The new year is coming, and the new year is coming.

Name: Su Hong

Talent: Unparalleled

Qi and blood: 1380 (+)

Spiritual Master: 1240 (+)

Physique: Overlord Body·Spiritual Level·48% (+)

Guiding Technique:......

Martial Arts: Water Cannon·Perfect, Water Wall·Perfect......

Spearmanship: Three-stage three stars (20%)

Body Skills: Two-stage eight stars (57%)

Martial Arts Value: 15350

Even though Su Hong has been saving martial arts value and not using it, the entire panel still has a significant increase compared to a month ago.

Qi and blood increased from 1126 points to 1380 points, an increase of more than 200 points.

The mental power increased from 1003 points to 1240 points, also an increase of more than 200 points.

The reason for such a rapid increase is that Su Hong is very diligent in his practice, and on the other hand, Su Hong would take Qi and Blood Pills and pills to assist in the practice of mental power every now and then.

Regardless of the cost!

This also led to the fact that although Su Hong's rank in the virtual ladder soared this month, his points were only 700 points.

The progress of the Overlord Body also increased from 43% to 48%.

The improvement of the spearmanship was also huge, from the third stage and one star to the third stage and three stars.

The improvement of the body skills was the most significant, from the second stage and two stars to the second stage and eight stars!

You know, Su Hong did not use the martial arts value to add points for this attribute change, but relied purely on hard work and drugs.

Of course, talent also played a big role. If it were someone else, even if they worked harder, the improvement would definitely not be as huge as Su Hong's.

"The most important thing is that there are 15,350 martial arts points!!"

This is mainly due to the random battle mechanism of the virtual ladder.

You can match with geniuses from all over the world.

The most important thing is the special time.

Now all the freshmen of Wuda have just entered school. Everyone, whether genius or mediocre, starts from zero in the virtual ladder.

Su Hong didn't know how many other geniuses of Wuda he met, so he saved such a huge amount of martial arts points in just one month.

"There will be more and more in the future!"

Su Hong muttered to himself, with excitement in his eyes.

As his rank got higher and higher, the opponents he met were no longer limited to freshmen, but also other senior students of Wuda.

These people may not be as good as the geniuses of magic and martial arts, but with several years of accumulation, they are not weak in combat power.

"Add more!"

Looking at the five-digit martial arts points, Su Hong felt like he had suddenly become rich.


"Just max out the Overlord Body first!"

Su Hong didn't even think about it, and invested 5200 martial arts points directly, raising the progress of the Overlord Body from 48% to 100% at once!

The moment the points were added, the spiritual level suffix behind the Overlord Body began to change.

But at this time, Su Hong no longer had the energy to care about these.

He only felt that countless heat currents appeared in his body, constantly washing his limbs, flesh, tendons, bones... all seemed to be steamed by high temperature.

In just a few seconds, Su Hong's whole body turned red, and his skin was as hot as a shrimp just cooked.

Steam kept coming out of his body, and in the blink of an eye, the huge martial arts room became misty.

There was a strong pain in his body, and Su Hong gritted his teeth expressionlessly, without saying a word.

"My power... is skyrocketing!" After Su Hong noticed this, he ignored the pain all over his body and showed strong excitement in his eyes.

"Compared to getting stronger, this little pain is nothing!"



After several hours, Su Hong, who was already numb from the pain, gradually felt the pain fade away.

At this time, a blood-colored puddle formed on the ground where he was sitting cross-legged, and the whole person was like a blood gourd.


Su Hong exhaled, slowly stood up, clenched his fists, felt the explosive power in his body, and a hint of joy flashed in his eyes.

The next moment, he raised his head and saw that the martial arts room in front of him was completely shrouded in thick white steam. Even with the window open, there was no sign of weakening.


Su Hong punched out, the fist wind was surging, and the sound of breaking wind continued to sound.

The white steam that filled the martial arts room was blown away by this punch in the blink of an eye.

"The power is at least ten times stronger than before."

Su Hong was shocked by his own punch and couldn't help but

Run to find the mechanical puppet to test it.

Yesterday, the mechanical puppet's settings were still comparable to his.


Su Hong said with expectation.

The next moment, the mechanical puppet's red eyes lit up and it rushed over instantly.

"Get out!"

Su Hong raised his fist and punched it. With a bang, the mechanical puppet that was evenly matched with Su Hong yesterday flew backwards instantly, and the whole puppet body was stuck in the wall.


The pair of red eyes of the mechanical puppet flickered blankly, and it seemed that even the artificial intelligence was stunned for a while.

"The master's power has increased significantly, and adjustments are being made..."

Soon, a mechanical sound sounded slowly, and soon the mechanical puppet crawled out of the wall.

"Stop!" Su Hong said casually, and the red eyes of the mechanical puppet suddenly dimmed. "

Then, Su Hong looked at the constitution column of the attribute panel.

Constitution: Overlord Body·Xuan Level·0% (+)

"Xuan Level? "

Su Hong whispered, with a thoughtful look on his face, and then searched on the bracelet.

The information on magic and martial arts is not comparable to that in Star City.

Soon, an introduction attracted Su Hong's attention.

Spirit, mysterious, earth, heaven... This is the division of physical grades from ancient warriors.

"So that's how it is, then it's the earth grade."

Su Hong thought about it and wanted to test the earth grade overlord body to see if the martial arts value would change if the progress was increased by 1%.

Soon, Su Hong's face froze.

He added 100 points of martial arts value, but only increased the progress by 0.1%.

"Damn, 1000 points of martial arts value can only increase 1%, what's the point! "

Su Hong's face was dark, and his mind was back to the feeling of upgrading the Overlord Body to the Spiritual Level.


However, Su Hong also knew that the greater the demand for martial arts value, the stronger the combat power brought by the upgrade.

After careful calculation, the difference was actually not much.

"Forget it, there is no need to upgrade the Overlord Body in the short term."

"Improve your Qi, blood and mental strength first!"

5200 martial arts points were added to the Overlord Body, and there were 10150 points left.

"First upgrade to the third-level high stage! "

Su Hong made a decision quickly. Although his martial arts value was enough to break through to the fourth-level warrior, his mental power would be much lower, which would result in a smaller increase in combat power.

You know, a mentalist is very powerful, enough to crush warriors of the same level.

Soon, both his blood and mental power reached 1800 points.

Su Hong felt his strength increase again. Although it was not as great as the increase in the Overlord Body, the increase in strength was also very gratifying.

And the mental power in his mind gradually expanded from a small stream to several streams. Su Hong felt that when he broke through to the fourth level, it should be called a mental power lake!

So far, there are 250 martial arts points left, originally 350 points, but 1 of them is 00 was used by Su Hong to test the martial arts value required for the Earth-level Overlord Body.

Su Hong casually added it to the Qi and Blood, and the Qi and Blood finally reached 1825 points!

Tomorrow is the freshman competition. After a month of hard training, Su Hong is ready to relax and recharge his energy on the last day.

Soon, Su Hong skillfully found a senior sister who was a part-time masseuse in the Magic and Martial Arts School on the bracelet for door-to-door service.

This is charged, and 50 points are required for one time, which is extremely luxurious.

However, Su Hong does not need to pay this fee. This is also one of the benefits of living in the first dormitory, just like breakfast.

Soon, the door was pushed open, and a sweet-looking senior sister walked in, smiling and asked Su Hong to lie down and started to massage.

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