The old man was sitting on the ground, and the old man was sitting on the ground.

Blue Star, China.

Sea City.

An office on the 29th floor of a skyscraper.


A stack of A4 paper was slapped on the desk.

"Jingyou, your plan is not well written." Manager Zhou shook his head in dissatisfaction, but he was actually very happy.

Manager Zhou had been dissatisfied with Nan Jingyou for a long time!

Before Nan Jingyou came, the female colleagues in the office were very attentive to Manager Zhou.

Although he looked a little ugly.

But who made him a high-ranking official? Those people had to come to curry favor with him.

This sense of vanity made Manager Zhou very proud.

But since Nan Jingyou came, those girls have been surrounding him all day long, and Manager Zhou was jealous.

He thought, isn't he just a handsome pretty boy?

Today, he is going to fall on me!

Nan Jingyou clenched his fists after hearing this. He knew that Manager Zhou was deliberately making things difficult for him. For the sake of his job, he could only choose to bow his head.

However, he was still a little unwilling, and asked in a calm tone: "Manager Zhou, I have revised this plan 8 times. If there is any problem, please point it out and I will see if I can change it again."

Manager Zhou was speechless.

He didn't read the plan carefully at all, he just deliberately made things difficult for him.

However, as soon as he thought about it, he immediately thought of a more disgusting way.

"I can't tell you what needs to be changed in your version."

He changed the subject, "It's just that I think the first version is more to my liking. Go back and polish the first version of the plan and give it to me tomorrow morning."

Nan Jingyou wanted to kill someone at this moment!

He clenched his fists and gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, Manager Zhou."


Nan Jingyou was so angry that he returned to his workstation and threw the plan that Manager Zhou sent back on the table.

"I really can't go on with this class for a day."

He had the idea of ​​resigning in his mind and silently opened his mobile phone to check his balance. The number on it made him dizzy.

Tens, hundreds, and thousands, 2,857 yuan!

There were only more than 2,000 yuan in the Zhifubao software.

Adding the more than 1,000 yuan in the bank card, his entire fortune was only a little over 4,000 yuan.

"Forget it. One month's rent is not enough for living expenses. I think I still need the compensation for this crappy job."

"Hey, Youyou, what are you mumbling about?" A tall, long-legged, flaming red-lipped beauty came over in high heels and interrupted Nan Jingyou's thoughts.

"Ah, Sister Feng, it's you." Nan Jingyou came back to his senses and greeted Liang Yifeng.

Liang Yifeng is the director of the planning department. Everyone calls her Sister Feng. She is generous and unrestrained, and has outstanding abilities, but what she likes most is to tease Nan Jingyou.

On the first day Nan Jingyou came to the company, she teased him severely, so much so that he ran away when he saw Sister Feng for the first three days.

But later, after getting to know her slowly, I found that she is a very good person.

She looks strict, but in fact she never blames her subordinates, and she is also a very protective person.

If someone in the department is bullied in other departments, she will argue with the other party, and her business ability is also very strong.

Such a good leader, everyone loves her.

However, there are also gossips about Sister Feng in the department.

Some people say that she has a girlfriend who looks cute. Someone once saw them holding hands in the underground garage, looking very intimate.

Some people also speculated that it was her sister, but no matter how everyone guessed, Sister Feng just smiled and said nothing.

For this reason, everyone can only secretly ship CP.

Sister Feng wants to tease Nan Jingyou when she sees him, because this guy looks really good.

Nan Jingyou looks sunny and handsome, with a slender and upright figure. His black and thick hair shines with a healthy luster under the light, his eyebrows are handsome, and his eyes are like an obsidian, shining like gems.

He loves to laugh, and every time he laughs, a dimple will appear on his right cheek.

But what attracts Sister Feng the most is his clean temperament and cheerful and lively personality.

"Youyou, why do you seem unhappy? Tell me and make Sister Feng happy." She sat down next to her workstation, revealing a gossipy look.

Sister Feng is the supervisor and originally had a separate cubicle as an office, but she insisted on getting together with everyone's workstations.

She even said that she was sharing the joys and sorrows with everyone.

Look, her workstation happened to be next to Nan Jing

Next to you.

Nan Jingyou rolled his eyes, "Sister Feng, I advise you to be a human being and not rub salt into my wounds."

"Oh, go ahead and say it, I promise not to laugh at you." Sister Feng pulled Nan Jingyou's arm and acted like a spoiled child.

Nan Jingyou was about to die of nausea, "Sister Feng, I'm telling you, please don't disgust me."

He rubbed the goose bumps on his hands and said, "It's that SB Manager Zhou again. He sent my plan back and said that he was satisfied with my first version and asked me to go back and polish it and hand it over to him tomorrow."

Sister Feng's face darkened, "It's this bastard again. He doesn't do his job all day. If he continues like this, the department will be dragged down by him."

Nan Jingyou was about to curse, but Manager Zhou just came out of the office, forcing him to hold back the dirty words that were about to come out of his mouth.

"Hey, Fengfeng is here too. It's time to get off work, why haven't you left yet?" Manager Zhou's face was greasy, and his look at Sister Feng was disgusting.

Sister Feng felt sick to the point of vomiting when he called her "Feng Feng", but she didn't say anything bad out of consideration for her feelings.

Seeing Sister Feng didn't say anything, he felt a little unhappy, but then he thought about it and felt excited if he could get her, and that little bit of unhappiness disappeared.

"Fengfeng, I've made an appointment with Mr. Yang, who signed the contract with you last time, to have dinner together today. How about you do me a favor and come with us?"

Sister Feng frowned, "Mr. Zhou, I have something else to do, so it's not convenient. I'd better not disturb you and Mr. Yang."

Seeing that Sister Feng didn't know what was good for her, he was ready to use force, "Yifeng, I advise you to be sensible, otherwise you will lose your job."

Nan Jingyou was furious when he heard this, "Manager Zhou, it's not good for you to force Sister Feng like this. Besides, this is your private dinner, and it's understandable that Sister Feng doesn't agree. Why do you force her?"

Manager Zhou had been unhappy with him for a long time, and now he dared to talk back. He couldn't hold back his anger and cursed.

"Nan Jingyou, who do you think you are? You are an uneducated dog. Is it your turn to interrupt? I think you are a ragtag family with no mother to raise you."

With a bang, Nan Jingyou punched Manager Zhou in the head. When Sister Feng reacted, he was already sitting on Manager Zhou and beating him up.

"Fuck you, Zhou Xinhong. You dare to curse my family. I will beat you to death."

Nan Jingyou waved his fist fiercely, with bloodshot eyes.

Father Feng was afraid that Nan Jingyou would cause a death, so she dragged him aside.

"That's enough, Youyou. If you fight again, something will happen. It's not worth ruining your future for such a person."

Nan Jingyou seemed to have listened to the words and gradually calmed down, but the look in his eyes when he looked at Manager Zhou was very vicious.

Manager Zhou wailed for a while and got up from the ground trembling.

Looking at his face, if the situation wasn't so inappropriate, Sister Feng would have laughed out loud.

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