If it was said that these big men came for Su Yan, they fell in love with Su Yan, what about now?

Does Ma Hai also like Su Yan?

Even if Ma Hai takes a fancy to Su Yan, is it necessary for him to be so respectful? Is it necessary to be so polite and formal?

This is not like like a person, but in awe of a person!

Ma Hai reveres Su Yan?

You're kidding!

Su Yan is indeed very beautiful, but like Ma Hai, how many women do you want? Is it worth it?

And so many big guys come for Su Yan? Impossible?

Su Yan has not yet reached the point of bringing disaster to the country and the people!

People are extremely confused, but also increasingly confused.

The people of Zhangjia, in particular, have no idea what these big men are for.

Only Zhang Baoxu, who was sitting in the wheelchair, shivered.

He knows everything!

"Baoxu, what should I do now? You have to do something to stop those bitches from turning over Ren Ai was in a hurry and asked his son.

"Don't worry, mom... They can't turn over. No matter what Lin Yang's identity is, no matter how many people he calls, they can't turn over!" Zhang Baoxu said hoarsely, his eyes full of hatred.

"What do you have in mind Any love is about to cry.

"Don't worry, don't worry, they should be coming soon!" Zhang Baoxu closed his eyes and said.


Ren Ai is a little surprised.

But at this point.


There were several hard brakes outside.

The faces of the guests immediately varied.

Some are pale, some are pondering, others are looking forward to it for a long time.

"At last

Zhang maonian was relieved.

Cheng Ping, Zhang Gan and others are also like a big stone in their hearts.

"Old man, deal with it!" Old lady Zhang glared at him fiercely and said coldly.

Mr. Zhang frowned. He could see that there were so many big men in Su Guang's side, and he felt more secure.

It seems that she has been looking down upon this family, especially the girl Yan. She must have met a noble person.

The old man thought in his mind, spinning and light way: "I only talk about reason today, who is right and who is wrong, talk about it again."

"The stubborn old immortal! Sooner or later, you will kill Zhang Jia! " Mrs. Zhang was so angry that she stamped her feet again and again.

The people of Zhangjia are also persuading Mr. Zhang.

After all, many people here have offended Su Guang's family. If Su Guang becomes powerful, they will have a better life?

However, Mr. Zhang ignored.

At this time, a group of people outside came in.

The first is Kaijiang, the second leader of the family.

The rest of the Yue, Mei, Xiao and Huang families all came.

Seeing the battle, people on the scene exclaimed constantly.

Rao is the old man Zhang, but his heart is heavy, and he is not good.

At first, he thought that it was the people of several families who came up to be held accountable, but now it seems that he is thinking too simply. After all, even the Kaijiang river of starting a family has come, and the situation is not ordinary.

This one, however, works in the province and is extremely excellent. He has made great achievements in flood control in the past two years, and is likely to be the first leader of the next term. Although he is not the owner of the family, he is running a family. That's what he says.

I didn't expect that even the Buddha was shocked.

It seems that things are not so simple.

"Master, I've come to see you!"

Kaijiang, with a cool smile on his face, came in to celebrate his birthday.

"Kaijiang? Hehe, you have a conscience. I still remember your Uncle Zhang. " Mr. Zhang squeezed out a smile and spoke in front of him.

"Uncle Zhang said that. Isn't my nephew here?" Kaijiang said lightly.

In the past, they were all polite words. Of course, Kaijiang still respected Mr. Zhang. After all, the old man watched him grow up, but Kaijiang is not the same as he used to be. He only respects the old man, but has no fear.

"Come on, Xiaojiang, come here and have a good drink with me!" Mr. Zhang took Kaijiang's hand and was about to walk inside.

But how can Kaijiang not know the mind of Mr. Zhang? He's trying to hold himself back!

Kaijiang still broke free and said: "do you want to drink? No problem. Today Kaijiang will make the old man happy, but before that, Kaijiang still has some things to do. I hope the old man can let me finish these things. "

As soon as he said this, the old man's face turned white.

"Xiaojiang, this is just a misunderstanding..." Mr. Zhang hesitated.

