Three days passed quickly.

Lin xuanyang will attend the conference in person and announce that Lin xuanyang will return to the conference in person.

That's a lot of news.

For a time, people from all walks of life have focused on the scene of this conference.

Due to the suppression of various industries, the current Yanghua stock market continues to decline, and more than half of the factories have to stop production for various reasons, and various consortia led by Tianheng group began to produce products similar to Yanghua.

Although the imitation effect of these people is not as good as that of Yanghua, customers who cannot buy Yanghua products have to choose the products of Tianheng group.

For a time, Yanghua's market volume has shrunk. Revenue is not enough, not even enough to support the salaries of a large number of employees.

Now Yanghua is losing money every day. It can be said that life is like a year.

Many company executives are stamping their feet.

Now that this news conference is about to be held, countless people are looking forward to what measures will be taken to deal with the current situation.

Ren GUI sat in front of the TV early. Beside him, there were several industry leaders. Even Ju Zhiqiang came.

Because of that recording, he will have to pay Lin Yang a sky high compensation. Although the trial has not been held, he knows that no matter how good a lawyer is, he will not be able to turn over this ironclad case.

Ju Zhiqiang naturally hated Dong Lin and encouraged Ju Nan'an, the chairman of Zhenghua financial group, to stand by Ren GUI. Junan'an was a vacillating one. We can see that Yanghua is now in constant retreat, losing like a mountain, and Rengui is constantly throwing out olive branches. However, he also chose to stand on the side of Ren GUI.

"Stinky fish and rotten shrimp? This time, let's have a look at our arrogant Lin Dong. What are you going to do with our stinky fish and shrimps? " Ju Zhiqiang smoked his cigar and said with a smile.

"Lin Dong is too young. I don't deny that he is a very talented man. However, he is not talented in the end. He is young and frivolous! Now, he has to pay for his arrogance Ren GUI held a goblet, drank a sip of wine, and said with a smile.

"Uncle Ren, according to this trend, Yanghua's market will be divided up by us in almost two months, but their brain infarction drugs and rhinitis drugs still occupy the majority. If we don't take these two pieces, Yanghua is like a hundred footed beetle, and it's still difficult for us to eliminate them completely." Ju Zhiqiang couldn't help it.

"That's right. We should have a good idea." Next to a big man with two legs.

Ren GUI thought about it and shook his head: "it's better not to move this piece. After all, it involves too many people and concerns too many people's interests. It's not just the words of Yanghua family. If we move this piece, I'm afraid there will be forces that we can't resist."

As soon as the words were said, the faces of the people present changed slightly. Obviously, they all understood what Ren GUI meant...

"Uncle Ren, shall we stop this way? Isn't it a bit incomplete? " Ju Zhiqiang is reluctant to ask.

"Ha ha, don't worry. I've kept it for a long time."

Ren GUI laughs.

The crowd was busy looking at him.

"Uncle Ren, what can you do?" Ju Zhiqiang asked.

"I'm already preparing for the construction of a pharmaceutical factory, and I'm glad to have dug up several high-level members of Yanghua pharmaceutical factory." Ren GUI squinted.

"Uncle Ren, what do you mean..."

"many countries are studying and analyzing the two kinds of special effects of Dr. Lin, including many large pharmaceutical companies in China. In this case, why can't we do this? We don't ask that the medicine we have developed can kill Yanghua's medicine, even if it further encroaches on his market, He Lin Dong can't stand it! Isn't it? " Ren GUI said with a smile.

"But... The investment in this early stage will be astronomical!" A big man can't help but say.

The research and development of drugs has always been astronomical. Once the research and development fails, the money invested will be wasted.

"What about astronomical numbers? If we succeed, we can directly pull Yanghua out of the ranks of the top consortia in China. At that time, the vast market he left behind will be enough for us to earn back the money we put in. You are all successful businessmen. Don't you even have this vision? "

Ren GUI took another sip of wine.

His words immediately awakened many people.

"It makes sense."

"Ren always has foresight."


People praise one after another, and they are full of confidence in the future.

"Everybody, the press conference has begun."

Ju Zhiqiang called out with a smile.

People are staring at the TV.

At the moment, in a large exhibition hall, hundreds of news media workers are flocking together.

Lin Yang led ma Hai and a few backbone of Yanghua, and walked in with great strides.

Countless cameras gathered in his face.

"Doctor Lin, do you regret this time Ren GUI squints and stares at the handsome face like a God on the TV screen.At the moment, Lin Yang has already sat on the seat.

The scene of the press conference suddenly quieted down , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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