The poison galloped in the streets of the city center, and countless passers-by took out their mobile phones to shoot the luxury car.

I don't know how many people dream of the next life.

I don't know how many people have wallpaper on their mobile phones or computers.

And now, I'm sitting in it?

Su Yan looked stupidly, small head melon seeds a burst of confusion.

I don't know how long it took.

"How did you do it?" She gasped softly.

"The horses?"

"Yes." Su Yan still can't accept it. Lin Yang won seven games in a row, and directly ruined the rich second generation, including Kaimo, with no underwear left, and owed nearly one billion yuan.

Su Yan never believed that Lin Yang depended on luck.

The horse race in the back is really out of line.

A horse was stabbed more than a dozen times... It was not dead, but it ran to the end.

This is too evil!

Under normal circumstances, even if the horse is not dead, it should be crazy and even fall, rather than finish running like a warrior and stop it?

Marco was not a human being and had no sense of mission.

Su Yan couldn't think of it.

"The reason is simple."

"Lin Yang raised his hand and said," that's it. "

Su Yan looked carefully, quite surprised: "needle?"

"Yes, I read some interesting ancient prescriptions about acupuncture from the previous ancient books. I just used these ancient prescriptions to win the victory!"

"In the first scene, I deliberately chose a thin horse to make Kaimo take it lightly. In fact, I put a needle on the horse's back. The effect of this injection was like a lot of adrenaline, which directly made the horse excited to the extreme. Therefore, it surpassed the first in an instant."

"As for the second scene, it's simpler. I saw the riders wearing a dagger on their waists when I was looking for horses. I expected that Kaimo would kill horses on the way, so I sealed the artery of No. 2 horse with a needle in advance, and locked its pain. Although the bleeding of horse No. 2 is amazing, it doesn't feel in fact, and horse No. 2 has strong strength If it is not affected by external factors, it will surely win

Lin said.

Su Yan suddenly realized.

But these can't make her wonder, what really amazes her is Lin Yang's acupuncture.

"I didn't expect you could have such a powerful acupuncture just by reading a book?"

"I said, I'm a genius."

"When I go back to Jiangcheng, I will sign up for you. You can go and have a certificate. With your medical skills, it must be very easy to get a certificate. When we get together, we can open a medical center, and no one will talk to you again!" Su Yan said excitedly.

Lin Yang was speechless for a while.

Now that he has a fortune of more than one billion yuan, would he like to open a medical center to make money?

Attention, the car stopped at the gate of Zhangjia.

It's almost time for dinner.

A Biao, who was guarding the door, came running quickly. He opened the door and said politely with a smile: "open less. It's hard. Please come inside!"

However, as soon as the door opened, it was Lin Yang who came out.

A Biao was stunned.

"Lin... Lin Yang?"

"Oh? You know me? It's strange. You don't even know Zhang Qingyu, but you can know me. It's interesting. " Lin Yang said with a smile.

"How do you get out of the less driven car? Did you steal your little car back without authorization? " A Biao denounced.

"Drive less? Are you sure it's less driving? "

"It's not that you drive too little, are you poor? What's more, it's easy to recognize a few cars. I also remember his license plate! There's no mistake. Say, did you steal a few cars? Give me back the car now. Drive less, come on A Biao angry way, then rushed to snatch Linyang's key.


Su Yan was very anxious.

Lin Yang did not speak, only took out the phone and called the police on the spot.

Soon, a police car came.

"Who robbed?"

"Comrade police, he, he robbed my car. He had all the keys." Lin Yang points to a Biao road.

"Can you prove that this car is yours?" Asked the policeman, glancing at him.

"Of course, there are all kinds of procedures in the car. It's a new one!"

Lin Yang took out the procedures.

The policeman glanced at him, then looked at a Biao and waved his hand: "take it back to investigate."


Finish saying, then take a Biao on the car.

"Ah? What's going on? Police comrade, I didn't break the law. What's the matter? "

A Biao was shocked and yelled again and again.

But it didn't work. Soon, a Biao was taken away.

People around were startled.

Since the police did not say anything, there is no doubt that this car is Lin Yang's.

It's just good... How can this garbage drive a desert car?People are puzzled.

It spread quickly.

In the room, Su Guang is still comforting Zhang Qingyu.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Suddenly, there was a quick knock on the door.