"Misunderstanding? Master, you tell me this is a misunderstanding? I'll give you face as if it is. What about the people behind me? Do you want to tell them it's all a misunderstanding? " Kaijiang asked.

The voice falls, the more the rock, Xiao Changqing of the Xiao family, Mei dare of the Mei family all step forward, seriously staring at Mr. Zhang.Although Mr. Zhang is a generation older than them, it is hard to resist at this time.

"Master, we have a lot of grievances and debts. We won't embarrass Zhangjia. We also hope that the old man will not make it difficult for us to do so." That Yue Yan opened his mouth, whirled and yelled: "which is Lin Yang! Stand up for me

Su Yan looks pale.

However, Lin Yang looked at Yue Yan and said, "who are you?"

"Bastard, don't even know Mr. Yue? And what's your tone? " The people next to him yelled at him.

Yue Yan squinted at him: "are you Lin Yang?"

"It's me."

"I heard that you set a trap to deceive us children by more than one billion?" Yue Yan asked again.

"One, I didn't set a trap. Two, I didn't cheat." Lin Yang shook his head.

"You said you didn't set a trap when you beat a bloody BMW with a sick horse? Who believes it? "

"The fact is, I can show you the video."

"Don't talk nonsense. It's clear that you made a trap! Are you still arguing? " Yue Yan was angry.

Lin Yang frowned slightly and did not speak.

Su Yan beside her is full of horror.

She knew that this group of people did not come to reason at all, they came to question.

Lose more than a billion? These families can afford it.

But this time they lost not only money, but also face!

In the current state of these families, money is only a number, and face and reputation are the most important.

If it comes out that a boy from Jiangcheng has won over half of Guangliu's big family all over the place, he must not lose his life?

I'm not going to make sense.

The old man knew what these people were thinking, and his face became more and more ugly.

The guests around looked like they were busy.

The younger generations of Zhangjia are gloating.

They've been looking forward to this for a long time!

However, Ma Hai and others here will not sit idly by.

"Is this Mr. Yueyan? I don't know what's wrong with you and Mr. Lin, but I hope that no matter what it is, please provide evidence, otherwise no one will be convinced! "


Kaijiang and Yueyan seem to have noticed the Mahai here.

I don't blame them, because they really didn't think that these Jiangcheng giants would come here...

"Mr. Ma, this seems to have nothing to do with you?" Kaijiang light road.

"Why has it nothing to do with me? Mr. Lin and I are friends. You bully Mr. Lin here. Do you want me to be indifferent? If things get out, how can I be a man? " Mahai cold channel.

"Yes, you've been deceiving too much!"

"How can you slander people without proof?"

"Justice is in the heart of the people! I hope Mr. Yue can respect himself

Other big men in Jiangcheng have also come forward to support.

See this scene, Kaijiang several people's face Qi Qi color change.

Mahai's group of people can fully represent the whole Jiangcheng. Although Jiangcheng is still too small compared with Guangliu Province, their power is not even daring to provoke.

For a moment, the hall was at war, and the two sides were fighting.

"Second uncle, what to do?"

Open desert facial expression is unsightly, stare at Lin Yang fiercely, ask in a low voice.

"Don't worry. There's a man who hasn't got out of the car. He should be coming in soon." Kaijiang light road.

"Who else?" Kaimo is confused.

But at this time, there was another commotion at the door.

Then a laugh came in.

"Brother, today is my birthday. Why don't you call me? Ha ha ha... "

as the voice fell, an old man with white hair and red face came in with a bottle of wine.

Mr. Zhang was stunned. When he saw someone, his face was shocked. Then he was very excited: "is it brother ran?"

"It's me. Ha ha ha ha, brother Zhang. Haven't we seen each other for many years? Today is your birthday. Let's have a good drink. You see, I've brought Lai Mao, your favorite drink! " Ran Zaixian said with a smile.

Mr. Zhang laughed, but the smile became very unnatural.

"Mom, who is this man?" Su Yan inquires about Zhang Qingyu, who is a little dull.

"Godfather of Kaijiang!" Zhang Qingyu said hoarsely.

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