The live broadcast was a mess, but the live broadcast was a mess.

However, the netizens in the live broadcast room really wanted to vomit.

The screen was full of vomiting expressions, and some netizens even gave small gifts to ask the anchor to stop.

Seeing someone giving gifts, Liu Hu twisted even more.

Nan Jingyou ruthlessly exited the live broadcast room, and then stared at You Che for a long time.

"Master, is there something on my face?" You Che smiled.

"No." Nan Jingyou shook his head, "I feel my eyes are polluted, look at your beautiful face to cleanse my eyes."

He didn't watch the live broadcast much, but he also more or less learned about the current live broadcast situation from the Internet.

For example, deliberately eating some disgusting things, playing tricks, hyping, and even team operations to deceive people.

These people broadcast whatever they want to attract attention.

If there were no laws and regulations, these people probably wouldn't know where the bottom line is.

You Che touched Nan Jingyou's eyes and comforted him, "Then don't watch this kind of thing next time. I'll help you block that person's account so that he can never broadcast live again."

Nan Jingyou nodded and shook his head.

In You Che's slightly puzzled eyes, he smiled slyly, "Wait a little longer, let him be happy first. After the broadcast, he will find that his account has been permanently banned and the money in it can no longer be taken out. I wonder how he can spread rumors about others."

"Master, you are really smart." You Che pinched his chin and gently kissed him on the lips.

Nan Jingyou kissed back calmly.

Next, the two of them pecked each other, and those who didn't know would think that the IQ of these two people was only three and a half years old.

After playing enough with You Che, Nan Jingyou opened his mobile phone and browsed other live broadcast rooms again.

Suddenly, a live broadcast room caught his eye.

Clicking in, I saw a young man dressed in costume and opera makeup.

At this moment, he danced with swords with both hands, and sang one of the classic Peking Opera Meipai operas, "Farewell My Concubine".

There were not many people in the live broadcast room, just over a thousand, and most of them were not there to listen to the music, but to see the host's appearance.

The topics discussed in the barrage had nothing to do with opera, and were all some teasing words.

Soon the song ended, and the host adjusted the screen and sat down.

When the face was enlarged, because of the good-looking face shape and the exquisite opera makeup, it was really hard to tell whether it was a man or a woman for a while.

But when he started to speak in his original voice, everyone knew that he was a boy.

His voice was as clear as a spring, crisp and a little gentle, which made people feel good.

He first greeted the netizens, and then began to explain Peking Opera, from its origin, style, to singing method...

Netizens don't want to listen to these boring things!

But the comments they made to tease the boys were almost overwhelming, and the anchor just smiled shyly.

It made everyone unable to get angry even if they wanted to.

At this time, a netizen gave a gift worth 99 Chinese yuan and left a message: "If the anchor wears a costume and dances a hot dance, the more flirtatious the better, I will give you a carnival."

A carnival is worth 3,000 Chinese yuan, and even if the platform has to share the profits, the anchor will get more than 1,000 yuan.

The anchor was a little happy to receive the gift from the netizen, but his face changed immediately after seeing the request.

He shook his head and said firmly, "Sorry, I can't agree. This is disrespectful to the costume on me. I can't do such a thing."

In the eyes of the anchor, the costume is sacred and cannot be slandered or profaned. Besides, he can't dance that kind of hot dance.

The anchor's behavior seemed to have offended the netizen who gave the gift.

After a few seconds, a series of unbearable comments appeared in the live broadcast room.

"Damn, you are so noble, why do you come to live broadcast, why don't you just go home and sing your play well."

"You want money, but you don't want to meet the requirements of the sponsor. You are typical hypocrites."

There are netizens who agree with him, and there are also netizens who think that the anchor's approach is correct.

The anchor naturally noticed the unpleasant comments. This is the first time he has been abused like this, and he is full of grievances.

Although his face is calm, his eyes are red.

However, he does not intend to compromise. He said hard: "Sorry, I really can't accept such a request. I will return the gift money to you in full. Now, please leave my live broadcast room immediately."

As soon as this sentence came out, the whole audience was silent, and no one posted a barrage.

But this sentence also completely broke the netizen


After a few seconds, he started to post barrages one after another, all without any dirty words, but extremely insulting.

The host was so angry that his hands were shaking under the table.

At the same time, Nan Jingyou was also angry.

But before he could be angry for too long, Xiaobai's childish voice suddenly sounded in his mind.

"Host, congratulations, a new random task has been triggered."


Why did the task get triggered out of nowhere?

"What task, Xiaobai, tell me." Nan Jingyou asked in confusion.

"As a super rich man, the host needs to develop in all aspects of morality, intelligence, physical fitness, aesthetics and labor. For example, while you enjoy huge wealth, you also have the responsibility to make various contributions to society."

Nan Jingyou nodded and agreed.

"So what is my mission?"

Xiao Bai said, "Have you seen the person in your live broadcast room? His family has been performing arts for three generations. He is currently the only heir of his generation and is an extremely outstanding opera actor. However, for various reasons, he will give up opera."

"Your mission is to help him get out of the trough and encourage him to continue to carry forward China's excellent traditional culture."

"Can you please ask what is the main reason for him to give up opera?" Otherwise, he would not know where to start.

Xiao Bai's voice was full of helplessness, "Of course he is short of money. He can't support his current life by relying solely on opera."

"After his grandfather passed away, his father was coaxed by a woman to take away all the family property and even the house was secretly sold by his father, leaving no money for the mother and son. To make matters worse, his mother is sick and needs a large sum of money for treatment. This is probably why he came to the live broadcast."

Xiao Bai was so angry after saying this.

As a fox, it doesn't understand why humans are so cruel.

Abandoning his wife and children, he is not worthy of being a human being!

Nan Jingyou felt mixed emotions, especially the boy on the screen was about to break, which made him feel a little bit sorry.

Well, he would be an angel investor for once.

Not only did he help others, but there would be one more opera master to continue to pass on the opera culture in the future, killing two birds with one stone.

"Xiaobai, I know how to help him, but will you reimburse me for the money I spent during this period?"

Nan Jingyou felt that if he could get the wool of the system, he would resolutely not spend a penny of his own money.

"Of course I will reimburse, I am the most generous system." Xiaobai pouted his chin proudly.

"That's good, you help me recharge 20 million on this platform, I will use it later."

"Host, you don't want to give him a reward, why don't you just ask for his account number and transfer the money to him?" Xiaobai didn't really understand the host's brain circuit.

If you give a reward, you have to give the platform a share, which is a big loss.

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