Hearing Dr. Lin's words, everyone here was in a daze.

Lin Ziyan gaped in disbelief.

And Su Yan tried her best to press down the window with her elbow a little, but also heard this sentence clearly.

But soon, she came back.

Yeah... Why did Lin Dong donate the whole Yanghua for himself? He didn't have such an important position in his heart. No one will agree to this kind of thing?

Lin Ziyan also responded. Her face was not very natural. She thought about it and said in a low voice: "Lin Dong, it seems that the conditions I mentioned earlier are greedy. In this way, I'll change the conditions, help us get the purple mine, and I'll let this woman go, OK?"

"You don't have to. Kill her. I said, I don't care. What kind of woman do I want? Why should I spend tens of billions to save this woman? You think I'm an idiot Lin Yang light road.


Lin Ziyan was anxious: "Lin Dong, don't you really care about this woman?"

"Of course I don't care! I said, I don't want women! But if you do such a thing in my territory, how can I spare you easily? " Lin Yang said without expression: "no, if you surrender now and release the hostages, I can still consider sparing your life. After all, Miss Su Yan is still my business partner, understand?"

Lin Ziyan breathed heavily and fell into silence.

"I don't want to say the same thing twice." Lin Yang said without expression.

This seems to be Lin Yang's ultimatum.

Lin Ziyan trembled and hesitated.

The Lin family is also in a hurry.

"What? Are you going to waste my time? " Lin Yang said lightly, but also more and more close to linziyan.

The Lin family retreated one after another, looking extremely nervous.

The guns in everyone's hands were shaking.

But they didn't dare to shoot.

Although none of the people on Lin Yang's side took out their guns, according to their understanding of Dr. Lin, their bullets may not be able to hurt him in front of this powerful medical martial art.

Their only support was su Yan.

However, no one expected that Dr. Lin didn't care about Su Yan at all...

their cards were gone. At this time, who was the sheep and who was the wolf... It was a bit unclear.

But when the situation became extremely strange, Lin Ziyan suddenly thought of something, opened the door behind him and suddenly squeezed in.


Lin Yang was stunned.

She rolled down the window and put the pistol on Su Yan's head, gritted her teeth and said, "Doctor Lin, I don't believe you really don't care about the life of this woman! If you don't care about her, how can you spy on me? How could you get here in the first place? You must have known that I had an appointment with her, and you came here in a hurry, didn't you? "

"As I said, when you get to my place, I should be watching you." Lin Yang put his mind at ease.

"Then how can you be here? What's your purpose here? Clean me up? If so, why wait to start at this cliff? Doctor Lin, don't think I'm so easy to cheat! You're just pretending you don't care to cheat me into surrender! I don't believe you really don't care about this woman! " The forest swallow growled.

Lin Yang's eyes were cold, but he didn't expect that Lin Ziyan's mind was so delicate...

but he would not admit it at this time.

"Lin Ziyan, Miss Su Yan said that my business partner, I will naturally come forward to rescue her, but this must be within my ability. If the cost is too high, I will definitely give up. If you don't believe it, I can't help it! " Lin Yang road.

"Well, let's make a bet!" The forest swallow growled.

"Gambling?" Lin Yang was stunned.

However, Lin Ziyan's thumb broke off and opened the insurance of the exquisite pistol, and her fingers began to exert force slowly.

Su Yan's breath solidified in an instant, and her eyes were staring at her. She froze and didn't dare to move.

Next to the small secretary has been scared to cry, but the other end of the Lin family directly slapped her face, she immediately covered her mouth, but still in silent sobs.

Lin Yang stops his pace and stares at Lin Ziyan coldly.

If you are wrong, you will not be able to make a correct judgment by kneeling. If you are wrong, you will not be able to make a correct judgment Inside

The words fell, and the Lin family looked at linziyan in unison.

My heart was shaking.

Lin Yang is also an incredible face.

Is Lin Ziyan totally crazy?

This is totally playing with Lin Yang.

Su Yan held her little hand tightly. Her eyes were looking at Lin Yang, but she said nothing and did not scream.At this time, she would not go to seek help from Mr. Lin.

His life and death depends only on Lin Yang's choice.

Lin Yang didn't say a word, just stood in situ, as if thinking about something.

"Doctor Lin, now give me your reply! Get down on your knees, please! Or I'll shoot this woman right away! Don't you say you don't care about this woman? Then you come here and do it! With your ability, we can't be your opponent! Do it! Do it

Lin Ziyan kept clamoring to put pressure on Lin Yang through her own words, so as to see Lin Yang's attitude thoroughly.

And see Lin Yang hesitation, her heart is also increasingly excited.

More and more, she felt that she was right to bet...

but just then, Lin Yang suddenly opened his mouth.

"Lin Ziyan, to be honest, I'm here to save Miss Su Yan!"

When the words fell to the ground, Lin Ziyan was overjoyed, and her heart was filled with excitement.

Su Yan is also autumn eyes stare big, incredibly looking at Lin Yang.

"Ha ha ha ha, I knew it! Doctor Lin, you can't play with me! Ha ha ha... "

" yes, you are much smarter than I thought, but... You seem to have made a mistake. " Lin Yang said hoarsely.

"Wrong?" Lin Ziyan was stunned, some did not understand.

But at this time, she suddenly noticed something, trembled all over her body, and suddenly stretched out her hand to close the glass window in front of her.

But... It's too late!

Whoosh, whoosh...

a silver cold light suddenly flew out of Linyang's fingers.


Lin Ziyan yelled angrily and immediately pulled the trigger.

But it was a little late.


The silver needle didn't go into her neck, and her fingers lost their strength, and the whole person froze.

Along with all the Lin family.

However, all the Lin family members were subdued by Lin Yang.

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