Yanghua was besieged by the incident, can be said to be in a day on the headlines of major media portals.

A large number of foreign journalists flooded into Jiangcheng.

Local journalists are crowded under the building of Yanghua company, hoping to interview one or two high-rise people in Yanghua, write a few exclusive news about promotion and pay rise.

At present, Yanghua is in a mess because of these consortia. People in the whole company work overtime every night, and there is no time to rest. Who has the time to deal with the news media?

Of course, it's not just Yanghua, but many companies that work closely with Yanghua.

Su Yan's Yueyan international will not talk about it. It has also been cut off. The company's products can not be produced or even delivered on schedule. It will face a huge amount of compensation at any time.

For this matter, Su Yan was worried that she couldn't sleep at night.

The same is true of several other companies with close ties to Yanghua.

The most typical is Zhonghao electronics company.

The scale of the company is not large. There is only one electronic factory, and there are not many employees in the factory. The factory has a long history and belongs to a family enterprise. So far, it has a history of 40 years. Because of this, the old employees who stay in the electronics factory are professionals.

But at the moment, the electronics factory was forced to stop production.

The chairman of the board of directors, together with the senior executives of several companies, sat in a small office, one by one, and smoked.

Zhong Hao, chairman of Zhonghao, is a middle-aged man with white temples and thin figure.

He was not extravagant in dress, even plain.

It's not that he doesn't have any money. It's just that he has been committed to charity over the years. The money he earns is either used to build hope primary school or subsidize children in remote mountainous areas. Therefore, he doesn't care about the advantages and disadvantages of clothing, food, housing and transportation.

Everyone has a good reputation in this area.

Because of this, Lin Yang let Ma Hai sign several big deals with Zhong Hao, and handed over a large number of pharmaceutical equipment in the factory to Zhonghao company for production.

But today, all the instruments are out of production.

Because their supply of goods has also been cut off...

how to produce without materials?

The factory was in direct trouble.

"Boss, those people are coming!" At this time, an employee ran in and yelled at Zhong Hao.

Zhong Hao raised his head slightly, frowned, and jerked at the flue: "let them come. Let's make it clear today! There's still left for them to remember! "

Finish saying, then put out cigarette end, walked out.

"Boss Zhong, are you busy?"

There was a laugh.

Then I saw a man with a big gold chain and bare head leading a group of men with flower arms tattooed in black shorts coming.

Many employees gathered at once, still holding parts used in production and processing.

"Oh? What a big show? What is this for? I'm a law-abiding citizen. Are you going to beat me The bald man was smiling at Zhong Hao.

Zhong Hao frowned and said to the people, "everybody go back to work. It's OK."

Hearing Zhong Hao say this, people can only gradually disperse, but a pair of eyes are still staring at this head, for fear of what happened to Zhong Hao.

"Why are you here again?" Zhong Hao looked at the bald road.

"What is" you "? Boss Zhong! How about your goods? It's almost time. You haven't delivered the goods on time! Are you going to pay us liquidated damages? " The bald man said with a smile.

"Don't you have two days left? What are you in a hurry? " Next to a supervisor can't see, immediately shout open.

"Two days? But I didn't see your factory producing even one piece of goods! Even if it is too late to start production now? " The bald man said with a smile.

Zhong Hao's face sank, but he didn't say anything.

"Boss Zhong, in fact, it's nothing if you don't deliver the goods. Our boss said that as long as boss Zhong is willing to sign the agreement and promise to produce for us in the future and terminate the contract with Yanghua, we won't want the goods. We can also do without the liquidated damages. Even the material supply sources that have been cut off will be renewed immediately. What do you think?" The bald man said with a smile.

"Doctor Lin is a good man! I cooperate with Yanghua to benefit the public! I tell you, even if I don't make a cent, even if I lose money, I will continue to cooperate with Yanghua, cooperate with you? You'd better find someone else Zhong Hao said coldly.

"Idiot! You don't make any money? Do you think Yanghua is still the same as before? Now Yanghua has been blacklisted! Several business tycoons have said that Yanghua must be arranged. I tell you, Yanghua can't last long! Doctor Lin, Doctor Lin? Dr. Lin is about to finish. You will see the news of Dr. Lin jumping off the building in the news one day The bald man spat and said scornfully.

The people were furious.

"Get out of here! Get out of here now!" Zhong Hao was angry, and he kept yelling.

"Get out of here now!""Do you believe it or not?"

People around him were carrying steel pipe spanners and came up in a vicious way.

"Yes! that 's ok! Zhong, you wait. Sooner or later, you will regret that day. Now you don't cooperate with my boss. When you are in bad luck, you ask my boss and my boss doesn't pay attention to you! "

The bald man fretted and spat.


Then he took people away.

"What a nuisance to these people!"

"Boss, those material suppliers must be their people!"

"We are forcing them on purpose

"But boss, now we have no material to produce and can't afford to deliver the goods. If we go on like this, we do have to pay a large amount of liquidated damages. At present, we don't have so much money. What should we do?"

An executive came up and said bitterly.

Zhong Hao was silent.

The crowd also looked sad.

"Or the boss... Let's turn to Yanghua for help. I think Lin Dong will have a way." I don't know who suggested it.

"No! We can't find Lin Dong! "

Zhong Hao almost immediately rejected it.

"At this time, Mr. Lin is already in a state of anxiety. We have to deal with too many things and deal with too many things. We can't make trouble for him any more. He is a good man. He has treated so many patients and benefited the society. We can't give him more trouble!"

"So... Boss, what should we do now? If it goes on like this, I'm afraid the factory will be closed... "

" if it's time, we can only close it first... "

Zhong Hao took a deep breath, his eyes full of vicissitudes and helplessness.

Zhong Hao is a very stubborn person. Many old employees know that what he decides will not change.

Hearing Zhong Hao's words, people stopped talking.

"Boss, boss!"

At this time, the cry sounded again.

People looked together.

But a man came running in a hurry.

"Boss, here comes Yanghua!"

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