The boy was pushed into his arms by his brother-in-law, and You Che simply hugged him and went into the room to sit opposite him.

"Brother Xiran, how do you feel? Are you feeling well?" Nan Jingyou asked with concern after sitting down.

He saw that the person in front of him had a ruddy complexion, so he should have recovered well, but it might also be because his brother was there.

Jiang Xiran smiled and replied, "Xiaoyou, thanks to you last night, I'm fine now."

He didn't dare to think about what kind of situation he would face without Nan Jingyou. He would probably be desperate to death.

"Brother Xiran, I'm glad you're okay."

After saying the caring words, Nan Jingyou naturally shifted the topic to the company's problems.

"By the way, Brother Xiran, your agent treated you like that, do you still want to stay in your original company? Do you want to come to Dingsheng? Don't worry, I will help you pay the liquidated damages for the termination of the contract."

Jiang Xiran's eyebrows were full of hesitation. After a moment, he spoke: "Xiaoyou, your brother told me about this matter. I plan to sue my original company first. As for whether to go to Dingsheng, I will consider it after I terminate the contract with the original company."

He glanced at Nan Jinghe carefully and found that he gave him an encouraging and reassuring look, which made him feel much more relieved.

"It's okay, Brother Xiran, you can find me anytime you think about it. Don't feel embarrassed because I am helping you. If you come to Dingsheng, with your current development, it is equivalent to adding a general to the company. The company will be happy to sign you."

Nan Jingyou could see that he probably didn't want to cause trouble for himself, but his proposal was indeed beneficial to both sides.

"I know, Xiaoyou, I won't be polite to you then." Jiang Xiran smiled.

This matter came to an end for the time being.

Near noon, Nan Jingyou suggested cooking hot pot at home, because his brother had not cooked at home for several days after moving in.

So taking advantage of this opportunity when everyone was together, they cooked in the new house to get rid of the bad air and add a little fireworks to the house.

As soon as he said it, Nan Jingyou went to the kitchen to take a look and found that kitchen utensils and seasonings were seriously lacking. He even doubted whether his brother would cook at home in the future.

In order for his brother to have a good meal at home occasionally in the future, he decided to take You Che to the supermarket to buy all the utensils and seasonings in the kitchen.

And buy the dishes for lunch by the way.

"Brother, You Che and I are going out to buy vegetables. Do you and Brother Xi Ran want to go?"

"Let's go together, Xi Ran, I'll go to the bedroom to get you a hat, mask and sunglasses."

As for why Nan Jinghe had a mask, it was the medical mask left when he had a viral cold before, and it was also to prevent the infection from spreading to his colleagues.

"Okay, Brother Nan."

Just like that, the four of them set off together to the nearby supermarket.

The buildings near the large flat are all luxury houses, so an imported supermarket opened nearby, which is considered to be a special service for the rich people in this area.

After entering the supermarket, the four pushed two shopping carts, one by Nan Jinghe and the other by You Che.

"Brother, you go buy the fruits and hot pot dishes you like first. By the way, buy a few bottles of beer and drinks, and You Che and I will buy pots and seasonings."

"Okay, You You."

Just like that, the four of them went to two areas in groups of two.

Jiang Xiran has not been to a supermarket since his debut. This is the first time he feels such a lively moment.

Looking at the people around him pushing shopping carts and asking him what he likes to eat from time to time, he feels happy from the bottom of his heart.

But when he was immersed in his own world, others looked at him strangely.

"Grandma, why is that person wearing a mask? Is he sick?"

"I think so."

"Then he is so pitiful. I won't get sick."

"Grandma's good grandson is in the best health."

"Sick" Jiang Xiran and Nan Jinghe were having a great time shopping. Except for his weird dress that attracted many people's attention, everything else went well.

Nan Jingyou was not so lucky. At this moment, he was being entangled by an unreasonable parent.

The reason was that he and You Che were choosing a pot. As a result, just after they chose the pot, a little boy of four or five years old suddenly rushed over from the corner and hit him.

The little boy was rebounded by the impact and fell on his buttocks and cried loudly.

And Nan Jingyou was also hit on the shelf by the sudden force, and happened to hit his lower back, which made him gasp in pain.

You Che hurried over to help

He even wanted to lift his clothes to check the wound on his waist.

"No, I'm fine, go and see how the kid is." He stopped You Che's hand from lifting his clothes.

In public, although he was a man, he didn't want to be exposed, and he was really worried about the little boy.

He was knocked back a few steps, and the little boy must have been knocked down with great force.

Although You Che complained about the boy's recklessness, he didn't care about a little kid, so he stepped forward to help him up and check.

Before his hand touched the little boy, a woman in her thirties, dressed exquisitely, ran over in a hurry.

"Get out of here." The woman slapped You Che's hand away.

Nan Jingyou watched the pair of slender white hands turn red immediately. He stepped forward angrily and asked: "Why are you hitting someone?"

"I hit him. You are so shameless. Two adults of this age bully a child who is only a few years old. I tell you, this matter is not over today."

Nan Jingyou was originally touching You Che's red hands with heartache, and the woman's words made him laugh.

He had never seen such a shameless person who was so good at turning black into white.

He sneered: "Please figure it out. It was your child who ran over and bumped into me, and then he fell down by himself. We kindly wanted to help him up. I have never seen you blaming others like this."

His lower back is still aching. It was originally an unprovoked disaster, and now it has become his fault.

It's really Wu Yu's mother opening the door for Wu Yu, Wu Yu is at home!

Seeing Nan Jingyou holding his waist, You Che's eyes became even colder. He walked to Nan Jingyou and put his arms around him, asking him to put his weight on him.

The woman helped the boy up and checked his whole body. When she found nothing wrong, she stood up and saw the two of them in an intimate posture.

The woman took the little boy back a few steps as if she saw something dirty, with disgust in her eyes.

"I was wondering how could someone dressed like a decent person have such bad morals? It turns out they are gay. They really make men lose face."

"Forget it, I'll be merciful this time. If you pay my son 100,000 yuan for mental damages and apologize to us solemnly, I'll let you go. I don't want to stay with you two immoral things for a long time."

After saying that, she frowned and fanned her nose with her hand, as if she smelled something unpleasant.

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