When the voice fell, Lin Yang stabbed all the silver needles toward his arms.

the silver needle is slender and does not enter. It seems that the silver needle has been inserted into Linyang's bone, and the scalp of the person who looks at it is numb.

The man's eyes widened. Who has ever seen such needling?

But he never believed it!

How to kill the dragon bone?

He has heard of the needle formula.

But he heard about it an hour later.

It is said that this is the needle formula created by the Yellow Emperor in ancient times, which has the power of supernatural workmanship. A needle down, life and death of human flesh and bones, just like a miracle, it is unimaginable.


these are just some so-called fairy tales told by the elders to the younger generation.

It's like Grimm's fairy tale.

This kind of needle formula only appears in the story, there is no record in reality, and from the description of the needle formula in the story, it is completely ridiculous.

How can there be such a magic needle formula in the world?

I believe it!

So a lot of people don't take this seriously.

Now, the guy named Dr. Lin told him that the needle formula he wanted to use was to kill the dragon's keels...

didn't he treat him as a child?

"Oh, don't play tricks, Dr. Lin. I have to admit that your medical skills are really good, but this is not the capital of your nonsense here. Our Eagle Pavilion also has a special school of ancient medicine. Everyone in the whole Eagle Pavilion knows that killing the dragon bone needle is a child's joke! Well, I'll see what you can do to kill the dragon's keel. Let me open my eyes

The man sneered and did not rush to hand, but stood in situ, so quietly looking at Lin Yang.

However, Lin Yang's silver needle fell, and then he touched the acupoints on his body. Then he took out the silver needle and put it on his shoulders, legs and even the heavenly cover.

And these needles are completely submerged.

The man breathed.

Tianlinggai did not enter the silver needle, even if the brain was not pierced by the silver needle?

Is this guy crazy?

The brain is the most complex tissue of the human body. Needle dropping here, however, does not dare any TCM doctor.

As the silver needle did not enter, the breath of Linyang also became soft.

At this moment, the figure in front of him has reached an unprecedented state of returning to nature.

Subconsciously, the man stepped back and felt that he could not see through the man.


See Lin Yang stopped, the man lenglengleng asked.

"It's over." Lin Yang said quietly.

The man looked him up and down for a circle, and then he chuckled: "what? This is the way to kill the dragon bone? It's no big deal. "

However, as soon as the voice fell, Lin Yang suddenly raised his hand and waved to the man.


A burst of air from the palm of his hand, directly hit the past, severely hit the wall next to the man.

In an instant, the walls crumbled.

The terrifying air current was like a great beast. It was so fierce that it tore through the walls of ten offices and all the seats in it at one breath, and then stopped.

Fortunately, this floor has been emptied by the men and women, otherwise this move would have killed many people.

The man was stunned.

He looked hard at the side of his head and looked at the wall which had been cleaned and pierced next to him. His mouth was wide.

All the walls of ten offices have been broken through?

And... Is it a slap?

This blow is enough to match the bomb!

Is it true Qi?

Is this something human can do?

The man's soul shuddered at this moment.

"You can't do anything here! Sorry. " Lin Yang said quietly.

The man was about to speak, but Lin Yang suddenly blurred before meeting. When he was clear again, he stood in front of him.

It's like a ghost like speed, it's like blinking!


The man's subconscious roar, a punch hard bang in Lin Yang's chest.


The muffled sound came out.

But... Lin Yang is still motionless.

"Jinheng palm technique!" The man was terrified to the extreme, and then he clapped his hands.


But it's like hitting a steel plate!

The man is stupid.

Lin Yang shook his head. He didn't seem to feel anything.

"It can't be... It can't be!"

The man was scared to scream out, quickly back a few steps, spin and a buttock fell on the ground.

He was so scared!"This... This is the key to kill the dragon's bone? Is this the key to kill the dragon bone? You... You can really kill the dragon bone needle formula? " The man's shivering roar.

"Do you believe it this time?"

Lin Yang raised his hand and lifted it gently toward the air. A violent air current was released from the palm.

The air flow is rippling.

The debris in the whole house were all moved by the air flow, and then one by one they trembled wildly. Qi Qi gathered in the palms of Linyang.

After a while, a tornado appeared on Lin Yang's palm, and the debris whirled wildly in the tornado.

The scene was appalling.

What is controlling thunder and lightning?

I'm afraid that's it...

"no! "No, no, No." the man was so frightened that he could hardly stand up.

At this moment, Lin Yang is no longer a human being in his eyes.

It's... God!

"What, do you want me to do it or do you do it yourself? If I did it, it might not be as simple as breaking all my limbs. " Lin Yang road.

The man's whole body suddenly shakes, in the pupil benevolence in addition to the fright is only left.

But he still has some sense.

In the face of this kind of immortal like existence, he has no chance of winning.

The other side can cross ten walls with any move. If it hits him, it will not be broken into pieces?

Thinking of this, the man shivered, looking hard at his arms and legs, hesitated.

"It looks like I'm going to do it." Lin Yang stepped forward.

"No, no, i... I'll do it myself! Dr. Lin, I'll do it myself The man said eagerly.

With that, he gritted his teeth and lifted his arm to beat his legs and left arm.




a clear sound came out.

The man almost fainted in pain.

At this time, Lin Yang stepped forward and kicked the man's right arm.

Severe pain hit, the man fell to the ground on the spot, unconscious in the past.

It has to be said that although this man was very arrogant, he was also able to bend and stretch. In order to survive, he could also let go.

Look at Lin Yang's woman.

She opened her eyes a little and saw all this.

The shock in her heart was the same as that of a man!

See Lin Yang toward her, she subconsciously closed her eyes, Jiao body some shiver.

The corner of Lin Yang's mouth rose and went straight to her.

"Don't... Don't come over..."

the woman shivers and shouts in panic.

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