Seeing the old man's impoliteness, all the guests around him did not dare to speak out.

Zhang Songhong frowned.

"Can't it be that the Su Guang family really got the real thing from?" Her heart beat violently.

"How could it be? If they are genuine, is xudi's fake? Xu Di himself went to Jiangcheng to ask for the original work. There can't be any fake! "

"Is the original work in Jiangcheng?"

"Yes, but not many people know the news. Do you think xudi went to Jiangcheng just to discuss strategic cooperation with Yanghua group? In fact, it is also to find the original picture of last month, so as to present it to the old man! " Zhang maonian said with a smile.

"So it is. The painting of Su Guang..."

"should be just a good-looking original. Don't worry. The old man is an expert in this field, and he should be able to see it."

"That's good."

Cheng Ping is relieved.

For a while, the old man raised his head.



"Go and open the picture of last month in your house." The old man looked dignified.


Zhang Songhong didn't dare to neglect, so he spread out the picture.

Comparing the two paintings, at first glance, they are very similar, but it's no big deal. But if you look at them more carefully, you can see that Zhang Songhong's painting is obviously more delicate, which seems to be a better picture.

But in terms of rhyme and artistic conception, it seems that Su Guang's painting is more excellent.

The guests were not sure.

"It's a real one, grandfather." Zhang Gan asked with a smile.

Mr. Zhang hesitated. He rolled up the two paintings and handed them to a man from Zhangjia nearby. He said seriously:

"put them in my study and put them away well. Remember, you can't have any mistakes, you know!"

"Yes, sir."

The man went down with the painting in his hand.

The guests at the scene were all confused.


"how did you take it?"

"Can't you tell the difference?"

People talk about it.

"Grandfather, you haven't said who is the real one and who is the fake." Zhang Gan regained consciousness and asked again.

"It doesn't matter. Whether it's genuine or fake, it's your filial piety. I'm very happy." Mr. Zhang said with a smile.

Zhang Gan was stunned.

Only then did people understand that Mr. Zhang was trying to muddle through.

"Ah, it seems that the old man didn't have the heart to hit Su Guang in public, so he chose not to say so." Someone yelled.

"Do you know what it means to know? Save face for others A bald middle-aged man said with a smile.

"The old man is still soft hearted. If you want to be me, this guy who deceives me with a fake, I must drive him out of the house." Snorted a man in his fifties.

"Yes, the Suzhou and Guangzhou family are not competitive."

"That's ridiculous!"

The guests pointed, talked, sighed or blamed, and whispered abuse.

Su Guang did not know what to do.

Zhang Qingyu has no temper, can only stare at Lin Yang viciously.

If Lin Yang hadn't insisted on Su Guang sending his paintings, they wouldn't have come to such an end.

Su Yan didn't speak and stood there with her head down.

She was used to it.

After all, from the moment when she followed her mother back to Zhangjiakou, she had already made psychological preparations.

The family was reduced to a joke.

Zhang Songhong and others sneered.

Zhang Baoxu, sitting in a wheelchair, squints at several people here, especially Lin Yang. His eyes are full of malice.

He knows Lin Yang's identity, but even so, he is not afraid, because this is in Zhangjia, this is his territory!

He is here to return all the humiliation he has suffered!

But just then, a hearty laugh rang out of the room, and a group of people came in.

"Ha ha ha ha, brother Zhang, today is your birthday. I have the cheek to come here to ask for a glass of water wine. I don't know whether you are welcome or not."

Who is so rude? How dare you call Mr. Zhang my elder brother? What a big generation!

A lot of people frowned and looked at it, but saw an old man in a Tang suit with a smile on his face.

"Master Liu!"

Someone recognized the person immediately.

"My God, Master Liu is here!"

"Mr. Zhang has a good face."

The guests exclaimed.

The scene exploded directly.

This is no ordinary person!

"Grandfather Liu!"

Zhang Gan, Cheng Ping, Zhang maonian and other young people here also recognized the visitor, and immediately their eyes lit up and went forward.It is Liu Xinhua, an authoritative expert in China, who has known Mr. Zhang for many years.

"Brother Liu, are you here? Come on, come on, take your seat

Mr. Zhang quickly got up to greet him.

This is not an ordinary guest. Others think that he can only identify treasures, but he has amazing energy behind him.

"Uncle Liu!"

"Uncle Liu, how are you recently?"

"Uncle Liu, this way, please."

Zhang's sons are busy greeting and flattering Master Liu.

"You go too!" Zhang Qingyu bumped Su Guang Dao with his elbow.

If you can make friends with Master Liu, you will have a chance to show off in front of the master, right?

Su Guang hesitated and nodded.

But he just came forward, but was stopped by Ren Ai.

"Get out of the way, do you want to be disgraced?" Let love curse.

Su Guang opened his mouth, sighed again, and chose to retreat.

Zhang Qingyu glared at Ren Ai angrily, but had nothing to say.

However, at this time, Master Liu seemed to see something.

"It's you?" He raised his hand and pointed to Su Guang.

Su Guang's whole body trembled.

"You... Do you know Master Liu?" Ren Ai looks pale.

Zhang Kun and others are also covered in circles. They all look at Su Guang in an incredible way.

But master Liu suddenly turned around and walked towards Su Guang. He ignored all the people in Zhangjiakou.


Even the guests were dumbfounded this time.

Su Guang was so nervous that he swallowed several mouthfuls of saliva. Seeing Master Liu coming, he adjusted his clothes and squeezed out a smile to greet him.

Just as he was just meeting him, Master Liu jumped over him and walked towards Lin Yang behind him. He grabbed Lin Yang's hand and said excitedly, "little brother, fate, I didn't expect that we should meet here?"

When this scene appeared, the scene was silent.

Zhang Songhong, Zhang Kun and others were petrified in situ, such as being struck by lightning.

Everyone can't believe that master Liu knew Lin Yang?

This is more powerful than knowing Su Guang...

"Oh, old man, it's you." Lin Yang recognized the visitor, but there was not much joy on his face.

"Little brother, please, can I enjoy that picture of last month again? I'll just look at it, just one look, and I'll never make an offer! " Master Liu said anxiously and eagerly.

When people around him heard this, they were more than shocked.

Enjoy last month's picture?

How to find this guy?

The words fell to the ground, and Zhang maonian could not help speaking.

"Mr. Liu, would you like to see the picture of last month? You should go to my father. My father has authentic works. This guy is only a fake. What's good about fakes? "


Master Liu looked back at Zhang maonian strangely and frowned: "what kind of forgery? This little brother's hand is clearly genuine, but I personally identified it. When did it become a fake? "

As soon as the words fell, there was no sound in the scene.

Everyone is staring at Lin Yang.

Su Guang and Zhang Qingyu suddenly turned their heads and looked at him strangely.

If this is said by other people, few people will believe it, but it is master Liu who says this!

Who dares to question his words? Who has the right to question his words?

At this time, Lin Yang stepped forward: "Mr. old, I'm sorry, my father-in-law has given my grandfather that painting. I'm afraid you can't see it!"

"What? Did you give it to him? " Master Liu was shocked.

"Yes, but we all think that the painting is a forgery. You are right. Lin Yang is a junior and can't give a fake to the elder. That's too insincere. So, grandfather, whether we can return the fake, our family will make up other gifts for grandfather. Don't worry, even if the gift is not expensive, it will not be fake! It will show our sincere heart Lin Yang is on the way to the old man.

As soon as he said this, he could hardly see the extreme in his face. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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