The new building is still in good condition.

"By the way, Manager Zheng, how is the leasing situation of office buildings and shops? Is the vacancy rate high?" Nan Jingyou suddenly asked.

Manager Zheng laughed. It seems that this new boss does not understand the strength of Zijin International.

He said seriously: "Boss, don't worry. Zijin International is very popular in both office buildings and shops. There is basically no vacancy. Even if there is a lease termination, the investment department can usually find customers to rent it out quickly."

Nan Jingyou nodded, not surprised at all. He asked this question for another purpose.

"Manager Zheng, if there are office buildings that are vacating recently, please leave one or two floors for me. I can use them."

He is about to start a business, and it is just right to use his own office building to work, so that he doesn't have to rent other people's office buildings.

Manager Zheng looked a little embarrassed. He has been in Zijin International for so long that he basically remembers which companies are in the office building. He has never heard of any company vacating the lease recently.

"Boss, there should be no companies vacating the lease recently. Those companies have basically paid the rent for the next quarter to the company's account."

Nan Jingyou was a little disappointed. Could it be that he can only rent an office building by himself?

Just when he was worried, Manager Zheng suddenly changed the subject, "However, there is a company whose contract will expire in more than a month. Although the other party still wants to renew the lease, the company often defaults on the rent, and even part of the rent for the last quarter has not been paid. Therefore, the investment promotion department has not given a positive response, and is considering whether to find a new customer."

"Then don't rent it." Nan Jingyou made the final decision.

Manager Zheng had no objection. The boss had spoken, so he had to give face to the boss.

As for that company, they could only consider themselves unlucky.

The two talked about some other things. At this time, there was a knock on the office door.

"Come in." Manager Zheng said.

With a click, the door was opened, and a female employee in a suit and skirt walked in.

"Hmm? Manager Lin, is there anything from the Investment Department?" Manager Zheng asked in confusion.

Manager Lin was the manager of the Investment Department. She went straight to the point and said:

"Mr. Zheng, it's Wanbao Health Technology who wants to discuss the renewal of the lease. Although the Investment Department has contacted several new customers, the rent has not been negotiated yet. Therefore, I would like to ask your opinion on whether to renew the lease with the other party."

Manager Zheng thought to himself that it was really a case of talking about the devil.

He set his sights on Nan Jingyou, "Boss, Wanbao Health Technology is the company I just told you about. I'll just ask someone to reject it now."

Manager Lin's eyes were full of shock. She only knew that Zijin International had a new boss, but she didn't expect the new boss to be so young.

But she vaguely felt that this person looked familiar.

But she couldn't tell where she had seen him.

"Well, refuse it." Nan Jingyou said concisely.

Manager Zheng received the order and immediately told Manager Lin:

"Manager Lin, tell the other party that you don't want to rent it anymore, and ask them to find a new office building as soon as possible, and vacate the office building when the contract expires."

"By the way, your investment department doesn't need to find new customers, and the boss will use that floor of the office building for himself."

Although Manager Lin was puzzled, she was tactful and didn't ask more questions, "Okay, I'll go down and do it now."

After returning to the investment department, she told the person who came to negotiate with Wanbao Health Technology that she would not renew the lease.

The other party was shocked.

He just thought that it was because of the overdue rent that annoyed Zijin International, and he hurriedly said goodbye and went back to the company to tell the boss about it.

I thought the matter was resolved like this, but I didn't expect the other company to be a persistent one.

Manager Zheng took the new boss, Nan Jingyou, around the entire property team and let the employees get to know the new boss.

So that they would not recognize the boss next time.

Time passed quickly, Nan Jingyou raised his wrist and saw that it was already past five o'clock.

"Manager Zheng, that's it for today. I've delayed you for a lot of time, so I'll leave first."

"Okay, boss, I'll take you and Mr. You out." Manager Zheng had already learned about You Che's identity, so he was very polite to this "boss lady".

But when he first knew it, he couldn't help sighing a few times in his heart.

Just after sending Nan Jingyou and the other person to the company gate, a middle-aged man with a big belly came over.

"Oh, Mr. Zheng, what a coincidence, I was just looking for you to discuss something, and you showed up." The man smiled, and with his round figure, he looked like a Maitreya Buddha.

"Mr. Zhao, I know what you want to do with me, I'm very sorry.

Sorry, we have other uses for the office building, so we really can't rent it to you. You should find a way to rent somewhere else. "

The middle-aged man called Mr. Zhao froze his smile, as if he didn't expect Manager Zheng to be so ruthless, and he couldn't help but get angry.

But he didn't dare to offend Manager Zheng. After all, Zijin International was very famous, and being able to rent here represented the company's strength. He didn't want to give up this office environment that symbolized the facade.

However, the company's performance has been getting worse in the past year, and the frequent arrears of rent are also due to some difficulties in capital turnover, and they also want to earn more bank interest.

If he had known that people would not rent because of this, he would not be greedy for this little advantage.

"Mr. Zheng, don't worry, I will pay off the arrears immediately and pay the rent for the next quarter together, and I promise to pay the rent on time in the future, so give me another chance. "

Mr. Zhao swallowed his heartache and looked at Manager Zheng expectantly.

He thought Manager Zheng would agree immediately, but he didn't expect the result to disappoint him.

"Sorry, Mr. Zhao, I have my own considerations, sorry I can't agree."

Mr. Zhao clenched his fists, and when he was angry, he noticed Nan Jingyou next to Manager Zheng.

He said with a fake smile: "Mr. Zheng, you are not going to drive me away and rent it to the person next to you, right? This kid doesn't have much money at first glance, don't be fooled, now the scammers have endless tricks, instead of taking risks, it is obviously much more reliable to cooperate with old customers like me."

Manager Zheng was shocked, fearing that the other party would make his boss angry, and his face fell.

Before he could refute, he heard Nan Jingyou's sarcastic laughter, "You are so unreasonable, you keep saying I am a liar, can you produce evidence? You are just talking nonsense. "

Mr. Zhao snorted and laughed, "I've eaten more salt than you have eaten rice. You look like a freshly graduated college student. It's good to want to start a business, but you still have to be down-to-earth. Rent a small office building first. Zijin International is not a place for a small shrimp like you to dream of. "

Nan Jingyou smiled and said, "Are you so sure that I have no money? What if I am a rich second generation?"

Mr. Zhao was obviously disdainful, "Then you should not waste the family's money. Tsk tsk, the rich second generation nowadays are really spoiled. They spend the family's money everywhere and don't understand the hard work of their parents at all."

Nan Jingyou now understands that this man is not only old-fashioned, but also lacks a brain.

He winked at Manager Zheng, "Manager Zheng, you tell Mr. Zhao who I am. "

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