Everyone's eyes widened and looked at Lin Yang in disbelief.

No one can believe their ears.

A pair of eyes are big eyes and small eyes.

Ju Zhiqiang and his female companion were even more astonished.

Ren GUI is still smiling, but his seemingly friendly face is full of disdain.

"What are you talking about? I'll pay for her clothes? "

Finally, the girl can't help speaking.

She stepped forward, looked up and down at Su Yan's circle, and then laughed.

"No problem, no problem. I'll pay for your wife's clothes! If you want to like it, I can double the loss, ha ha... "The girl companion laughed, full of ridicule and ridicule.

"An idiot, isn't it humiliating?" Ju Zhiqiang shook his head and sneered.

"OK, since you want to double the compensation, let Ms. Chang Fang identify the loss of my wife's dress." Lin Yang road.

His serious manner immediately caused a lot of laughter.

Obviously, no one took Lin Yang seriously. As for Su Yan's clothes, it was not of any brand. Otherwise, the female companion would not dare to scratch with a knife.

"Miss Chang Fang, take a look." Ren GUI said with a smile.

"Good." Chang Fang nods.

In fact, she has already noticed Su Yan's dress.

Somehow, she had an inexplicable sense of familiarity, but for a while she couldn't think of where she had seen her.

"Miss Su Yan, who's your dress?" The routine asked as he looked at it.

"This... I... I don't know." Su Yan whispered.

"You don't know?" Routine micro Leng.

"Yes, I don't know, because my husband gave it to me." Su Yan said.

"Oh? From Lin Yang? "

"That's 80% of the goods sold in the market!"

"It's no wonder Miss Su looks so ugly. It's really embarrassing for her to come to the party dressed up all over the stall for such a thing."

"Miss Su, this is too miserable... Such a useless husband on the stall!"

"Lin Yang's head is full of shit, right? In this case, would you ask Ms. Chang to identify Miss Su's clothes? Is it not enough for Miss Su to lose face? "

"If it wasn't excrement in his head, it wouldn't have been like this bird."

Around the crowd boiling up, many people are full of ridicule, looking at Lin Yang, one after another.

"I said," that's what I'm talking about! Look. " The female companion laughs.

Ju Zhiqiang shook his head: "this time, I'm afraid Su Yan is determined to kick him away. If I were Su Yan, I would definitely choose Dr. Lin between Lin Yang and Dr. Lin. there is no comparison at all!"

"Not so?"

The female companion laughs.

There was a lot of noise around.

Su Yan pretty face more and more pale, four people's words, let her want to find a crack to drill in.

Chang Fang also showed a sudden color.

"Well... Then the dress shouldn't cost much?"

"Thousands of yuan..." Su Yan whispered.

"Is it? Thousands of dollars? "

Chang Fang looked at Su Yan's chest with several decorative holes, and couldn't help but say: "this should be imitation Black Diamond button... The color, the technology is very good, it's just like the real... And the gold thread... It's so lifelike..."

Chang Fang exclaimed.

The guests were quite surprised.

But Chang Fang stretched out her hand and rubbed it slightly on Su Yan's dress.

However, just for a moment, Chang Fang, like being struck by lightning, is frozen in place.

Su Yan is a little curious.

People around me are quite puzzled.

But see Chang Fang an exciting, suddenly stare big eyes, incredible stare at Su Yan's dress fierce look.

The look... Seemed to see something incredibly incredible.

"Miss Chang Fang, what's the matter with you?"

Ju Zhiqiang felt something was wrong and immediately asked.

"Maybe Miss Chang Fang thinks the fabric is too bad to accept." The girl chuckled.

"How bad is that dress to make her behave so badly?" Someone said with a smile.

"Rotten? But Miss Chang Fang said that the imitation of this dress is very good. It should not be too bad. "

"Oh, no matter how good the imitation technology is, it's also a stall! What kind of people are we? Who would come here dressed in street clothes? Even the waiters here are wearing authentic dresses

"That is!"

The guests were making noises.

Ren GUI couldn't help laughing: "Miss Chang Fang, if it's almost the same, let's finish this farce quickly, don't affect the party!"

However, as if Chang fang had not heard Ren GUI's words.She was still staring at Su Yan's dress with wide eyes. Then she looked at the black diamond buttons, picked up her arm, and carefully looked at each silk thread of the dress...

this kind of scene made people astonished.

What's wrong with Chang Fang? A cheap dress, need to see so long?

Until then, Chang Fang suddenly raised her head and looked at Su Yan in shock.

"Miss Su, how much is your suit... Exactly?"

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