"Brother, I'm going to Hai City on a business trip tomorrow, and I plan to visit you by the way. Do you have time tomorrow night? Let's get together." The voice on the phone was low and full of magnetism, and the occasional upturned tone made this person look a bit hipster. When Nan Jingyou heard that his brother was coming, he immediately smiled, "Okay, brother, of course I am free. Are you going to stay in Hai City for a few days? Why don't you stay at my place?"

"If you are not too busy, I can take you around Hai City. By the way, when you come, I have a surprise for you."

The person on the other end of the phone also laughed heartily, "Oh, brother, you have a surprise. I am waiting for you. I will probably stay in Hai City for a week, but the next two days are weekends, and I am free these two days."

Nan Jingyou replied: "Okay brother, by the way, what time do you get off the plane tomorrow? I will pick you up at the airport."

The person on the other end didn't know if he was thinking, and didn't speak immediately.

After about three or four seconds, the voice came back from the phone.

"I'll get off the plane around 5pm. If you want to come, then come, but my boss will come with me, so I may have to send him to the hotel first."

Nan Jingyou felt that this was not a problem at all, and he immediately replied: "No problem, I'll send your boss first, it won't be a problem."

"Then brother, see you tomorrow." Nan Jingyou's voice was full of joy.

The person on the other end of the phone seemed very happy and laughed, "See you tomorrow, little brother."

After hanging up the phone, the smile on Nan Jingyou's face had not faded yet, You Che asked softly: "Master, are you on good terms with your brother?"

Nan Jingyou nodded heavily, "We have a very good relationship. My brother and I are five years apart. It can be said that I was brought up by my brother. My relationship with him is closer than my parents."

"And my brother is very good to me. From childhood to adulthood, no matter what delicious food or fun things there are, he will give me priority. Even when I went to college, in addition to the living expenses my parents gave me, he would transfer some of his salary to me, just in case I didn't eat well or wear well in school."

Nan Jingyou seemed to think of some beautiful memories, and a gentle smile rose on his face.

Nan Jingyou, immersed in his memories, did not notice how wrong the look on the other side of the person's face was.

It was a restrained and explicit, complex and contradictory expression.

But this expression was fleeting and hidden the moment Nan Jingyou looked over.

You Che said calmly: "He is indeed a good brother, young master, you are very happy."

"I am indeed very happy. Now that I have Xiaobai, I also want my family to live a happy life. It just so happens that my current Shenhao points are enough. I will go back to Xiaobai to exchange them in the afternoon, and tell my brother tomorrow that our family is rich."

If he didn't need to restrain his expression outside, Nan Jingyou might have laughed out loud.

After lunch, some people who had things to do left quickly, and some thought that since tomorrow was the weekend, they might as well take a vacation here and go back the next day.

Xu Jiayan and Yan Hao were planning to go back the next day, but Nan Jingyou definitely planned to leave this afternoon.

So after lunch, they sat for a while, and Nan Jingyou said hello to Xu Jiayan and his team members and left with You Che.

When they went back, You Che was still driving. Nan Jingyou was happy to be free. While there was no one and it was quiet, he used his consciousness to communicate with Xiaobai.

"Xiaobai, I have something to talk to you about. Come out quickly."

Xiaobai listened to Nan Jingyou's slightly excited voice and thought there was something urgent. He immediately said, "Host, Xiaobai is here. What's up?"

"Xiaobai, my current Godly Rich Points are enough to exchange for the consciousness card you mentioned last time."

Xiaobai checked and found that the Godly Rich Points were indeed enough

"Host, you can exchange it. You now have a total of 33 Godly Rich Points. The consciousness card only requires 30 Godly Rich Points. Do you need Xiaobai to help you exchange it now?"

Nan Jingyou didn't even think about it and immediately said, "Yes, I want to exchange it now."

"Wait, that card can only be used on one person at a time?"

If it can only be used on one person, there are three people in total, including his brother and parents, then he still needs to earn the Godly Rich Points for two more cards, which is 60 points.

Then he needs to do at least five or six more tasks!

He just doesn't know whether the Godly Rich Points of the later tasks will increase, and he can't tell what the reward mechanism of the tasks is.

Xiaobai immediately solved

Explanation: "No, host, one card can affect three people at the same time."

Nan Jingyou was happy now, just like the aunties who caught up with the supermarket specials and felt happy that they got a bargain.

"Okay, Xiaobai, then you can exchange it for me quickly, I need it now."

Xiaobai agreed, and about half a minute later, Xiaobai's voice came again.

"Host, the exchange is done, it has been placed in the system space, you can just take it directly."

Sure enough, Nan Jingyou immediately found the card in the consciousness space, and the card appeared in his hand with a thought.

You Che drove calmly, and did not show any surprise at the sudden appearance of something in Nan Jingyou's hand.

But Nan Jingyou's expression changed obviously.

He picked up the card in his hand and looked at it in front of his eyes for a few times, and found that there was not much special. The card was all black, with some mysterious characters in gold and white on it. Anyway, Nan Jingyou could not understand a word.

"Xiaobai, how do I use this card?"

This card is ordinary, and it doesn't seem to have such magical effects.

Xiaobai: "Host, hold the card, close your eyes, think about the object of the card, and then whisper the content you want to blur."

Nan Jingyou did it immediately after hearing Xiaobai's words.

He held the card in his hand, closed his eyes, and looked at it from Youche's perspective. At this moment, he looked like a devout believer making a wish to God.

Nan Jingyou thought about the names of his brother and parents in his mind, and then whispered: "Blur all the three people's awareness of my money."

As soon as these words came out, the card in Nan Jingyou's hand immediately became transparent and finally disappeared in his hand.

Nan Jingyou was stunned. He couldn't help asking, "Xiaobai, is it successful? There won't be any problems, right? My brother will be here tomorrow."

Xiaobai said confidently, "Don't worry, host. The products from the system mall are genuine and fair. Don't worry."

After hearing this, Nan Jingyou felt relieved.

Nan Jinghe, who was far away in Kyoto, and Nan's father and mother, who were in a county town, felt their brains suddenly confused, and then they quickly recovered.

The three of them thought that they were a little tired because they didn't rest well in the past few days, so they didn't care at all and continued to do the things at hand.

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