Lin Yang had little contact with luoqian during this period.

After all, he is so busy that luoqian has a lot of things to deal with every day. Unless it is a special case, Lin Yang will not go to luoqian's hospital.

Su Qianyang seems to be in the eyes of Lin qianluo every day.

Luo Qian's invitation surprised Lin Yang.

At the time of dinner, he told Su Yan that he would not go back to eat at night, so he took a taxi to Luo's house.

At the moment, luobeiming led a group of Luo family high-rise standing at the door waiting for the arrival of Linyang.

As soon as Lin Yang got out of the car, Luo Beiming immediately led them to the front.

"Dr. Lin is here. Our Luo family is really brilliant! Dr. Lin, please hurry up. Please come in and hurry up. " Luo Beiming said with a smile.

"You're welcome." Lin Yang glanced at him, nodded gently, then walked toward the inside.

Now in the lobby of Luo family, a delicious dish is ready.

Luo Qian is wearing gloves, will be a bowl of chicken soup to the table.

"Brother Lin, you've come just in time, and the dishes are just in time! Come and eat. " Luo Qian eyes suddenly bright, immediately exhaled the sound.

"Xiaoqian, are you doing it? Hard work. What day is today? How can you treat me to dinner Lin Yang smiles and can't help asking.

"You just beat Ren GUI. I'm going to celebrate for you." Luo Qian said with a smile.

"What's to celebrate?"

"Is brother Lin not willing to drink with me..."

"you can drink any time you want, but I really doubt your drinking capacity." Lin Yang shrugged.

This word falls, Luo qian can be anxious.

"What do you think of me? You think I'm afraid of you? that 's ok! Come on, let's not get drunk or go back today! "


Lin Yang ha ha a smile, even can be afraid of this girl?

Everyone is seated.

Luo Qian immediately raised his glass: "brother Lin, I'll toast you first!"

Finish saying, one drink and drink, very generous.

"Yes! I did it too! Drink Lin Yang was stimulated by Luo Qian's action. He laughed and immediately raised his glass to drink.

But the wine into the throat, Lin Yang eyebrows slightly wrinkled.

"What kind of wine is this?" He couldn't help asking.

"Brother Lin, what's the matter? Are you not used to drinking? This is a medicinal wine made by myself. " Luo Qian opened his mouth.

"Medicinal wine? No wonder there will be a strong smell of Medicine... But it's good. How can I drink medicinal wine? " Lin Yang asked.

"Well, this kind of wine is very strong! I'm afraid of ordinary drinks. Do you look down on them? Ha ha, come on, brother Lin, I'd like to propose another toast to you Luo Qian smile some reluctantly, then is raises a cup again, with Lin Yang a stem.

Lin Yang is confused.

He can see that Luo Qian is wrong, but he doesn't know what to say.

What's more, when did luoqian become so good?

This kind of degree of wine generally adults a cup down to the amount, two cups must be drunk, but look at luoqian, it is not changed!

What's more, how can anyone drink liquor in such a way?

Does she think it's beer?

It's terrible, too!

If you just look at this, the capacity of luoqian is really amazing.

But... Lin Yang really doesn't remember that luoqian could drink so much...

there is a problem!

Big problem!

Lin Yang eyebrows slightly moved, but did not say a word, his face is still hung with a thick smile, and luoqian push cup change.

Luobeiming and a group of Luo family members also keep toasting to Linyang.

After a while, Lin Yang had ten cups of wine.

But he didn't change his face and was not drunk.

After all, his body has long been transformed with drugs for many years, and is immune to all kinds of poisons. This kind of alcohol can immunize Lin Yang and make Lin Yang drunk... It's too few.

Luo Qian saw the appearance, secretly looked at Luo Beiming.

Luo Beiming nodded his head gently.

Luo Qian immediately raised his glass and toasted Lin Yang.

Drink in the cup.

"Oh, brother Lin, this kind of wine seems to have been finished... Shall we have another drink?" Luo Qian is full of helpless said.


Lin Yang did not refuse, immediately nodded and agreed.

Luo Qian immediately let people take a large jar of wine.

This drink is obviously different from the previous one.

Fill it up again and continue to drink.

This jar of wine is still medicinal wine with strong medicinal flavor.

Lin Yang doesn't know what luoqian and luobeiming are going to do, but it's impossible for him to be put down by these medicinal liquor alone.

However, in order to cooperate with luobeiming and luoqian, Linyang decides to pretend drunk.However, after he drank the wine.


A wonderful heat suddenly rose from Linyang's abdomen.


Lin Yang was so frightened that he quietly put his finger on his wrist and secretly felt the pulse for himself.

Lin Yang was stunned.

At the moment, my pulse is in disorder, and my blood is boiling...


He looked at the liquid left in his cup, and his scalp felt numb.

The wine in this cup, if you drink it alone, will have no problem, but its internal medicinal power can be integrated with that of the previous wine! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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