Seeing this scene, the people of Nangong aristocratic family are all breathing tightly.

All of us subconsciously retreated.

What does Dr. Lin want to do?

Do they want to do it here?

The crowd's expression was solemn.

Looking at the countless people behind Dr. Lin, their hearts trembled.

Because of the call in a hurry, time is too late, eight ye also temporarily called a group of people to rush to support.

I thought these people were enough.

You can see the people here in Linyang, they realize how serious the situation is.

Eight Ye's face was ugly, and he immediately drank: "Doctor Lin, do you want to take advantage of other people's danger?"

"Didn't I say that? I don't care what others think! What's more, do we need to talk about morality? From now on, my Yanghua and your Nangong aristocratic family have never died! " Lin Yang said quietly.

The eighth master was silent, his fist clenched.

Many people in Nangong family have their hearts hanging up to their throat.

But at this time, Yi Guilin stood up.

"Lin Dong, what's the point of killing them all? Our aim is Nangong family! Instead of them, it's better to make a deal with them than kill them! " Said Yi.

"Deal? What kind of deal? " Lin Yang stares at him sideways.

But I saw Yi Guilin go to the front.

"Eight masters! If you want to live, just answer our questions and you can go! " It's easy to drink in Guilin.

"I didn't expect that my eighth master would have such a oppressive day. Shame!" Eight Ye anger extremely counter smile, but the reason is still, hum smile way: "say, what do you want to ask?"

"Where is the master of your Nangong family Yi Guilin asked coldly.

As soon as the words came out, the people of Nangong aristocratic family all froze and looked at Yi Guilin in shock.

It has to be said that this problem is extremely tricky.

As a hermit family, Nangong aristocratic family is located in a very hidden place.

The reason why they hide so deep is not only because they don't want to be disturbed by worldly people, but also because they can attack other forces unscrupulously!

Because in this way, no matter how powerful the enemy they have provoked, they will have no fear.

The enemy is in the light, I am in the dark.

Always have the initiative! It's a huge advantage.

But if you give up this advantage... It's not a good thing for Nangong family.

At least as far as Lin Yang is concerned, he has taken the initiative!

He can attack Nangong family at any time!

Eight Ye hesitated.

The people of Nangong aristocratic family are also very complicated.

Some people want to keep this secret and don't want to let the eighth master say it.

But there are also people who want to live, hoping that the eighth master can compromise.

All eyes are focused on the eight Ye.

"Eight masters..."

some people said softly and stopped talking.

But eight ye still said nothing.

"What? Scared? Dare not say? The reason why I ask you this question is that I just want to ask my people to open a fight with the people of Nangong family and end their gratitude and resentment. I didn't expect that the people of Nangong family are so cowardly. It's really disappointing! "

Lin Yang shook his head again and again, his eyes full of disdain and ridicule.

The crowd was furious at the sound.

Eight Ye laughed.

"Mr. Lin, you don't have to use the method of inspiring me! I don't eat that! However, in the current situation, I think it's better to tell you the position of Nangong aristocratic family! Because in this way, we don't have to try our best to deal with you Yanghua. We just need to open the door and wait for you to die! "

Eight ye said while taking out a drawing from his arms and throwing it on the ground.

Yi Guilin a few steps forward, picked up the drawing to open a look.

For a moment, his old eyes shrank, as if he had seen something incredible.

"No wonder... No wonder... No wonder I haven't been able to find the location of Nangong aristocratic family. I didn't expect that they were hiding so deep!"

Yi Guilin said excitedly.

Lin Yang frowned and took over the drawing from Yi Guilin. After a few eyes, he could not help his eyebrows from freezing.

"Dare you come?"

Eight ye asked.

"Just wait for me!"

Lin Yang put away the drawings and waved.

"OK, I'll let us stay and wait for Dr. Lin with tea."

Eight ye said, then turned to walk on the car.

Nangong family's motorcade immediately turned down the mountain and left.

It's very natural and unrestrained.

Yi Guilin watched the motorcade leave in silence, then turned around and drank solemnly at Linyang:

"Doctor Lin, I advise you not to be impulsive! This kind of place, how many people are dead end! If you go, most of you will never come back! Don't be impulsive. ""But if you don't go, the people of Nangong aristocratic family will revenge me! And their revenge, certainly not only against me! If I don't solve the Nangong family, I can't sleep and eat well! " Lin Yang has no expression.

"So you're going to die?"

"Do you think it's death?"

Yi Guilin a Leng, do not know how to answer.

"is life or death, not has the final say!"

Lin Yang was cold and turned to get on the bus , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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