He didn't know the extent of You Che's superpowers. Those people were extremely vicious. If he found out that the money was taken away by others, what if You Che was found by those desperate criminals? Although he had a little money now, he couldn't protect You Che tightly. Unlike Nan Jingyou's worries, You Che's heart didn't fluctuate at all. "Master, don't worry. I can't leave any traces, and no one can find any information about me without my permission."

As soon as You Che finished speaking, Xiaobai in Nan Jingyou's mind began to help:

"Host, you can rest assured. The technological level of intelligent robots is far beyond that of Blue Star. You Che will be fine if you have any problems."

Although Xiaobai knew that You Che had interfered with Nan Jingyou's mission, it had no opinion.

First, the Lord God said at the time that it must unconditionally obey any decision of this intelligent robot. Secondly, if the host successfully completes the task, it will only benefit Xiaobai and not harm it. So why should it stop it?

Seeing that You Che and Xiaobai's answers were the same, Nan Jingyou was relieved.

The clothes were made and the watches were bought. After asking You Che, Nan Jingyou was relieved to confirm that there was no schedule in the future.

He didn't want to be taken to any weird stores by You Che again. The two of them didn't even have lunch outside and returned to the villa.

Time passed quickly, and it was time to go to the old man to get clothes.

After the two entered the yard, the old man just came out of the house, but his face was still as stern as yesterday, as if someone owed him money.

This time, Nan Jingyou was not as reserved as yesterday, because he was in a daze yesterday and didn't have time to take a good look at the environment of the yard.

In order to avoid the old man's unkind eyes, he secretly hid behind You Che and quietly observed the whole yard.

You Che was pleased by his dependent actions, and his face showed a happy look. Even the old man next to him noticed the clues between the two and couldn't help but take a closer look.

In the end, I don't know if he found anything, but just snorted coldly.

"Wait, I'll get the clothes." The old man said this and went into the house.

Nan Jingyou couldn't help but pat You Che on the shoulder, "You Che, who is this old man? His temper is so weird. Is there anyone willing to suffer and ask him to make clothes for you?"

He wanted to ask yesterday, but he was interrupted every time, and he even forgot about it later.

Faced with Nan Jingyou's doubts, You Che held back his laughter. It seemed that he didn't listen to a word of what he told the young master on the road yesterday.

Thinking of the man's solemn promise that he understood, he wanted to laugh.

In order to consider his young master's face, he did not expose it, but lowered his voice and patiently explained.

"Young master, do you know Longchen Group?"

This question was not something Nan Jingyou could test, and he immediately answered:

"Of course I know. Isn't the Longxing watch we went to yesterday a brand under Longchen Group? And the villa we live in is also."

You Che nodded, afraid that he would be too tired to stand and listen, so he simply pulled him to sit on a chair in the yard.

Being held by someone again, Nan Jingyou has lost his shyness from yesterday and turned into a sweet feeling.

"Master, Longchen Group has many industries under its umbrella. Among them, in terms of luxury goods, there are also clothing in addition to watches, jewelry, etc. You should have heard of this clothing brand, called Longjin."

Even if Nan Jingyou doesn't know much about luxury goods, this brand that can often be seen in advertisements is almost familiar to him.

"I know, but what does this have to do with the old man? You are not going to tell me that he is the founder of Longjin?"

If that's the case, then the old man is really awesome.

But on second thought, it seems unlikely. Which company's founder would stay in such a yard? Although the environment is indeed okay, the big villa is much more fragrant than this.

You Che shook his head, "No, Longjin is divided into two levels: high-end and ordinary luxury models, and the old man happens to be the leader of Longjin's design team."

Although the old man rarely intervenes in the design of the team now, he still designs and makes a few clothes by himself every year.

Moreover, the high-end dresses he made were so popular that people might not be able to buy them even if they fought hard for them.

"To be able to wear clothes designed by the old man symbolizes the identity and status of this person, and ordinary people dare not look down on it casually."

There is a saying

What he didn't say was: there are only a few people in the country who can wear the clothes designed and made by the old man. No matter how much money you have, you can only wait in line, and you may not get a piece of clothing for several years.

Now Nan Jingyou completely understood You Che's painstaking efforts. He still despised the old man, but he didn't know that he had already got a huge bargain.

But there was still a question that puzzled him, "Then how did you get the old man to agree to sell you clothes? I think according to his temper, it shouldn't be something you can do by adding a little money."

You Che smiled mysteriously, "Master, if you want to know, agree to one of my requests and I will tell you."

Nan Jingyou intuitively felt that the man in front of him was up to something bad, but he was really curious and very entangled in his heart.

After thinking for a long time, he tentatively asked, "Tell me what the conditions are first, and I will agree to you if I can do it."

Who would have thought that You Che actually refused.

"Master, you can definitely do what I ask. You are so scared, are you afraid?"

Being stared at by You Che's burning eyes, Nan Jingyou agreed in a fit of anger, not knowing that this was someone's provocation.

In this way, a sheep successfully fell into the trap of the big bad wolf.

Someone smiled evilly in a place where Nan Jingyou couldn't see. After getting the answer he wanted, he didn't keep it a secret and directly told the whole story.

It turned out that the old man's wife died when he was still young.

It was not easy to raise his daughter, but he himself had a bad temper. Because of his strong control, he didn't let his daughter marry the person she liked, and insisted that his daughter marry the son-in-law he chose.

As a result, the daughter broke off relations with the old man in anger and ran away from home, and she hasn't come back for decades.

Now the old man is old, even though he is worth a lot of money, he still misses his daughter. But he has searched all over the country and even asked people to look for her abroad, but there is no news.

This time, the old man was able to give up the clothes because You Che provided him with the current information of his daughter.

Nan Jingyou, who knew what happened, sighed. It seemed that both father and daughter were ruthless, and they were ruthless to their relatives and themselves.

"Master, now you can listen to my request, you are a man of your word, you can't go back on your word." You Che whispered in Nan Jingyou's ear.

The hot air made Nan Jingyou's ears numb, and he shrank his neck, feeling a little uncomfortable.

After a light cough, he pretended to be calm, "You say it, a real man, I will definitely not break my promise."

"I want the young master to take the initiative to kiss me."

The devil's whispering words fell into Nan Jingyou's ears, making his mind blank in an instant.

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