People around me are stupid.

Nangong scorpion is stupid.

Even a Yi himself is stupid.

What is this for?

Do you want to die?

In the face of such a storm like attack! He didn't even block you??

Don't you take Yi seriously?

The people of Nangong aristocratic family are particularly angry.

Ding Mao is almost scared to the ground!


This is absolutely naked lunatic!!

But... That's what Lin Yang did!

As a result, everyone watched Lin Yang be engulfed by a Yi's fist shadow.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang...

there was no end to the sound of violent explosion.

Many people closed their eyes and did not dare to see the scene again.

Everyone would think that after the square commander will appear a very bloody picture, so many people put their heads aside.

However, compared with other people in the palace, Nanding is particularly excited!

The crowd glared at Lin Yang.

Everyone is waiting, all are longing!

Ding Mao is afraid of blood! The people of Nangong aristocratic family yearn for blood!

Because that means that Nangong family defeated Doctor Lin! Defeated Yanghua, but also for the family brought two pieces of Tianjiao order!

There are countless benefits!

It's also a great opportunity to take them to the sky.

"Kill him! Kill him Nangong scorpion focused and looked, his mouth kept whispering, his face was full of ferocity.

Every one of his punches is as crazy as he can.

The lines of force produced by the collision of forces are released around.

The ground is pulled by a Yi's crazy waving, and there are a lot of cracks on the ground centered on him.


when he smashed it, a Yi felt something was wrong.

The other side... Seems to have no sign of falling.

And his fist... Didn't feel any blood!

The speed of his fist gradually slowed down.

The booming sound in the square gradually stopped.

People around him look at a Yi one after another.

Only then did people find that Lin Yang, who had suffered thousands of blows from ah Yi, stood in front of ah Yi in peace!


The world is shocked!

But there is no fist mark on Lin Yang's face! To be exact, there are no scars!

As if nothing had happened.

is just as like as two peas in the clothes and hairstyles.

Is this what a man who has experienced the baptism of a stormy fist should look like?

Countless people stopped breathing, solidified their expression and looked at Lin Yang.

Whether it is Ding Mao, Nangong scorpion, Xu Tian or that a Yi, they are all petrified now.

No one can believe what they see.

Doctor Lin is a monster!

He must be a monster!

People's brains roar wildly!

"That's it?"

Lin Yang looks up slightly and stares at a Yi.

The voice is calm, no waves and no waves!

A Yi's whole body trembles, his pupils stare huge, and his mouth mumbles. He doesn't know how to answer Lin Yang's words.

"You have a good fist! But just no strength! It's disappointing Lin Yang shook his head.

"How can... You... What's the matter with you? Why... Why did my fist hit you without any effect? " A Yi's voice trembles and points to Lin Yang Dao.

"If a ball of cotton falls on the iron, even if it is hit by 1000 or 10000 times, it is impossible to leave a mark on the iron, do you understand?" Lin Yang raised his fist.

"You mean... My fist hit you... Cotton?" Yi asked foolishly.


Lin Yang nodded.

The people around him were cold and his scalp was numb.

If so, how hard would Doctor Lin's body be??

This man... Is a freak!

"Since you've been using your fist all the time, then... I'll fight back with my fist! Now, is it my turn? "

Lin Yang said, suddenly raised his hand, five fingers tightly, synthesis of the fist.

A Yi's face changed with fright, and he suddenly realized something. He retreated madly.

"Let's go!"

He turned his head and yelled at Nangong scorpion and others.


it's too late!

But see Lin Yang is already a fist, mercilessly smash to kill to come to him."Ah

The long howl came from Lin Yang's mouth.

It was as if the punch was done with all his strength.

A Yi retreats wildly and stares at Lin Yang's blow with wide eyes.

The blow didn't hit him, it just passed in front of him and hit the ground.

A Yi doesn't know how powerful this punch is, but he knows that it's enough to kill him 100 times! A thousand times!

And this punch, will also completely beat themselves, the victory or defeat... Perhaps say... In the beginning, there is no so-called victory or defeat.

The gap between myself and Dr. Lin is too big!

A Yi realized this.

But it's late.

The fist has fallen on the earth.


The earth shaking explosion tore the whole square apart.

A few miles in a square circle.

Qingdu vibrates! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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