Xiaobai spun in the air and retorted, "No, host, do you think I would go through so much trouble to let you watch the video?" Nan Jingyou also thought so. Xiaobai continued to explain, "Host, there are different scene simulations on the screen. After you enter, you will become one of the identities, and what you have to do is to use this identity to learn and practice."

Nan Jingyou roughly understood the meaning, "Xiaobai, how long do I have to study in the scene simulation?"

Xiaobai: "It depends on your awareness. There will be a teacher in each scene simulation. If you can pass their test, you can come out."

Nan Jingyou choked, "What if I can't pass the test, won't I never get out?"

Although he thought he shouldn't be that stupid, there is always a chance of something happening. He didn't want to be trapped in it for the rest of his life.

Xiaobai: "Don't worry, if you really can't pass the test, you can silently say to give up the task in your heart, and I will let you out at that time, but the price of this is that the punishment will be particularly heavy, host, please think it over carefully."

Nan Jingyou looked a little serious, and finally took a deep breath and made a decision, "Xiaobai, don't worry, I will definitely work hard to stick to it."

Xiaobai happily turned around in the space.

"Host, you can do the task without worry. The system has been upgraded now, and your current task is no longer a primary task. You will get a lot of rewards."

"System upgrade?"

"Xiaobai, when did this happen? I didn't even know about it." It was the first time that Nan Jingyou knew that the system would be upgraded.

Xiaobai suddenly felt guilty. It seemed that it had not mentioned this to the host.

In order to cover up its unreliability, it could only play it safe. "Host, this is not important. Because you have completed your primary task, I will naturally upgrade, but the difficulty of your subsequent tasks will increase accordingly, and the rewards you will get will of course be more."

Nan Jingyou has been with Xiaobai for such a long time, and he almost understands its unreliability sometimes, so he didn't bother with it.

"Okay, I won't bother you for now, let's start the task." It was the first time he encountered this kind of task method, and he was excited and nervous. He also wanted to see how difficult the upgraded task was.

Seeing that he was impatient, Xiao Bai didn't say anything more and fiddled with the first electronic screen for a few times. Then Nan Jingyou felt a force pulling him into the screen.

When he came back to his senses, he was already sitting in a university lecture hall. An old professor was teaching on the podium, and a brand new psychology textbook was on his desk.

Only then did he understand that this was the so-called scene simulation, and his current identity was a psychology student.

He couldn't help but wonder, does he have to study here until he graduates as a senior to complete his learning task?

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel numb.

When he was distracted, the teacher in the class had already noticed him, so the tragic thing happened, and he was called to answer questions.

As he had just arrived here, he didn't know what the teacher was talking about, so he was naturally punished, and the punishment was very severe. The teacher asked him to go back and write a 5,000-word classroom experience after the class.

Now Nan Jingyou's face was full of despair, but he didn't dare to disobey the teacher, so he could only blame himself for his bad luck.

So he listened to the next class with full concentration, but he became fascinated as he listened, because the teacher's lectures were very lively and interesting, not boring at all.

And it was his first time to come into contact with psychology, and the content in it made him particularly interested.

Time passed like this, Nan Jingyou's daily life was very regular, either attending class or attending class, and strangely, his daily classes were very full, and each course was taught by the same teacher.

But he didn't care, he was like a sponge, absorbing knowledge points bit by bit every day, and I don't know if it was because he was punished last time, the teacher was very impressed with him, and asked him to answer questions in almost every class.

Because he performed very well, slowly, he became the most popular student with the teacher.

I don't know how long it took, one day the teacher suddenly announced that all courses had ended, as long as every subject passed the exam, you can successfully graduate.

This was obviously different from Nan Jingyou's expectation of studying for several years.

This made him

Overjoyed, he felt that this was the key to completing his system learning task.

So he prepared for the exam seriously, and finally lived up to his expectations. Not only did he pass every subject, he also won the first place in the entire major.

Almost the moment the teacher announced that he had successfully graduated, he broke away from the scene simulation and returned to the system space.

When he came out, Xiaobai was floating in front of the screen. Seeing Nan Jingyou coming out, it cheered around him happily.

"Wow, host is awesome."

Nan Jingyou was still a little dazed. He felt that he had spent a long time in another world. When he came out, he was afraid that it was a dream, but the knowledge in his mind made him understand that those were all the days he had really spent.

Hearing Xiaobai talking to him, he felt very kind. For Xiaobai, Nan Jingyou just went in and came out immediately, but for Nan Jingyou, the two hadn't seen each other for a long time.

"Host, do you want to take a break or continue studying next?"

Xiaobai felt that Nan Jingyou looked much deeper, especially those eyes, as if he could see through people.

It had to sigh that the host was really gifted. It was believed that after completing the next few learning tasks, he would be reborn.

Nan Jingyou's eyes flashed, and then he smiled slightly, "Continue to study, just in time to strike while the iron is hot and consolidate the knowledge."

After Xiaobai agreed, he fiddled with the second screen for a few more times, and then Nan Jingyou was taken in by a suction force again.

This time he was a disciple of a famous psychologist.

His task was to follow the teacher at any time to learn how to find the cause of the disease and how to conduct psychological counseling and treatment.

This task was faster than the first time, because he only needed to stay by the teacher's side to observe a hundred patients. After all, the purpose of the system was not to make him a psychologist.

The third learning task was to be a police officer investigating a case. His master was an experienced criminal investigator. He accompanied his master to solve one case after another...

The fourth learning task was to be a special assistant of a businessman. He followed his boss to meet all kinds of people, honest, sinister, hypocritical, real villains, fake gentlemen...

When he came out of the fourth scene simulation, Xiaobai finally announced that all learning tasks were completed.

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