The old man was very happy, but he was not very happy.

"Then I feel relieved."

Thinking of the company, Nan Jingyou moved his mind according to the prompt of the system, and a stack of documents immediately appeared in his hand.

He excitedly opened the document and found that it was a contract related to equity transfer. The signature and information on it were his own.

He held the contract in his arms, just like holding gold and silver treasures.

"Ahaha, it's rich, it's rich, such a big company, the annual dividends are money that I can't earn in several lifetimes of working quietly."

He kissed the contract a few times and sat on the sofa for a long time before calming down.

At this time, Xiaobai's voice came, "Host, don't be so greedy for money. This is just the beginning. There will be more money in the future. As long as you do your tasks well, you will have a bright future."

Nan Jingyou silently complained in his heart, I am an ordinary worker, and I have hundreds of millions of dollars all of a sudden. How can I not be excited.

"By the way, Xiaobai, can you know my movements at any time? Then I will have no privacy at all." Nan Jingyou was a little distressed.

"Host, don't worry. You can block me at any time with your mind, or let me out at any time. The system is at your service 24 hours a day."

"And you can communicate with me directly with your mind, you don't have to talk to me in reality."

After listening to Xiaobai's words, Nan Jingyou felt relieved.

I didn't expect the system to be so considerate.

He was also worried that if he talked to the system outside, people would see him talking to himself and think he was a psychopath.

At this time, Nan Jingyou suddenly thought of something, "Xiaobai, if the mission is not completed, there will be no punishment such as wiping me out, right?"

Xiaobai's angry voice sounded in his mind, "No, host, I am a formal system with a program, not a three-no system, so I will not kill innocent people."

Nan Jingyou patted his chest and said thankfully: "It's good that I won't be wiped out."

Before Nan Jingyou could breathe a sigh of relief, Xiaobai changed the subject, "However, there is indeed a punishment for the host to fail to complete the mission."

Nan Jingyou felt that he couldn't swallow a breath in his throat and couldn't lift it up.

Finally, he could only compromise and said: "Xiaobai, you say it, I can bear it."

Xiaobai: "The punishment is not big, it will only make the body a little numb, and it will be fine in a while."


"Could it be an electric shock?" Nan Jingyou's tone was raised a few degrees.

"Bingo, host, you are so smart, you got it right again." Xiaobai's voice was very cheerful, as if this was something worth being happy about.

"You won't electrocute me, will you?" When he heard the word "electric shock", Nan Jingyou felt his whole body trembling, and he always felt that he would be electrocuted in the next second.

Xiaobai: "Host, do you want to try it now? I can let you experience it in advance."

Nan Jingyou shook his head like a rattle, "No, no, no, no, I hope I will never experience this thing."

"Okay." Xiaobai's voice sounded very disappointed.

Nan Jingyou rolled his eyes. It seemed that this system was making fun of him. He would not be fooled.

Just thinking about it, the phone on the sofa rang.

Nan Jingyou hurriedly picked up the phone to check and found that it was an unfamiliar number, but he still picked up it.

"Hello, who is this?"

"Hello, is this Mr. Nan Jingyounan?" A steady male voice of about 30 years old came from the microphone.

"Yes, who are you?" Nan Jingyou's puzzled voice came.

"Hello, Mr. Nan. I am Su Ziyang, the president of Yuefei Technology Co., Ltd."

I received a notice from the board of directors that you, Mr. Nan, have acquired 67% of the company's shares and have become the company's largest shareholder. Are you free to come to the company tomorrow to do some work handover and get familiar with the company?"

Before Nan Jingyou could answer, the other party spoke carefully, "If you are really not free, it doesn't matter. We can make another appointment at a suitable time."

Nan Jingyou's heart was so excited that it almost stopped beating. The system really didn't lie. He really was going to own a company.

He coughed to cover up his excitement and said calmly, "Okay, I'll go there at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning, but you can go directly to the planning department on the 29th floor of the company to find me. I have something to do in the planning department."

The other party paused for two seconds, as if wondering why the major shareholder would go to the company's planning department.

But the person on the other side was very tactful and didn't ask the reason, and agreed directly.

After hanging up the phone, both sides were relieved.

He breathed a sigh of relief.


In a large flat in the second ring of Hai City.

A man in a suit and leather shoes stood by the window and just hung up the phone.

He looked a little serious and seemed a little tired.

"Hey, I don't understand why the chairman suddenly sold all his shares. I, a professional manager, don't know if I can continue to be the president of the company."

This person is the president Su Ziyang who just talked to Nan Jingyou. He is a professional manager hired by the former chairman at a high price. He has been the president of this company for three years and his career has always been stable.

I didn't expect the chairman to sell his shares without saying a word. He, the confidant of the former boss, will most likely be replaced by the new chairman.

I sighed silently in my heart. Everything can only be left to fate. What the outcome will be, will be known tomorrow.

The next morning, Nan Jingyou got up early and packed himself.

He blew himself a hairstyle, changed into the best set of clothes, and walked out of the rental house in high spirits.

He looked like he was going on a blind date.

When we arrived at the planning department, it was still 15 minutes before 9 o'clock. More than half of the colleagues had come, and most of the others were there to check out the place.

For example, Manager Zhou hadn't come yet.

I don't know if it was because he was beaten yesterday, but he used to come to the office early to chat with the girls.

Sister Feng hadn't come yet either, so Nan Jingyou went straight to his workstation and sat down.

The female colleagues in the same department had a good impression of Nan Jingyou. They saw that Nan Jingyou was dressed more neatly today than before, and their eyes were shining.

Several female colleagues sat around Nan Jingyou, teasing him whether he had found a girlfriend and was going on a date today, otherwise why would he dress so beautifully.

Nan Jingyou looked mysterious, "Today, I want to give you a surprise, you will know later."

No matter how everyone asked, Nan Jingyou kept silent, so the female colleagues had to stop talking.

It was still a few minutes before nine o'clock when Sister Feng finally arrived. Seeing Nan Jingyou sitting at his workstation, she breathed a sigh of relief.

"Youyou, you look very happy today." Sister Feng joked.

She thought Nan Jingyou would be depressed today, or at best listless, but she didn't expect him to be so optimistic.

But this is also a good thing. Only with confidence can you go further in the workplace.

Nan Jingyou smiled and looked at her, "Sister Feng, good morning."

Sister Feng gave Nan Jingyou a wink, which was really charming. If Nan Jingyou was a straight man, he might really be attracted by her.

But unfortunately, Nan Jingyou is gay!

Or the mountain road is full of bends, so bent that it can't be straightened even if you want to.

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