The two of them were so happy that they finally got married.

You Che touched the corner of his lips and said lovingly, "Of course, I can help you do a lot of things, including writing robot program codes, etc. I will definitely help you complete the task successfully."

This is what Nan Jingyou wanted, "Mua, you are such a good boyfriend."

The soft touch on his face made You Che laugh.

The two of them were affectionate on the sofa for a while until Nan Jingyou's cell phone rang.

Nan Jingyou glanced at the caller ID and immediately showed a surprised expression on his face, "Hello, Mom, are you and Dad back from traveling?"

The other side smiled and said, "Yes, we got home last night."

"How is it, is T country fun?" Nan Jingyou didn't expect that his parents would actually sign up for a group tour abroad, and they would be gone for more than 20 days, which made him worried.

Speaking of this, Nan's mother was very happy, "Haha, it's fun, your dad and I, your uncle Sun and aunt Zhang have seen the world this time, and we agreed to go to M country for a trip during the winter vacation."

The son of Uncle Sun and Aunt Zhang mentioned by Nan's mother is doing business, and the family is quite rich.

So the couple can travel to any place with just a word, and they don't have to worry about money at all.

Nan's mother used to envy them a little, but now her son has made a difference, and she herself has become the object of others' envy.

"Mom, why don't you and Dad retire after teaching this class of students? Then you can travel around the world."

Sure enough, when this matter was mentioned, Nan's mother refused without hesitation.

Fortunately, Nan Jingyou had been mentally prepared and didn't feel much disappointed.

"Okay, let's not discuss this matter. By the way, I just heard from the neighbors that you have become a big internet celebrity now. Youyou, you are really amazing."

Faced with his mother's praise, Nan Jingyou smiled, "It's nothing, it's just a coincidence."

Then he became a little worried, "Mom, have I had any impact on your life? If someone harasses you, you must tell me, and I am going to send two bodyguards to protect you."

"Oh, son, no need, we are in such a small place, how can we need bodyguards to protect us." Nan's mother quickly stopped him.

Nan Jingyou's attitude towards this matter was very tough, "Mom, the two bodyguards will only protect you in the dark, you just live a normal life, and now I am a big tree that attracts the wind, and I will inevitably offend some people. If they want to retaliate against me and hurt you, I will definitely blame myself."

Nan's mother heard her son's serious tone and pondered, "Okay, then listen to Youyou."

"Um, Youyou, I, I..."

"Mom, are you still polite to your son? Just say what you want to say." Nan Jingyou smiled helplessly.

A sigh came from the phone, "Youyou, it's like this, many people in the community have learned from the Internet that you are now the boss of a big company. Several people who have a good relationship with us have come to ask you to use your connections to recruit their children into your company. Mom found an excuse to send them away temporarily, but I'm afraid they won't give up."

They are all neighbors, and they will see each other sooner or later. To be honest, this matter is a bit difficult for Nan's mother.

Nan Jingyou didn't make it difficult for Nan's mother. He said, "Mom, if they come again next time, you can give them my phone number and I will come to them in person. Anyway, if this happens in the future, you can always say that you can't make the decision and let them call me directly."

"Will this disturb your life and work?" Nan's mother hesitated.

"No, I have time to argue with them."

If they are reasonable people, he will give these people some opportunities, just as a benefit to the neighbors.

But if these people rely on their status to make trouble and make trouble, he will not let them take advantage of them.

"Okay, then I will do what you say, Youyou."

On the other end of the phone, Nan's mother paused, and then asked uncertainly: "Youyou, is your brother dating a male star?"

"Uh..." Nan Jingyou was silent by this sentence.

After two or three seconds, he asked tentatively: "Mom, if my brother really likes men, will you and Dad object?"

Now it was the other side's turn to be silent.

This time the silence lasted a bit longer, so long that his palms began to sweat from nervousness.

When he was mourning for his brother, Nan's mother suddenly chuckled.

But the laughter was a little bitter.

"To be honest, if you two are with men, Mom will be a little disappointed, because Mom wants to take care of her grandchildren after retirement. Alas, it seems that this wish cannot be realized."

Nan Jingyou was speechless for a moment, because this thing really cannot be realized.

Even if he has a system, the system may not have the ability to let him or You Che have children.

Besides, You Che is still a robot, and it is unknown whether he has the ability to pass on the family line.

Just when he wanted to say a few words to comfort Nan's mother, Nan's mother comforted herself:

"Forget it, it's so tiring to take care of grandchildren. When your father and I retire, we will raise two dogs as grandchildren. I see that young people nowadays raise cats and dogs as sons, so it's okay for me to raise them as grandchildren."

Nan Jingyou didn't know whether to laugh or cry when he heard this, and quickly responded: "Yes, yes, it's tiring to take care of grandchildren. It will be so comfortable for you to travel around the world in the future. Life is only a hundred years, and the most important thing is to be happy."

Nan's mother seemed to have figured it out. After being comforted by her youngest son, she smiled from ear to ear.

"Okay, Youyou, mom won't bother you anymore. I'll call to ask about your brother's situation. He didn't say a word when he found a wife, which makes me worry at all."

"Okay, goodbye, mom!"

After hanging up the phone, he could only say to his brother: Wish you the best.

He thought it was funny when he thought of his brother being scolded by his mother.

Seeing him smirking, You Che couldn't help but curl up his lips. His kid seemed a little bit naughty.

However, he liked it!

Time passed bit by bit, and Nan Jingyou handed over the two matters of establishing the group and registering the new company to Fu Jinyuan.

Professional matters should be handed over to professionals.

Then, with the help of You Che, he recruited a group of talents with strong business capabilities.

These talents almost occupied every department of the company, including the senior brothers and sisters of Mu Ziruo's game company.

Because Mu Ziruo was not a material for entrepreneurship.

He himself probably didn't want to toss, so when he heard that Nan Jingyou was looking for talents in computer science, he took the initiative to give his senior brothers and sisters to Nan Jingyou.

After a busy month or so, Nan Jingyou's Nan Group and Jingche Technology Co., Ltd. were officially established.

All the absolutely holding companies under Nan Jingyou's name became subsidiaries of Nan Group.

In addition to Nan Jingyou, the absolute controlling shareholder, Jingche Technology also has You Che as a shareholder. Because You Che has the core technology of intelligent robots, he will become the backbone of the technology in this research.

Nan Jingyou originally planned to exchange the intelligent robot technology at the system mall, but You Che said that he could handle it, thus saving him a lot of Godly Rich Points.

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