
Ma Hai beside him was furious: "what did you say? Pay attention to your words

In his opinion, Lin Yang is just like a God. His medical skills are superb, his martial arts are terrible, and even his vision is extremely sophisticated and original.

Ma Hai regarded him as a God for a long time.

But now this man dare to blaspheme Dr. Lin!

How can he not be angry?

"Mahai, don't get excited."

Lin Yang glanced at the man: "tell me, how stupid I am?"

"Is there anything else to say? Lin Dong, your behavior today is undoubtedly a war with us Yingge people! In fact, if we don't agree with the merger and acquisition plan, we can not blow them away? In this way, even if we don't want to revenge, we can't do it! " The man shook his head and said with a smile.

"Well, I want to ask, if you want to break my limbs, it should be your Eagle Pavilion people who gave them two orders? If my limbs are broken, then what about my face Lin Yang said quietly.

The man was stunned, squinted and did not speak.

But he saw Lin Yang get up and go to the man.

There was a trace of vigilance in the man's eyes, and his whole body was tense, as if he were ready to make a move at any time.

But Lin Yang didn't seem to want to move him. Instead, he straightened out his rather messy shirt and calmly said, "go back and tell your boss that I always eat soft food instead of hard food. If you want to follow me, the big deal is that you will be killed. I'm a loner. I have nothing to do with it. If I can't fight with Yingge, I'll take your skin off. Should it be a problem Big, what do you think? "

As soon as the words came out, the man's breath became tense.

"Lin Dong, this idea of you... Will be very dangerous." He said hoarsely.

"If I don't have this idea, I'll be more dangerous." Lin Yang shook his head.

The man did not say a word, silently looked at Lin Yang's indifferent eyes, and turned to leave.

Lin Yang watched him quietly.

"Mr. Lin! Will you send someone to watch the eagle pavilion Ma Hai was busy and asked nervously.

"How to stare?" Lin Yang asked.

"Of course, they will send someone to the address of Yingge in Yanjing. Some of the core members of Yingge will be watching one by one. If they have any change, they can report to us immediately!" Mahaido.

"Do you know that the Yingge in Yanjing is just a branch, and the core of Yingge is not in Yanjing." Lin Yang said again.

"Division?" Ma Hai Leng, and then asked: "where is the headquarters?"

"I don't know." Lin Yang shook his head and said, "the power of Yingge is too huge. In fact, every province has its branches. Their people are all over the country, and they have a good command of the sky. They are not comparable to ordinary families. Moreover, there are many talented people in Yingge. According to what I know, three of the young people of the last generation of Yingge have been on the list of heaven's pride!"

Hearing the sound, Ma Hai gasped.

Three on Tianjiao?

There are few families in the whole country that can compare with this information...

"just watch the change. The eagle Pavilion is looking for me, in fact, just to seek wealth! My continuous shock and awe should be effective. The meeting will be held soon, and they will not want to kill me! " Lin Yang road.

"OK... But what is the meeting, Mr. Lin?" Ma Hai asked.

"You don't know?"

"I've heard of it, but... But I don't quite understand it." Ma Hai lowered his head in shame.

When Lin Yang heard the sound, he was relieved.

Before, Mahai was only the head of a second class financial group in Jiangcheng, and his vision was just the place of Jiangcheng. Naturally, he did not know much about the conference.

Even though he is now in charge of such a big Yanghua, he has seen many levels higher than before, but he still knows little about that aspect.

"The conference is a very important event. As for how important it is... I will tell you that this conference will affect the future fate of countless super financial groups and super powerful families in China."

"So powerful?" Ma Hai was shocked.

"Of course, at that time, all the tycoons from all walks of life in China, including the reclusive family, the powerful family and the famous family, will participate in the meeting. All of them will compete in this conference, depending on their abilities. Some families are originally high, but they may fall to the bottom of this family. Some families are originally unknown, but they can also soar to the sky in this conference! Become one of the top domestic brands

"Such a grand event?" Ma Hai breathes cold air.

"The conference is held once every 50 years. For this conference, many people have been preparing for it ten or even twenty years in advance. After all, this is an opportunity to turn around! Not everyone can attend the conference. We Yanghua had no quota, but I have got the quota for forgetfulness island. We can also attend the meeting at that time. " Lin Yang road.

"This kind of grand event, if I can go to Mahai to gain some insight, my life will be worth it." Ma Hai said excitedly."Of course you have to go."

Looking at the door of the operating room, Lin Yang said faintly, "I will take everyone, because at that time, I will also announce to the world who I am...

especially tell the Lin family!"

His eyes twinkled with cold , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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