Although junan'an took refuge in Lin Yang, he still has a city government.

He had been forced to do so, but now he wants to see Lin Yang's attitude and his confidence.

If Lin Yang panicked, he would immediately persuade him to surrender him.

If Lin Yang was successfully persuaded to surrender and submit to the Nangong family, he would no longer be a traitor of the Nangong family, but the greatest meritorious official with both fame and wealth.

If Lin Yang shows enough confidence and confidence to compete with the Nangong family, he can also be at ease without fear.

How can Lin Yang not see the mind of Ju Nan'an?

He knew that he couldn't be a little guilty now, otherwise Junan would feel uneasy and have the possibility of mutiny at any time.

"Ah, it seems that the Nangong family is still very powerful, but even if it is like this, how about it? We have Xuanyi school in Yanghua group, which is enough to compete. With your help, it is not a very easy thing to break hands with Nangong aristocratic family? " Lin Yang waved his big hand and said with a disdainful smile.

"The strength of Dr. Lin is obvious to all, and there is no need to question it." Ju Nan'an smiles, with less fear and uneasiness on her face.

"General manager Ju, I would like to ask why Nangong aristocratic family controlled these groups. Why should they be modified? And never show up? Are they on guard against something? " Lin Yang asked.

"Dr. Lin is worthy of the name of Dr. Lin. he asked the question directly. It seems that Dr. Lin really wants to attack Nangong family." Ju Nan'an said with a smile.

"We have developed into such a situation. Nangong aristocratic family is bound to destroy my Yanghua. In this case, how can I do without getting ready earlier?" Lin Yang said with a smile.

"Mr. Lin is right. In this case, should he know about the meeting?" Ju Nan An Road.

"Of course... What's the matter? Is the Nangong family preparing for the meeting? "

"Of course, in fact, Nangong family has already accumulated a lot of wealth and contacts, and its scale has long surpassed that of many first-line families in Yanjing. However, Nangong family still wants to go further. There is no need to expand its economic or personal connections. They have reached a bottleneck. Therefore, they intend to take the conference as a springboard to bring Nangong family To a whole new level. " Ju Nan An Road.

Lin Yang frowned.

This Nangong family is really ambitious.

But he was not surprised.

Because Lin Yang knew it himself, many of the family forces who attended the meeting were of this idea.

"Now it's very close to the meeting. Lin Dong, I don't think Nangong aristocratic family will do too much to us at this time. Most of them will only harass us a little, stabilize us, and when the meeting is over, they will come back to clean us up. I think Lin Dong, even if your Yanghua is huge at that time, it will definitely not be able to resist Nangong Revenge of the aristocratic family. "

"What do you mean..."

"since we want to move, we have to move faster! Strike first

"Preemptive? Mr. Ju, do you think we can destroy the Nangong family at this time? " Lin Yang asked lightly.

At present, Yanghua has broken its muscles and bones. Even if it has won Zhenghua, there are still nearly 100 companies in the market. However, we should know that Yanghua is still unstable at present. Let alone the talents transferred from Yanjing, they can't adapt to their jobs immediately.

Now, if Yanghua still forcibly fights against such a super family as Nangong family, I'm afraid that he will collapse because of various internal problems without starting from Nangong family.

Ju Nan'an shook his head: "Lin Dong, our goal is not to destroy the Nangong family. In fact, we don't have that kind of ability."

"What do you mean..."

"we just need to stop the people of Nangong aristocratic family from getting benefits at the conference, so that's it!" Sunan Road, Junan.

Lin Yang immediately understood the meaning of Ju Nan'an.

The Nangong aristocratic family can't benefit from it, and Yanghua can compete with it.

If it is beneficial, Nangong aristocratic family will destroy the Yanghua established by Linyang.

At that time, Ju Nan'an naturally came to the end of his life.

"I see. Later, you can connect all the treatments of Nangong family with Mahai, and we will start to act immediately." Lin Yang took a deep breath and said hoarsely.

"Good, Lin Dong."

Ju Nan'an nodded and got up and left the office.

Lin Yang sat at his desk, looking at the information in front of him, lost in thought.

At this time, the door was suddenly pushed open, and then a figure quickly walked to Lin Yang's desk and handed a copy of the information to Lin Yang.

"Lin Dong, this is all the movements of the Lin family last night. Besides, Lin Ziyan is now on his way to the cliff mountain."

"Ya Shan? The suburbs of Jiangcheng? What is she doing there? " Lin yangleng asked.

"I don't know."Lin Yang glanced at the information, thought for a while, got up and said.

"Come on, let's go and have a look." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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