After thinking it through, Nan Jingyou's mentality changed a lot, because he couldn't tell how he felt about You Che now, so he decided to let it go.

I don't know if it was because of his changed mentality, but when he was eating at night, he felt that he liked You Che more.

You Che did not ignore the burning gaze from the opposite side, but he acted very calmly and did not forget to pick up food for Nan Jingyou.

It was Nan Jingyou himself who felt a little embarrassed.

In the end, he only lowered his head to eat, but did not notice the flash of smile on You Che's face and the gleam in his eyes.

Because he had to fulfill his promise to personally pick clothes for You Che, after breakfast the next day, Nan Jingyou drove the Shark Shadow with You Che to the mall.

They went to the same Xinghaizhiguang where Nan Jingyou bought clothes before.

After parking the car in the underground garage of the mall, Nan Jingyou took You Che straight to the third floor of the mall.

However, this time he did not take You Che to the stores where he bought clothes last time, because You Che usually likes to wear suits, so he took him to a suit store that looks very high-end.

Nan Jingyou did not know this brand, but he felt that this store was very good from the decoration outside, and the suits hanging in the window made Nan Jingyou's eyes light up.

He took a look at the name of the store and found that this store was actually a domestic brand. The name of the store was Huayi, and the two big characters of flying dragons and dancing phoenixes were full of ancient Chinese charm.

The suits in the window combined the two completely different styles of Western and Chinese, but there was no contradiction at all, but complemented each other.

Without thinking, he took You Che into this store, because he felt that the style of this store matched You Che very well.

As soon as they entered the store, the clerk at the door warmly greeted the two.

"Welcome to Huayi, may I ask how I can help you two?" The clerk had a decent smile on his face.

You Che followed Nan Jingyou without saying anything, and Nan Jingyou took the initiative to reply: "I want to help my friend choose two sets of clothes, can you help me introduce them?"

The clerk smiled and said: "Of course, please follow me."

There was not a single customer in the store. After the two entered the store, they found that there were three or four customers picking clothes inside.

When the male customer saw Nan Jingyou and the other person, he didn't feel much, but the female customer's eyes were shining.

It was really that the two people's appearance was too good, and people couldn't help but want to take a few more glances.

But the woman's exposed eyes made You Che a little unhappy, especially when she looked at Nan Jingyou with a burning gaze, You Che's eyes turned cold.

However, because You Che always looked unkind outside, the woman didn't notice this.

The man next to her should be the woman's boyfriend. He happened to see the woman's eyes glued to Nan Jingyou and You Che.

The man coughed unhappily, and the woman came back to her senses instantly, leaning on the man's shoulder flatteringly.

The man's expression improved, but now he looked at Nan Jingyou and the other man with a less friendly look.

Nan Jingyou didn't notice what happened just now, he was seriously picking clothes for You Che.

"You Che, what do you think of this one? I think it suits you very well."

Nan Jingyou pointed to a black suit, the collar of which was decorated with gold thread embroidery, and even the cuffs had exquisite embroidery.

He also picked a suitable tie for You Che.

You Che's expressionless face suddenly became like a spring breeze, and he smiled gently.

"The one chosen by the young master must be the best, so let's take this one."

You Che was really convinced.

He guessed that even if he chose an ugly piece of clothing, You Che would probably say it looked good.

"I don't have the final say. Go to the fitting room and try it on first, and then wear it out for me to see."

You Che did as he was told this time. He reported a size and took the clothes given by the clerk into the fitting room.

While waiting, the man and woman seemed to have an argument.

"Dear, the clothes here are too expensive. You, a grown man, don't need to wear such expensive clothes. Save the money and buy me a few more bags later, okay?"

The man said with a dark face, "Isn't the money I spent on you enough? Now you dare to point fingers at me. I think I treat you too well on weekdays, so you forget who you are."

It happened that You Che changed his clothes and came out. Hearing the movement here, both of them turned their heads to take a look.

This look made the woman's eyes straighten.

The man turned his head and saw the woman's expression and instantly got angry. He slapped her hard.

The woman slapped him and cursed:

"You little bitch, you didn't let me buy clothes from this store just now, and you turned around and stared at other men. It's not that the clothes are too expensive, but that I don't deserve the clothes here, right?"

"Bah, you superficial bitch, that man is a gigolo at first glance, you spend my money, and you dare to covet other men, how dare you."

After being beaten, the woman just kept crying, making the man even more upset.

The clerks looked at this scene awkwardly, not knowing whether to step forward to persuade.

At this time, Nan Jingyou suddenly stepped forward. Everyone thought he was going to persuade the fight, but he didn't expect to stir up the fire.

Because the man's words just now made him very unhappy.

"Hey, uncle, I don't think my friend and I have offended you. You just scolded us, shouldn't you give me an explanation?" Nan Jingyou's face was heavy, and his face was full of unhappy.

The man was already holding back a lot of anger, and now he finally found someone to vent it on.

He sneered, "Why, was I wrong? Isn't that guy your little white face?"

He clicked his tongue a few times after saying that, and said with disdain, "I didn't expect you to be a homosexual. It's really disgusting."

The reason he came to this conclusion was that he couldn't stand the two of them. Besides, he had never seen two grown men buy clothes, and one man personally chose clothes for another man.

In addition, he usually had a lot of fun in his circle, so he naturally thought more about such scenes than ordinary people.

When he said this, Nan Jingyou's face turned red with anger. It wasn't that the man said he was a homosexual, but his disgusting words made him feel very angry.

He didn't steal or rob, and even if he fell in love in the future, he would definitely be single-minded. Besides, he wouldn't force others, so why was it disgusting.

For the first time, he felt a deep sense of powerlessness.

This is also the reason why he has been reluctant to reveal his sexual orientation to friends and family, because he knows that his future relationship may not be blessed.

Sensing the indignation and depression in Nan Jingyou's mood, You Che's heart suddenly became violent.

At this moment, all the lights in the store suddenly began to flicker, and a few seconds later, all the lights in the store went out.

Except for You Che, everyone in the store was frightened by this incident. Nan Jingyou's previous low mood had long dissipated, and at this moment he was imagining many doomsday scenes in his mind.

He was frightened.

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