a short gun.

"Ma Dong, I'm a reporter from the Oriental Express. Can I ask you a few questions? Is Yanghua group your subsidiary? "

"No, strictly speaking, Dongguang group is a subsidiary of Yanghua group."

"Mr. Ma, I'm a reporter of online appointment. What position do you hold in Yanghua group? Is it the CEO? "

"In fact, I am the boss of Yangguang group, and I am the one who works in Yanghua group." Ma Hai said with a smile.

As soon as this was said, the reporters went crazy.

Ma Hai let his boss not do, to work for others?

"Who is the old manager of Yanghua group? Is he from Jiangcheng? "

"It is said that the Ma family is one of the four big families in Jiangcheng. As the person in charge of the Ma family, why do you want to bring the Ma family into Yanghua group? Do you think the strength of Yanghua group is greater than that of your four families? "

"Is that old Dong very good? Why are you willing to be a product manager in Yanghua group? Do you think Dongguang group is not as good as Yanghua group? "

"Mr. Ma, can you explain it?"

Reporters were bombarded with questions.

"No comment! I don't know! " Ma Hai refused and walked quickly into the temporary office.

Then the overwhelming news broke out on the Internet.

"Mysterious giant settled in Jiangcheng and set up Yanghua group!"

"A new enterprise has won a national patent, and a product that can subvert history appears."

"Who is the chairman of Yanghua group? Why is Mahai willing to bow to him

"The reason why the Ma family is willing to be a horse boy is that..."

the exaggerated news attracts more and more people's attention in Jiangcheng and even in China. The heat has even surpassed the previous Chinese and South Korean medical duels.

At the moment, Liu's villa.

With the news delivered this morning, Mr. Liu looked at the contents of the newspaper as if he had lost his soul.

"Is our factory still in operation?" Next to a young man trembling asked.

"Do your mother! I'm not afraid to be sued Liu Er Ye threw the newspaper in his face.

The man is full of grievances and dare not say anything.

"Let's go and find old lady Su!" Liu Er Ye suddenly got up and drove toward the old house of the Su family.

At the moment, the old house of the Su family is still decorated with lights and decorations, a scene of celebration,

according to Su Zhen's words, we should be happy.

After all, Su Hui and Subei are still in the Bureau, but according to Liu Er Ye's ability, today's people are sure to come back.

After today, the Su family will be different.

Although the Su family lost the prescription, old lady Su has decided to hold on to the big tree of the Liu family. As soon as the Liu family flies into the sky, can the Su family still stay in place?



"Mom, how did you get out?"

The relatives of the Su family, who are making arrangements in the hall, all smile when they see old lady Su coming out.

"Well." Old lady Su nodded and inquired, "Xiaozhen, when are your second and third brothers coming?"

"Soon! It's said that the Liu family has sent someone there. They should be able to come back in another hour. "

"Good! Good! It's not necessary for us to die this time Mrs. Su said with a smile.

"Granny, that Lin Yang was so bad for our family that he almost sent my father to prison. I can't let him go!" Su Meixin gnaws her teeth.

"Don't worry, Meixin. The second brother of the Liu family will clean up Linyang."

"It's not enough, grandma. I need to repair Su Yan, Su Guang and Zhang Qingyu! The whole family should die Su Meixin said maliciously.Old lady Su frowned slightly.

"Meixin, how can we say that Su Guang is also our fourth uncle, and Su Yan's surname is su. Isn't it good for us?" Su Yu couldn't help it.

She also had a lot of dissatisfaction with Lin Yang before, and sneered at him, but that was only aimed at Lin Yang. Su Yu of Su Yan's family could not say how much they hated. At most, they were jealous of Su Yan's beauty.

However, her words fell to the ground, which immediately aroused the dissatisfaction of Su Meixin and Su Zhen.

"Su Yu, how do you speak? What virtue is Su Yan's family? You don't know? If it wasn't for them, could Lin Yang be so arrogant? I can say something about yesterday, Su Yan, she must have a part! " Su Mei cried at the top of her heart.

"Yes, Su Yu, you are a member of the Su family, and you are eating the rice of the Su family. Don't elbow out! Do you say... You are to Su Yan's family? " Su Zhen frowned and said coldly.

The words fell to the ground, and Su Yu's face turned pale.

Old lady Su also cast a glance at her, light way: "well, don't say, old two old three should come soon, ready to prepare."

"Yes, grandma!"

People are busy again.

At this time, a relative of the Su family came.

"Grandma, here comes the second master."


Su old woman a Leng, busy way: "please come in quickly!"

However, as he spoke, Liu Er ye had already brought people into the room.

"Xiaosheng, why did you come here early in the morning? What's the matter? What's the research on the formula? " Mrs. Su said with a smile.

However, Liu Er Ye's face was like black charcoal. He slapped the newspaper hard on the table.


The crash of the table.

"Hello, Su family! How dare you play with me? What do you mean? If you don't give me an account today, Liu Xiaosheng will make your Su family disappear from Jiangcheng! "

As soon as he said this, the Su family were all in a daze.

Mr. Su was in a hurry and took up the newspaper on the table.

"No way! impossible! It's impossible! My prescription has never been seen by anyone! It's absolutely impossible! "

Mrs. Su screamed bitterly, and the whole person collapsed on the ground, almost fainting.

"Mom, are you ok?" Su Zhen ran to help.

Su Mei's heart trembled and picked up the newspaper on the ground and looked at it. It was as if she had been struck by lightning and almost lost her mind.

"Why... Is that so?" She shivered.

"You Su family is very good. Sell me this prescription and sell it to others? Good! Good! Hehe, Liu Xiaosheng is playing monkey with me this time Liu Er Ye was very angry and laughed back, and his face was full of ferocity.

"Second master, listen to my explanation. There must be something wrong with it!" Su got up in a hurry.

"What do you think is the problem?" Liu Er Ye stares at her ferociously.

Old lady Su opened her mouth and could not speak.

"I think you are the only one in the Su family who has this prescription? It's good. How come other people have it? Now Yanghua group has applied for a patent. The prescription in my hand is waste paper! Mrs. Su, if my Liu family's plan fails, your Su family will be finished. I'll give you one day. If you can't give me a satisfactory answer in one day! None of you Lius can run away! " Liu Er Ye snorted coldly and then left.

"Second master!"

The Su family exclaimed.

But it can't keep people.

"Grandma... What should I do now?" Su Mei was worried and trembled and said, "now Liu Er Ye is angry. He not only wants to deal with us, but also my father and they can't come out. What should we do now?"

"Don't worry, don't worry, let me think, let me think..." old lady Su was anxious to whisper.

Suddenly, her old face tightened and asked, "don't you think it's a coincidence?"

"What coincidence?"

"Why is the medicine that this Yanghua group pushes out also treats cerebral infarction?"

"Grandma, do you mean... Their prescription was stolen from us?"

"Almost certainly! What's more, I suspect it was su Yan's family who did it! "

Old lady Su's eyes froze, and her old face showed a trace of ferocity: "contact Liu Er Ye immediately. Isn't he acquainted with Kang Jiahao, the first lawyer in Jiangcheng? I want to meet Kang Jiahao, I want to send a lawyer letter to that family! "

"Good grandma, I'll get in touch with you now!"

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