The price of the yacht is 103 meters long, with a helipad on the top floor, a super luxurious presidential suite, restaurants, cinemas, gyms, etc. DeNado also contracts the berthing fees of China's ports for five years and provides professional daily maintenance..." "The starting price is 250 million, and each increase is not less than 5 million. Bidding starts now." Nan Jingyou liked the yacht very much just by looking at the pictures on the screen and the introduction of the auctioneer. No man doesn't like such a luxurious and cool thing. He wants to collect all the means of transportation by land, sea and air. He just happened to have this opportunity this time, and he didn't plan to give up. Soon he joined the bidding, and the price soared all the way, 300 million, 400 million, 500 million...

In the end, Nan Jingyou won the bid at a high price of 630 million.

This operation once again shocked everyone around him.

If it was someone older, it would be fine, but Nan Jingyou was too young, and he spent several hundred million at a time. Which parent dared to give his child so much money to build a business.

Some companies only have a few hundred million in working capital.

This time, not only Qin Yang, but even Qin's father who was sitting next to him looked over.

He lip-synced to his son, and Qin Yang could probably guess his father's purpose, which was nothing more than wanting him to get closer to Nan Jingyou.

After all, if he could get to know some friends of higher class, maybe he would get some opportunities one day.

He actually wanted to get to know Nan Jingyou, but not for this reason, he was attracted by Nan Jingyou's personality charm.

He felt that Nan Jingyou had a kind of innocence that was not found in their class, as if he had not been corrupted by the smell of money, and he exuded a kind of sincerity from the inside out.

He would rather be friends with such people.

After thinking this through, his smile became more sincere, and he asked jokingly: "Jingyou, this auction item is not for your family again, right?"

Nan Jingyou was stunned when he heard this, and then smiled and said: "No, I want this one myself."

Qin Yang exaggeratedly said: "Brother, tell me honestly, is your family one of the top wealthy families? Your daily pocket money is calculated in billions, and you have hundreds of millions of dollars this time, which is too enviable."

Nan Jingyou waved his hand, "No, I'm just an ordinary person."

He knew that this person would not believe it, and he said it deliberately, because he didn't know how to answer it at all, so it was better to just fool him.

If the other party knew what he was talking about, he would understand that he didn't want to say it, and he wouldn't ask any more questions.

Sure enough, Qin Yang did not hold on to it, but also joked: "If you are an ordinary person, then we are not even as good as ordinary people."

Nan Jingyou smiled and said nothing. Just at this time, the auctioneer started to display the next item.

However, the next items did not make Nan Jingyou like them. He raised his hand to check the time and found that it was already five o'clock in the afternoon.

Time passed really quickly. Three hours had passed.

Nan Jingyou thought that there should not be many things left. He had to hurry up and bid for another one, otherwise he would waste the opportunity to get free wool.

Fortunately, it didn't take long for his favorite things to appear.

This time, the item was a small island. When it was first discovered, some people said that it was like a pearl forgotten in the sea, so it was later named Pearl Island.

Although it does not belong to China, it is not too far away.

Nan Jingyou likes the sea very much, but he has never had many opportunities to go there. Now it is like a pillow for you when you are sleepy.

And he just bought a yacht. It would be wonderful to drive the yacht to his private island for vacation.

If he gets married in the future, he can hold a romantic wedding on the island with sunshine and beach. With this in mind, this island is even more worthwhile.

The auctioneer also started to introduce that Pearl Island has been developed. There are holiday villas and a magnificent building like a castle. The whole island is surrounded by beaches and oceans, and the blue sea is in full view.

Nan Jingyou has thought about it. He will try all of these in the future, such as picking coconuts, sunbathing, diving, fishing, picking shells, etc.

Nan Jingyou looked around and found that everyone didn't seem to have much expression.

Yes, the only use of this island may be to go on vacation. The cost performance is not high. Even if it is developed into a tourist area, the cost will be very high, and it may not be recovered by then.

But Nan Jingyou doesn't care about this.

He didn't think about it, he just liked it.

The most important thing is that this island has permanent property rights, which means that after buying it, he will be the only legal owner of this island. Even if he dies in the future, this island can be inherited by his family.

After the auctioneer introduced it, he started to bid, with a starting price of 560 million.

Although there were few competitors, the other party was a persistent one, and the bidding was not smooth this time, because he felt that there was a box on the second floor that seemed to be arguing with him.

In fact, what Nan Jingyou didn't know was that the person in the box was the one who was almost angry to death.

"Ah, I'm so angry, who is this person, he's sitting in the hall, and he dares to snatch things from me."

"Can he afford so much money?"

In the box was a man in his twenties, who was constantly complaining through the projection screen in front of him.

"Master, you can't raise the price anymore. If the master knew that you spent so much money just to buy such an island, he would definitely punish you." The middle-aged man on the side advised.

"Uncle Xu, this is the birthday gift I want to buy for Tingting. Others are too tacky. I heard that she likes the sea, and she will definitely like this island." The young man was intoxicated when he mentioned Tingting.

Uncle Xu looked helpless. His young master was good in every way, but he was a little love-brained.

He wanted to give such an expensive gift to someone before he even caught up with her.

"No, Uncle Xu, I'll raise the price one last time. I don't believe that the person in the hall can really come up with so much money."


"No. 7 bid 850 million. Is there anyone who wants to raise the price?"

"One billion." Nan Jingyou didn't even blink and directly raised the price by 150 million.

The auctioneer smiled, "No. 118 bid one billion. Is there anyone who wants to raise the price?"

"Damn, one billion, is that person a fool? How can he raise the price like this?" The people in the box were very depressed.

Uncle Xu was happy to see this happen. It would be best if he was taken advantage of. He didn't want his young master to be a love-brained and scapegoated person.

He tried hard to hold back his laughter and said softly: "Young master, there are always people who are better than you. It seems that the man must be a rich man who is out for fun. You should not bother with him."

"Besides, young master, you really don't have enough money."

The young man was discouraged, "Okay, okay, it seems that I can only find something else to give to Tingting."

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