After making the decision, Nan Jingyou immediately called Fang Shuyi and told them to get ready. He would go to the laboratory to inject capital and sign a contract the next day.

The next morning, when they arrived at Fang Shuyi's laboratory, all six team members were present.

The moment they saw Nan Jingyou, they seemed to see the God of Wealth, and their faces were full of excitement.

After a simple greeting, the eight people finally sat at the conference table and started to discuss business.

Nan Jingyou spoke first: "I am going to invest another 20 million in you, plus the previous 5 million, the total investment is 25 million."

As soon as this was said, the other team looked at each other, and as expected, their faces were full of surprise.

As the captain, Xie Chen first expressed his gratitude, and then told Nan Jingyou the result that he had discussed with his teammates before.

"Mr. Nan, it's like this. I have discussed with my teammates that our team can only give you 45% of the shares at most. In order not to make you feel disadvantaged, we can ask for less investment. Do you think this is okay?"

Xie Chen stared at Nan Jingyou nervously after he finished speaking.

Although this sponsor was very kind, he was not sure about Nan Jingyou's attitude when it came to interests.

Nan Jingyou was a little surprised, because his expected shares were actually only 35%.

He didn't expect that several people were quite straightforward.

"Don't be nervous, I think it's okay. The investment is still 25 million, and I want 40% of the shares. In the end, I took advantage of you." Nan Jingyou responded with a smile.

Research and subsequent operations all depend on them. He only needs to lie down and get money in the future. He would be embarrassed to ask for too many shares.

Now, in addition to being shocked, several people were also excited and happy.

Fan Tong even praised Nan Jingyou wildly, making everyone present laugh and cry.

After signing his name on the contract, Nan Jingyou also communicated with Xiaobai with his consciousness.

"Xiaobai, I have decided. I will take this project as the target of the investment task."

Xiaobai: "Host, have you really confirmed it? Once confirmed, it cannot be changed."

Nan Jingyou did not hesitate at all, "I have confirmed it, you can start the evaluation."

"Okay, please wait for a moment." Then his mind fell into silence.

Nan Jingyou was a little nervous, but his face was calm. Instead, he chatted with Fang Shuyi and the others enthusiastically.

About thirty seconds later, a burst of electric sound sounded in his mind, and then Xiaobai's slightly excited voice.

"After system evaluation, the future investment return rate of the project selected by the host this time is far more than 45%. Congratulations to the host for completing the investment task."

"The host's wealth value is +60, and a Universal Mechanical Technology Factory is rewarded. The contract and property certificate have been placed in the system space, and the host can check it at any time."

Nan Jingyou was full of curiosity and doubts about this mechanical technology factory, but he was ready to find Xiaobai to clarify after finishing the current things.

The contract was handled quickly, and Nan Jingyou's remaining 20 million investment was also deposited into Fang Shuyi's project account.

Now, Fang Shuyi's team's financial crisis has been resolved, and Nan Jingyou only needs to be a hands-off boss and wait for dividends in the future.

After coming out of the laboratory and getting in the car, Nan Jingyou began to continue the previous topic with Xiaobai.

"Xiaobai, tell me about the Huanyu Machinery Technology Factory in detail."

"Okay, host."

Xiaobai's voice was childish, but now he spoke with some maturity, "Huanyu Machinery Technology Factory is one of the largest machinery manufacturing and processing factories in China. The factory is involved in aerospace, automobiles, electronics, medical care, etc., and its headquarters is located in Beijing."

"Host, there is a hint. Do you want to hear it?"

Nan Jingyou smiled and said, "Xiaobai, don't keep me in suspense, tell me quickly."

Xiaobai cleared his throat, with obvious ill intentions in his tone, "The largest partner of this factory is the Rong family. The industry includes several fields I just mentioned. "

"Among them, Rong's automobile and medical care have the most cooperation with Huanyu. About 70% of auto parts and medical equipment are produced in Huanyu factories."

Nan Jingyou raised his eyebrows, "You are telling me this, are you planning something bad?"

Xiao Bai laughed, "Host, didn't you have a grudge with the head of the Rong family before? If you have a conflict in the market in the future, you can use this incident to trip up the Rong family."

Nan Jingyou touched his chin, thought about it, and finally said, "Let's talk about it later. It doesn't necessarily have to come to this step."

This move is a bit like hurting the enemy by a thousand and hurting oneself by eight hundred.

Since the last birthday banquet of the Tang family, he has actually been on guard against the Rong and Tang families making trouble for his family or company, but there has been no movement until now.

I don’t know if the two families are holding back a big move, or they don’t have the courage to cause trouble for him.

But even if trouble comes, he is not afraid, he has already made preparations. As long as they don’t touch his family, everything will be fine.

But if they choose to do it secretly and attack his family, don’t blame him for being rude. He doesn’t mind joining forces with other families to disintegrate and annex the two families.

Not to mention that there are many killers in the system mall, even if the system doesn’t take action, with the financial resources and power he has now, he can also peel off a layer of skin from the two families.

Just when he was lost in thought, You Che’s voice interrupted his thoughts.

“Master, are you going home or eating out?”

Nan Jingyou said “ah” and then said he would go home directly.

After returning home, as expected, the current person in charge of Huanyu quickly called Nanjing You, hoping that he could go to the Beijing headquarters to make some handovers.

However, Nan Jingyou did not plan to go in person. With Fu Jinyuan in Beijing, he directly handed over all matters of the Huanyu factory to Fu Jinyuan.

Another big thing was solved, and Nan Jingyou relaxed on the sofa.

Looking towards the kitchen, the busy figure of You Che appeared in his mind, and his eyes were immediately filled with tenderness and love.

Thinking of his next plan, Nanjing You slowly raised a smile at the corner of his mouth.

In order to prevent You Che from noticing anything, he went back to the room on the second floor and made a few phone calls. When he came down from upstairs again, the table was already full of delicious food.

"Master, try this new dish I researched."

The two sat face to face, and You Che kept picking up food for Nan Jingyou with chopsticks.

Nan Jingyou was satisfied and happy with the meal.

In a blink of an eye, another week passed.

Today was the day that Nan Jingyou had planned to go on a private island vacation.

In addition to Nan Jingyou, You Che and a group of bodyguards, Mu Ziruo, Xu Jiayan and Yan Hao were also traveling with him.

Liang Jinwen was stuck with company matters, so she didn't come.

In addition to these people, Nan Jingyou had also invited Yu Xiuhe, because he had promised him that he would notify this person if he wanted to go to the island.

But unfortunately, Yu Xiuhe went abroad with his father to discuss business, so he could only miss it with regret.

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