A group of people came, each dressed brightly, with noble temperament and luxurious clothes.

If you look at your clothes, you can tell that you are not an ordinary person.

The head of the group was a middle-aged man with a chubby figure and a kind smile on his face.

A Rolex with diamond inlaid on his wrist is holding a glass of wine. His suit is black and bright. He looks like an upstart. But when he looks at it more, he feels that he is full of connotation.

Behind him was an old man in Tang costume and a lady in a red cheongsam.

Those who have some insight can see that these exist are famous figures in China.

As for the middle-aged man standing at the front, he is the trading tycoon of Western Hong Kong!

Any rules!

"Here comes Mr. Ren!"

Many guests exclaimed.

"Good for you

"Mr. Ren!"

"Hello, Mr. Ren!"

People were greeting each other.

The visitors nodded and responded with a smile.

"Mr. Ren?" Su Yan was stunned and surprised.

She also came here to know that the banquet was held by Ren GUI, a famous domestic trade magnate.

She used to see Ren GUI on TV, but he has been a big man in the domestic business circle for many years! Status.

Su Yan knew that Ren GUI was not from Jiangcheng.

And when he held such a banquet here, he specially invited her mother Zhang Qingyu. I'm afraid his purpose is to get on the big tree of Yanghua...

"Mr. Ren, you're here just in time! If you don't come, something will happen. " Ju Zhiqiang is busy and comes forward with a bitter smile.

"What happened? Why make such a fuss on such a happy day today He asked with a smile.

"Ah, it's all little misunderstandings! Little misunderstanding

Ju Zhiqiang said with a smile.

The guest next to him told us what happened.

"Oh, well, I thought it was a big deal! Is that just a trivial matter? It's no big deal! Let's shake hands and have a drink, OK? This is my party. If I call the patrolman, I will lose my face? Miss Su, Miss Chen, give me face! Let's take care of it in a small way, will you? " Ren GUI laughs.

"I think so myself! I'll pay as much as she loses! Of course, I just can't accept it Su Yan said.

Ren GUI is such a big guy, but he lives in Nan'an. Even Ju Zhiqiang has to give him three parts of face. How can su Yan, a small entrepreneur in Jiangcheng, offend him?

So even if she has any dissatisfaction, she will not refuse to accept it.

And so did the woman.

"No matter what the boss has said, I have no problem, but this woman and her husband have to pay me the price! Two hundred thousand, not a word! " Hummed her companion.

"how much compensation is specific, has the final say." Su Yan said coldly.

"has the final say, do you has the final say? What do you think you are? " Airway of female partner.

"You..." Su Yan was furious.

But at this time, Ren GUI made a sound in time.

"Well, why are you fighting again? Everyone is calm and say it well! In fact, you don't have to worry about this problem. I already have a solution to the problem of how much you need to pay for each other's dress! "

As soon as he said this, they all looked at him in unison.

Su Yan, Lin Yang, Ju Zhiqiang and that female companion can't help but lock their eyes on Ren GUI's body.

"Does Mr. Ren have a more appropriate solution?" Ju Zhiqiang asked.

"Of course, we just need an authoritative person to identify the price of their dresses, and then estimate the current damage of their dresses. Who should pay as much as they should. Do you have any comments, ladies?" Ren GUI said with a smile.

"Of course I don't mind." The female companion squinted.

Su Yan's face is very ugly, people hesitated, but also can only whisper: "no problem."

Although her dress is thousands of yuan, which is also very expensive for ordinary people, in this kind of occasion, her dress of several thousand yuan is basically no different from that of the goods sold on the floor.

What's more, her dress belongs to a miscellaneous brand, and no one has ever seen it. If it is regarded as a stall, Su Yan has a hard time arguing.

Su Yan is not a good face person.

But she's a businessman in the end.

Businessmen should also pay attention to appearance and propriety, otherwise how can others cooperate?

When she comes to such a party wearing all kinds of street goods, isn't she supposed to make a fool of herself in public and be reduced to a laughing stock?

How can she do business in Jiangcheng?

Su Yan looks unnatural, but at the moment, she has no better choice...

Lin Yang wanted to talk, but Su Yan quickly grabbed him.She didn't want to make things worse.

"Mr. Ren, who do you want to ask to determine the amount of compensation we need to pay?" Su Yan asked in a deep voice.

"Miss Chang Fang, you should have heard of it? It's up to her to take care of it, will you? " Ren GUI said with a smile.

As the words fell, a woman with red rimmed glasses stepped out of the crowd.


The crowd at the scene was boiling.

"Miss Chang Fang is here, too?"

"My God, why didn't I see her before?"

"She just arrived!"

"If Ms. Chang Fang does it, I think they will have nothing to say."

Countless guests exclaimed.

Su Yan was also stunned.

She never expected that Chang Fang, the queen of the domestic fashion festival, was also present at the party!

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