After the call, Tang Ronghai sat on the chair and looked at his father opposite him, "Dad, do you think the other three families saw that we were going to join forces with the Rong family, so they took the opportunity to destroy the alliance between the two families?" After all, the Tang family's scandal would inevitably affect the stock price. At this time, the Rong family would definitely avoid suspicion and temporarily suspend cooperation with the Tang family. The man behind the scenes was really insidious. Tang Yuanshan looked a little heavy, "It's not impossible. The most suspicious one is probably the Yu family." The ranking of the five major families in China is the Rong family, the Yu family, the He family, the Tang family, and the Yu family. As the second largest family, the Yu family is only slightly weaker than the Rong family, and is on good terms with the He family, while the Yu family has always remained neutral. If there is anyone who doesn't want the Rong and Tang families to cooperate, the Yu family is definitely the first one.

If Nan Jingyou knew that someone took the blame for him, he didn't know how he would feel.

As soon as the two fell silent, Tang Ronghai's phone rang again.

"Chairman, it's bad. The hot search can't be removed at all. W blog explained that their backend was hacked. The other party was too powerful and their technical department couldn't do anything."

Tang Ronghai was shocked that the other party even invited hackers.

"Go find me the best hacker in the world. I don't believe that person can cover the sky with one hand."

After hanging up the phone in a rage, he called Poison Scorpion again.

"I want you to find the parties and their families on the hot search immediately. No matter what means you use, let them go online and clarify to the young master immediately."

But what they didn't know was that Nan Jingyou had long expected them to have this trick, and You Che had blocked the information of these people.

During this period of time, their information will disappear on the earth, and no one will be able to find those parties.

Even the photos and information of those people posted online were mosaiced, the purpose was to protect these people.

Not only that, Nan Jingyou also contacted these people in advance, gave them a warning, and donated money to these people through charity organizations to make up for some of the mental damage caused to these people by his online revelations.

He was actually hesitant to expose the information at first, because he was afraid that it would open the scars of these people again.

But he asked You Che to investigate these people and found that they were not living well, and the Tang family did not settle them well at all.

Especially the parents who lost their daughter, they actually wanted justice for money.

Because their daughter was actually kidnapped by Tang Tianlang's people and forcibly taken to the operating table.

If she voluntarily aborted the child, or gave birth to the child well, maybe the girl would not die at all.

So Nan Jingyou chose to expose the information without hesitation.

Although the true identities of these people cannot be made public, the effect of hitting Tang Tianlang may not be so good, but he originally just wanted to teach this person a lesson.

The Tang family behind him is a behemoth, and it will take time to bring him down.

But I believe this incident is enough to make Tang Tianlang and the Tang family suffer.

The Tang family is now in the midst of public opinion and cannot get out of it. As the person involved, Tang Tianlang was angry and afraid when he saw the hot search.

His father just called him and guessed that this incident was caused by the Yu family, but he still asked Tang Tianlang if he had offended anyone recently.

Tang Tianlang first suspected Nan Jingyou because he also used this method to frame others last time.

Now he is afraid that he has been retaliated against by others.

However, when he thought that his father had always valued his eldest brother, he was in a free-range state. If it weren't for his grandfather's love for him, his status at home would be dispensable.

If his father knew that he had offended someone outside at this time, he didn't know how he would vent his anger on him.

He seemed very hesitant about whether to tell his family about this.

After thinking it over again and again, he decided to tell the whole story in a rush, so he said to the other end of the phone with a guilty conscience:

"Father, I did have a quarrel with someone a few days ago. His name is Nan Jingyou, and he is the major shareholder of Longjin and Longxing. I don't know if this matter has anything to do with him."

Tang Ronghai's voice suddenly rose, "You actually offended someone outside. I told you not to cause trouble for me on weekdays, but you didn't listen at all, did you?"

This son was not smart since he was young. Tang Ronghai naturally liked the smart eldest son more and didn't care much about the younger son


But the old man didn't know what was going on. He doted on his grandson so much that he became a dandy boy who couldn't do anything.

Tang Tianlang had always been afraid of his strict father. When he was yelled at like this, even if he wasn't standing in front of him now, he would shrink his neck out of habit.

"Father, that man is too arrogant. I just couldn't stand him and had a conflict with him, but it wasn't necessarily him who did it. Maybe it was the Yu family."

In his heart, he still underestimated Nan Jingyou. How could a person who wasn't even from one of the five major families dare to provoke the entire Tang family?

Tang Ronghai snorted coldly, and didn't say whether he believed it or not. Instead, he asked Tang Tianlang to tell him the information about Nan Jingyou in detail, and he would ask someone to check it first.

Tang Tianlang didn't dare to say anything, and respectfully told him the information he knew.

Until the end of the call, he had a layer of cold sweat on his head. It was really that his father's pressure on him was too heavy.

But he quickly turned his thoughts to Nan Jingyou, and his eyes showed hatred. If Nan Jingyou really did this, he must make people kowtow to him and admit his mistake.


The hot search has not been suppressed, and W-Blog is also anxious because the Tang family has been putting pressure on them.

W-Blog Technical Department.

"How is it, still can't crack it?" The technical director was so anxious that his mouth was about to bubble.

What is going on? The King of Hell is fighting, and these little ghosts are suffering.

In the past, celebrities on the hot search would crash W-Blog at any time, but now hackers are directly invited.

It's no wonder that all the people in the technical department are bald.

"Manager, no, the defense wall on the other side is too strong. We haven't even touched the first layer of the barrier."

"Yeah, who the hell is this guy? He's too damn strong."

"God K of the International Hacker Alliance is not so mysterious, it's outrageous."

The technicians on Wblog are also the top programmers in the country. They all said so. The technical manager could only lean back in his chair in a daze with a look of dejection.

He now just hopes that the hacker will not attack other places. As for the hot search that cannot be removed, forget it. Anyway, they have no losses for the time being, and he really can't do anything.

The most relaxed person at the moment is Nan Jingyou. He is scrolling through the comments on Wblog, and his face is full of gloating that can't be concealed.

You Che is going to keep this hot search on for a whole day, and let Tang Tianlang taste the taste of being chased and scolded.

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