Zhang Qingyu frowned and Su Guang opened the door. However, she saw her cousin Zhang Xiaoyan standing outside the door. She said in surprise: "sister! Sister! Your family is rich

"Get rich? What's your fortune? " Zhang Qingyu asked.

"It's said that your daughter has climbed up to drive less, and others have sent her car directly to your home. Tens of millions of cars, tut Tut, your family is going to fly in the sky!"


Zhang Qingyu was stunned, then he was overjoyed, and was busy pulling Su Guang out.

"Sister, you wait!" Zhang Xiaoyan ran after him.

Love has been misinterpreted by others?

But I think it's also a good thing. How can a little car become Linyang?

Lin Yang? Stolen?

None of this is possible.

The only explanation is that we drive less.

After all, everyone knows that kaishao has coveted Su Yan for a long time.

Su Yan heard these people's gossips, but it didn't blow up her lung.

But Lin Yang drinks tea quietly.

"Lin Yang, don't you explain to these people?" Su Yan said angrily.

"If you explain, will they believe it?"


"don't be in other people's words, just be good to ourselves." Lin Yang is drinking the tea ceremony.

Su Yan was a little depressed.

Zhang Qingyu ran over.

"Where is the car?"

"Stop outside the door." Su Yan Leng way.

Zhang Qingyu ran out in a hurry and screamed for a moment.

"Sister, your good day is coming!" Next to Zhang Xiaoyan busy road.

"Yes, since kaishao became the son-in-law of your family, you will be elated."

"I heard that kaishao attaches great importance to this car and regards it as a treasure. If he gives such an expensive car to your home, it's not like a bride price?"

"I think it's going to be a success, elder sister. Don't forget to invite me to have a wedding banquet..."

people from Zhangjia around came to please me one after another, all smiling.

Even Aiqi was standing in the middle of the crowd.

In the past, they were still angry and sarcastic towards Zhang Qingyu's family, but now they can't kiss each other any more. It's really moving.

Zhang Qingyu is especially enjoying himself. He waved with a smile: "nothing, nothing. Come to drink the wedding wine at that time."

Su Yan inside heard that, and his lungs almost burst with anger.

"Whatever they say."

Lin Yang is still in his infancy.

At this time, Cheng Ping suddenly came.

"You two come with me, grandfather wants to see you!"

"What's the matter?"

Su Yan is at a loss.

"Just follow me!"

Cheng Ping squints and laughs.

Su Yan's heart thump, feeling not very good.

They left the hall with Cheng Ping and walked to the central courtyard.

This is Mr. Zhang's residence. On weekdays, except for the old lady, no one else can go in at will.

Zhangjia family rules are strict, the old man is also very rigid, some of the ancient rules and regulations are included in his family rules.

Into the house.

The old man sat alone on the chair in the living room, drinking tea.

It was the second time that Lin Yang saw the old man.

I saw it once on wedding day.

Although the old man has white hair and white beard, but he is full of red, and his spirit is very good.

See two people come in, the old man put down the tea cup, seriously drink: "you two, kneel down!"

Su Yan couldn't bear the prestige of the old man, and he was so scared that he knelt on the ground.

"Grandfather..." she lowered her head and was very hesitant.

However, Lin Yang is standing upright, light.

"Lin Yang, don't you kneel?" Zhang Zhonghua frowned.

Lin Yang was silent for a moment, nodded his head, and knelt down to the old man and said, "Sun son-in-law, Linyang, I wish you good luck and longevity."

The old man was confused, but soon he was furious and said, "Lin Yang! Don't be so slippery. I didn't call you a birthday! You still don't know where you're wrong? "

"Master, what have I done wrong?" Lin Yang is at a loss.

"I ask you, where did the car come from The old man hummed coldly.

Lin Yang frowns and looks at Cheng Ping.

"All the people in Zhangjia think it's from Kaimo, but it's not. It's you who gamble with Kaimo to win, right?" Old man Zhang said coldly.

"It seems that Cheng Ping has told the old man everything?""Fortunately, Cheng Ping told me everything, otherwise something would happen to my family!" Mr. Zhang said without expression: "Lin Yang, listen, I don't care what method you use, I will give me back all the money you have earned, all the cars, houses, cards and debit notes that should be returned, torn, and immediately settle accounts with them, understand?"

As soon as he said this, Su yanmu was stunned.

Lin Yang's eyes were frozen. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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