Before, these people thought that Dr. Lin was just a fox pretending to be a tiger, and supporting death was to frighten these people.

But after Dr. Lin really showed his ferocity, these people could see how terrible the so-called Doctor Lin was.

Nangong scorpion shivers.

He didn't know what Lin Yang would do to him.

Because at this time, no one can save him.

All his assassin maces have been used, but this place is not Nangong family, but Qingdu.

Only master Wan is the strongest in Qingdu, but it's hard to protect yourself when you look like this.

Who could have expected that master Wan, the overlord of Qingdu, would be defeated by Dr. Lin from the front!

This cannot be described as a miracle doctor.

Maybe... It's time to call him the God of war...

"don't be afraid, I won't kill you!"

Lin Yang patted Nangong scorpion's face and said calmly, "on the contrary, I will let you go back safe and sound."

"Really?" Nangong scorpion's pupils are dilated.

"Of course, after all, you still have a trillion dollars to pay. You are my rich man. How can I hurt you?"

Lin Yang said to Ding Mao, "make a copy of the contract and seal it in triplicate. Take one copy and give it to Nangong scorpion. Let him take it back and give it to the Nangong aristocratic family."

"Yes, Mr. Lin!" Ding Mao said respectfully.

Nangong scorpion shivers all over.

Lin Yang pointed to the contract and said, "you only have ten days. I hope you can cherish it."

Nangong Scorpio stares at him, nods and doesn't speak any more.

Lin Yang got up and went to master Wan over there.

Master Wan subconsciously stepped back two steps, and also opened his posture, staring at Lin Yang.

"Dr. Lin, you are really extraordinary. I admit that I was defeated this time!"

"And then?" Lin Yang asked calmly.

"Since you and Nangong No.3 have reached a settlement, I don't think it's necessary for us to fight any more. After all, this is Qingdu. You and I should step back and stay on the line to meet each other in the future. Are you right?" Master Wan said in a deep voice.

But he just said that...


Lin Yang's body shape suddenly like a burst of red light, toward Master Wan.

Master Wan breathed hard and quickly raised his hand to block it.

However, his defensive posture has not been cut open, Lin Yang's foot has been severely kicked in his abdomen.


Master Wan's body suddenly flies backward.

People, like a broken kite, hit a big stone straight behind.

The stone was torn apart by the impact.

Master Wan fell to the ground and tumbled for several times. His whole body was covered with dust and his mouth was spitting out blood.

The people at the scene gasped.

Nangong scorpion gaped.

"Keke... Keke..."

Master Wan's body shrank in pain, spitting blood and coughing at the same time. It seemed that the whole person could not breathe.

He covered his stomach and rolled on the ground for a few laps before he got better, but he couldn't stand up.

Lin Yang went to his side, crouched down and looked at him calmly: "you are all going to kill me. What are you going to talk about? How to be a man? How can we meet in the future? Can we talk about it? Between you and me... Is not dead! What qualifications do you have to make peace with me? "

"Doctor Lin, do you really want to be so vicious? Do you really want to kill them all?" Master Wan looked at Lin Yang tremblingly and asked.

"I just want to kill them all, so what? Why should I be soft on you? "

Lin Yang said without expression. Then he got up and wanted to leave.

Master Wan suddenly realized something. He grabbed Lin Yang's leg and cried out bitterly:

"no... Doctor Lin! Give me a chance! Give me a chance! Give me a break! Please

But just after saying this, master Wan suddenly burst up, took out a dagger from his sleeve and stabbed Lin Yang's chest fiercely.

The cold light twinkled.

But as the dagger was about to plunge into his chest, the sharp blade was caught between two fingers.

That... Is Lin Yang's finger.


Master Wan is stupid.

But see Lin Yang slightly force.

Bang Dang!

The body of the dagger was broken by it.

Let go of your fingers.

Bang Dang!

The broken body of the dagger fell to the ground.

Master Wan was numb.

"Why have you cut off your last life?"

Lin Yang patted him on the shoulder, sighed and turned away.

Master Wan shuddered all over his body. He suddenly thought of something and cried out: "no! Doctor Lin!! You can't kill me! No

But it's no use.Lin Yang waved.

Master Wan's pupils were huge, and he stood up like crazy.

The sharp pain in his abdomen tore every inch of his nerves.

He turned around and ran away with all his life.

At this time, if you want to live, you can only try your best to escape!

It's just...

does he still have a chance to escape?

Those Xu Tian's men took out their dark pistols from their arms and aimed at master Wan.

Bang, Bang...

the piercing sound of the gun rang through.

Running master Wan shudders all over, eyes stare huge, body also stiff.

He tried to turn around and take another look at the young man, but her exhausted body did not allow her to do so.


Master Wan fell heavily on the ground and was completely silent.

Nangong scorpion stupidly looking at this scene, the brain is a blank.

He never thought that Lin Yang would be so crazy!

Xu Tian drives the car over and stops in front of Linyang.

Lin Yang sits up.

"Ding Mao!"

"Lin Dong!" Ding Mao rushed forward.

"It's up to you to take care of everything in Qingdu! You can follow the contract and call me if you have anything. If the Nangong family intends to violate the contract, inform me as soon as possible. " Lin Yang light road.

"Yes, Mr. Lin! Yes, Mr. Lin! "

Ding Mao bowed repeatedly. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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