In a luxurious box, Ren GUI and Ju Zhiqiang are smoking.

Ju Zhiqiang is particularly irritable, cigarettes are one after another, after another point.

The box is full of smoke, and the exhaust fan has no time to absorb the second-hand smoke.

The atmosphere was rather subdued.

Only Ren GUI is smiling and has a pair of legs up. He looks relaxed and complacent.

"Oh, my Mr. Ren, why are you not in a hurry? Do you know, because of the new drug of Lin Dong, the stock market of Yanghua which has already collapsed has begun to recover again! It's a complete resurgence At this time, a boss is no longer sitting still, suddenly up, full of bitterness of the Chong Rengui road.

"Don't be impatient. Don't be impatient. The situation is not as bad as you think!" Then Zhiqiang went to see it

"Not yet. Plan to do it tonight!"

"Ha ha, you don't have to do it. Get everyone back." Ren GUI said with a smile.

Ju Zhiqiang was stunned and looked at him in dismay: "Uncle Ren, what do you mean?"

"Sending someone to move Yanghua's pharmaceutical factory is really the next policy. I don't advocate using such means to deal with Yanghua until I have to. Now there is a better way to deal with Yanghua, so this plan will be suspended for the time being." Ren GUI smiles.


When they heard this, they all came to the spirit and rushed to ask, "Mr. Ren, what method is it?"

"Tell me

"We're all in a mess now."

They all cried out in a hurry.

However, the corners of his mouth rose, and he said with a faint smile: "you can't say it now. You'll know later!"

As soon as people heard it, they looked at each other, and they couldn't understand the meaning of Ren GUI.

Ju Zhiqiang frowned.

It's time to play mystery!

Just then, however, the door was pushed open and several figures came in.

Ren GUI got up immediately.

"Are you Mr. Wang Kang? Hello, Hello, ha ha... "Ren GUI laughed and immediately came forward to hold Wang Kang's hand.

There was no great surprise among the big men present.

"Wang Kang?"

"Wang Kang of Yanghua?"

"What's going on? How did he come here? "

The people were so shocked that they all lost their voices.

Ju Zhiqiang almost didn't settle down!

Who is Wang Kang? That's one of the top echelons of Yanghua!

Although they have dug up many people in Yanghua and bribed many people, most of them are middle-level or lower level, but none of them are high-level!

It's not that the high-level people have firm will, but the high-level people have already belonged to the core members of Yanghua. How much interest do they have to put forward to dig out the high-level?

That's almost impossible!

What's more, Yanghua is not an idiot. If the top management wants to betray Yanghua, the price must be very painful.

Therefore, it is extremely difficult to find a high-level person to stand on the same front with them.

But I didn't expect... Wang Kang from Yanghua came...

people all stare at him with wide eyes and mouth.

Wang Kang looks a little unnatural and looks at the eye door.

Let the rules know and wave at once.

The man at the door closed it immediately.

"Brother! It's OK. Come on, come on, sit down, please Ren GUI laughs.

Wang Kang took the seat.

"Uncle Ren, Mr. Wang Kang, this is..." Ju Zhiqiang asked carefully.

"Don't worry. Come on, ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce you to Mr. Wang Kang! I think we all know each other? " Ren GUI said with a smile.

"Isn't Mr. Wang from Yanghua? Yes? Mr. Ren, what is he doing here? Will you negotiate with us on behalf of Yanghua? " A bald middle-aged man asked without expression.

"No, no, no, of course not! Wang Kang is here to cooperate with us. " Ren GUI is busy.


People were stunned, then looked at each other, and then looked at Wang Kang.

"What? Yanghua... Want to cooperate with us Ju Zhiqiang lost his voice.

"No, it's our Wangs who want to cooperate with you!" Without waiting for Ren GUI to speak, Wang Kang took the lead.

All the people frowned, but they didn't seem to be very happy. Instead, they all showed their faces.

"Ladies and gentlemen, you may not know what happened. I will simply introduce to you what our good director Lin has done."

Ren GUI said with a smile, and then he told everyone what he heard from Wang kangna.

The people in the room showed a sudden look.

"So it is..."

"that is to say, Wang Kang came to surrender on behalf of the Wang family?""Not bad!"

Ren GUI nodded and said with a faint smile: "with Wang's help, we are eating dingyanghua this time!"

The confidence of the people immediately increased.

"Mr. Ren, this time my father asked me to come here to reach a consensus with you and understand all kinds of means you are using to pay Yanghua. Can you introduce me to Mr. Ren?" Wang Kang said.

"Of course, you are invited here to talk about it." Ren GUI smiles, but his eyes are flashing a strange light: "but before this... Brother, should you also show the sincerity of your Wang family?"

All of them looked at Wang Kang in unison.

But Wang Kang seems to have been prepared. He opens his briefcase, takes out a file bag from it and puts it on the desk.

In an instant, everyone's eyes all focused on this folder. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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