Zikuang won, for Linyang, can be said to be an excellent news.

He immediately asked Mahai to prepare all the preliminary work and planned to directly mine the purple mine.

Now Linyang can be said to be poor.

You know, purple mine after the high price, there is a terrible mining expenses, this cost can not be saved.

"To hide this matter, the mining should also be carried out in secret. The people of Nangong family should not know about it. Otherwise, the Nangong family will not pay for the auction fee. Moreover, the contract in our hands will be invalid and can no longer be a sharp weapon to restrain them." Lin Yang opened his mouth and said faintly.

"Don't worry, Mr. Lin. I've arranged it! He MaRong, we will send him abroad as soon as possible. The Nangong family will not find him! " Ma Hai respectfully said.

"That's good... But it's really a little dark. The normal auction price of this purple mine should be about 100 billion yuan, which I got by hundreds of millions. I feel sorry for it." Lin Yang said with a smile.

Mahai is speechless.

What's the use of saying that when you've done everything?

"At this time, we have to guard against the company's capital when we are in a tight situation."

"In this case, the Nangong family's money will come as soon as possible! Hundreds of billions of capital injection, enough to let us slow down a big mouth

Lin Yang thought about it and said, "let Kang Jiahao and Ji Wen deal with this matter directly. We don't want to ask for debts at home. We should give them legal pressure in regular channels and let them pay back the money as soon as possible."

"Yes, Mr. Lin!"

Lin Yang again explained some details and trivial things about Ma Hai. After looking at the time, it was already five o'clock in the afternoon, so he cleaned up and planned to go to Su Yan for one night.

However, just got off the elevator, a figure suddenly quickly came over and hit Lin Yang.

"Sorry, Mr. Lin!"

The man apologized, then hurried to the underground garage, as if in a hurry to go home.

Lin Yang didn't care, but was about to take a step, but saw a work card on the bottom of his foot.

Is that the employee who just left?

Lin Yang immediately picked up and trotted to catch up.

"Li Jiahao! You wait. You lose your badge. " Lin Yang looked at the information on the work card and yelled.

But... Li Jiahao, who was running in front of him, didn't stop his pace, more like he didn't hear Lin Yang's words, and continued to run forward.

Lin Yang is not an idiot.

At this moment, he has realized that something is wrong, and people stop.

However, at the moment of stopping, the black cars parked in the parking spaces all around suddenly shot out, and several cars rushed out from the corners of the road in front of and behind, which blocked the surrounding area of Linyang in an instant...

Lin Yang's eyebrows suddenly tightened.

A Rolls Royce phantom is in front of Lin Yang, the door is opened, inside is a man in a suit with a back comb, shaking a red wine cup, carefully tasting.

The man's behavior is very elegant, the expression is also very comfortable, his temperament is very unique.

This temperament is by no means disguised.

He took a sip, then looked at Lin Yang and said, "Lin Dong, if you don't mind, can you come in and have a chat?"

"It's OK to chat. At least you have to let me know who you are?"

Lin Yang said with a smile.

"My name is Nangong Feiyang, the second uncle of Nangong scorpion! Lin Dong, this is the first time we have met. It's a pleasure to meet you. "

The man with his back grinned.

"I guess you're the only one who can't wait to see me like this. Why? Did you get the money together? Did you come by yourself? If that's the case, I have to say that I'll trouble you. " Lin Yang road.

"Mr. Lin, all your money is on it!"

Nangong Feiyang did not slow down, just pointed to the seat next to him, calm said.

Lin Yang thought about it, but didn't say anything. He just stepped forward and sat down on the Rolls Royce.

The door is closed.

Nangong Feiyang skillfully poured a glass of wine to Linyang.


"Get down to business."

"Mr. Lin, are you so impatient?"

"I'm in a hurry to go home and eat!"

"It's so... Interesting."

"And the money? Isn't it on this? Why didn't I see it? "

"Lin Dong, the reason why you didn't see it was because you didn't see what I said!" Nangong Feiyang drank all the wine in his glass and said, "I don't want to talk about the extra words. Lin Dong, you tear up the contract, and the trillion yuan contract is written off. We Nangong family of Zikuang mine also don't want to. From today on, you Yanghua and my Nangong aristocratic family will not offend the river! How about it? "

"So... Are you talking about peace?"

"Strictly speaking, yes.""I don't seem to benefit from tearing up the contract?"

"Lin Dong, you are a smart man. If you take this contract, you will break with our Nangong family! As our deadly enemy, Yanghua's foundation is not stable at present, and there are still many problems and problems to be solved. If you offend our Nangong family again at this time, do you think Yanghua... Still has tomorrow? " Nangong Feiyang poured himself a glass of wine again and asked without expression.

"A lot of people have said this to me before, but it turns out that they are all wrong."

Lin Yang shook his head.

In fact, he didn't believe Nangong family would let him go!

Purple mine is just a fuse.

The matter has been carried out to this level. One of them must die between him and Nangong family!

"Lin Dong, you are a talented young man. You have achieved so much, and you have unparalleled medical skills. If you destroy the premise, Yang Hua and yourself because of this incident, it is not worth the loss?" Nangong Feiyang drinks the wine in the cup again, but the voice is already very cold.

"We don't seem to agree."

Lin Yang pushed the door open and went out: "I'd better go home for dinner. Where do you come from and go back to?"

"Lin Dong!"

Just as Lin Yang just put his feet out of the door, Nangong Feiyang drinks again.

Lin Yang looks at him sideways.

"Mr. Lin, I have to warn you that if you really make such a decision, you will not regret it. Please be careful!" Nangong Feiyang said coldly.

The solemnity in the voice is especially obvious.

But after this, Lin Yang didn't want to think about it, and walked out directly.

Outside Nangong aristocratic family all took out pistols from their arms and aimed at Lin Yang.


Lin Yang frowned and looked at Nangong Feiyang: "are you sure you want to use a gun?"

Nangong Feiyang in the car didn't say anything.

But at this time...


a lot of engines roared through the underground garage, and then countless cars poured in.

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