The two of them were so sad that they had to wait for the next two days.

"Master Rong, are you okay?" Yu Ziming had never seen Rong Huan so broken in all these years.

It was strange that Master Rong, who always planned and said what he meant, would have tears in his eyes.

I just don't know what the relationship is between the person who died many years ago in Nan Jingyou's mouth and Rong Huan.

In the face of Yu Ziming's concern, Rong Huan just shook his head numbly and said nothing.


Yu Ziming sighed. Seeing Rong Huan like this, he was really afraid that he would get into trouble on his own territory.

At the same time, he was also smiling bitterly. Could it be that Nan Jingyou really had a constitution that caused trouble?

I just hope that this cocktail party won't end as ridiculously as the last Tang family birthday party.

The winery hall.

The entire hall is set up as a dining area, with European-style decorations and dishes, just like a luxurious palace banquet.

Nan Jingyou was arranged by Yu Xiuhe to sit in the front seat, and several of Yu Xiuhe's friends sat at the same table with him.

Wei Chenxi came later, but there was another person with him.

Nan Jingyou looked closely, isn't this Helian Yu?

Judging from Wei Chenxi's attitude towards him, the relationship between the two seems to be quite good.

"Hello, let me introduce to everyone, this is my good friend I met when I was studying abroad in Country E, Helian Yu." Wei Chenxi put his arm around Helian Yu's shoulders, looking like a good buddy.

Helian Yu had a faint smile on his face, distant and unfamiliar, but when he saw Nan Jingyou, his eyes suddenly became more lively.

"So you are Xichen's friend. Come and sit down. We are all young people, so don't be polite." Yu Xiuhe's attitude towards Helian Yu was quite friendly.

He had learned about the Helian family from his father. They migrated from China to foreign countries during the war in the early years, and now they have developed into tycoons in E country.

Their financial strength is comparable to that of the Yu family.

During this period, the Helian family has been active in China, and it is obvious that they are preparing to enter the Chinese market.

This is not good news for their five major families.

The cake is so big, and everyone is definitely unwilling to have a strong opponent suddenly emerge.

However, the business of the Yu family and the Helian family does not overlap for the time being, so they are not very worried.

The reason why the people of the Helian family were invited this time was that Yu's father wanted to know each other and each other, so that even if there is friction in the future, they can find a way to quickly reconcile.

Helian Yu did not care about Yu Xiuhe's attitude towards him. He was pulled over by Wei Chenxi, which was also a helpless move.

If possible, he would rather sit with his parents.

But the moment he saw Nan Jingyou, he changed his mind.

Well, this place is also good, he thought so.

Then, he sat opposite Nan Jingyou.

In fact, he wanted to sit next to Nan Jingyou, but there was You Che on his left and Jiang Xiran on his right, so there was no room for him to intervene.

Therefore, he could only settle for the second best.

The guests sat down one after another. Nan Jingyou was talking to the people at the same table. He glanced casually and saw Rong Huan in front of him.

He spat in his heart.

It's really unlucky!!!

Seeing this dog man, his appetite for food was almost gone.

Rong Huan naturally saw Nan Jingyou, his thin lips were tightly pursed, his face had long lost much blood, and even his heart began to ache slightly.

I don’t know what he thought of, he took out his mobile phone and sent a message.

After doing all this, he leaned back on the chair as if exhausted, staring at Nan Jingyou with lifeless eyes. Even when his deskmate spoke to him, he pretended not to hear.

Nan Jingyou felt sick when Rong Huan stared at him. He glared at him with disgust, then retracted his gaze and never looked at him again.

Nan Jinghe saw all of Nan Jingyou's abnormal behavior, and his heart was filled with doubts.

He knew nothing about the reason for his uncle's death, and his parents never mentioned it. How did Xiaoyou know?

And that man, what is his relationship with his uncle?

Nan Jinghe was full of curiosity and wanted to know the truth now.

But he also knew that it was not the right time, so he had to bear it.

Jiang Xiran saw that he was in a bad mood and guessed that it was because of what happened just now.

He patted Nan Jinghe's hand gently and gave him a comforting smile.

Nan Jinghe held his sweetheart's hand and felt at ease.

Soon, Western food and fine wine were placed in front of everyone.

The red wine on the table was produced by Yu Family Winery and placed outside.

Sales, a bottle will not be less than 100,000.

This time, Nan Jingyou did not use juice instead of red wine, but he also knew his alcohol tolerance, so he just tasted it.

However, the wine of the Yu family is really good, with a mellow aroma and a sweet aftertaste.


Time at the table always passes quickly, and in a blink of an eye, an hour and a half has passed.

Nan Jingyou glanced around and found that only a few people were drunk, but those who were in the mall had already shown their alcohol tolerance, so basically no one was drunk.

Rong Huan, on the other hand, didn't know if he was hit, he drank one glass of red wine after another during the meal.

Even if he had a good alcohol tolerance, he couldn't stand it.

So, when the banquet was over, he had already leaned back in his chair, his eyes were hazy.

Seeing this, Yu Ziming, who was at the same table with him, had no choice but to ask the waiter to help him to the guest room to rest.

The heads of the families who were dining together looked at each other.

Is this still the ruthless and decisive Rong family head they knew?

At this moment, he looked like everyone was drinking in the bar when they were young.

I've never seen such a thing before!

The dignified Rong family head actually has a side that doesn't care about his image.

Staring at Rong Huan's back as he was helped away, Nan Jingyou sneered and felt that he deserved it.

He has been dead for more than 20 years, why is he pretending to be affectionate now?

What did he do before?

What he hated most was not that Rong Huan got married and had children and betrayed his uncle's feelings, but that he never thought about checking the truth of the year from beginning to end.

If this person had immediately gone to his uncle to ask for clarification after receiving the breakup letter, his uncle might not have chosen the path of death.

Well, taking a step back, even if he didn't ask or check, why did he enjoy a happy family while resenting his uncle in his heart?

He was heartbroken when he thought of his uncle lying alone in the ground, facing the betrayal and hatred of his beloved.

Although he had never seen his uncle, the fresh and youthful young man in the yellowed photos had been deeply engraved in his mind.

He could not let go of the fact that he was a flower-like age, but he withered early because of a scumbag.

Rong Huan, he should not have appeared in his uncle's life.

Even if his uncle liked a man who loved him a little more, his uncle's ending would not be perfect, but he would have a complete life.

Instead of living in the memories of a few relatives like now.

"Master, don't look at it. Don't let irrelevant people affect your mood."

You Che's voice pulled Nan Jingyou back to his thoughts.

He lowered his eyes, and his eyelashes cast two fan-shaped shadows under the light, which further highlighted his sadness.

After a long while, he raised his head and gave You Che a faint smile, "I'm fine, don't worry."

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