After Yu Xiuhe finished speaking, Nan Jingyou nodded lightly to show that he understood.

This reaction did not make Yu Xiuhe unhappy. Instead, he felt that this person was not the kind of vulgar person who liked to cling to the rich and powerful.

The elevator quickly reached the top floor. When the elevator door opened, Yu Xiuhe was almost blinded by the decoration of this floor.

It was either golden or shiny. Anyway, there was only one word:


Nan Jingyou took him around the top floor suite, and finally several people sat down in the living room.

"Dude, is this your exclusive suite as the boss of Genting? Not bad, not bad, it's the style I like."

Yu Xiuhe nodded repeatedly. He leaned lazily on the sofa, crossed his legs and commented on others. People who didn't know would think he was the boss.

You Che took out some drinks from the refrigerator and put them on the coffee table. Then he sat next to Nan Jingyou, took a bottle of Nan Jingyou's favorite sparkling water, unscrewed the cap and handed it to him.

Nan Jingyou took it and drank it as if no one was around. The interaction between the two was obviously normal, but there was a sense of intimacy for no reason.

Seeing that Yu Xiuhe was only looking at himself, Nan Jingyou pointed to the things on the coffee table, "You can drink whatever you want. If you want anything else, I'll ask the hotel staff to bring it up."

"Mr. Nan is polite. The guest follows the host's wishes. Our young master is not picky." Seeing that his young master was staring at others in a daze, Uncle Xu had to help out, and he didn't forget to push his young master.

With many years of experience as a housekeeper, Uncle Xu believes that the housekeeper beside Nan Jingyou is definitely a capable assistant trained by the family behind him since childhood, otherwise the two people's behavior would not be so tacit.

Although he is called a housekeeper, he is actually a dead man trained by the family. In this life, from birth to death, he only serves one person.

Uncle Xu guessed half right. Didn't You Che's previous promise mean that he would only serve Nan Jingyou for his whole life?

After being pushed by Uncle Xu, Yu Xiuhe finally came back to his senses. He scratched his hair awkwardly, "Sorry, I suddenly thought of something. I didn't mean to stare at you."

In fact, he was distracted by Nan Jingyou. Just now, when he saw the intimate interaction between the two, he suddenly thought of a rumor that has been circulating in the circle of wealthy families in Beijing.

It is rumored that there was a very famous wealthy young man in Beijing before. No one knows which family he is from. They only know that the man suddenly appeared in Beijing and spent money like water, turning Beijing upside down.

And he happened to have a diligent butler with him.

If that were the case, it wouldn't be surprising. What shocked everyone was the rumor that this young man had fallen in love with his butler, and a year later, the two of them completely disappeared from the public eye.

Just like the person who had stirred up the storm in Beijing before had never appeared.

Now there is another Nan Jingyou, who also suddenly appeared, also spent money lavishly, and also had a diligent butler with him.

And from the details he has been observing, the relationship between the two is not as simple as it seems.

This made Yu Xiuhe shudder for a moment.

Is there really such a coincidence in the world?

Nan Jingyou didn't care what Yu Xiuhe was thinking, he just smiled politely at him.

The four of them sat on the sofa, looking at each other in silence for a while, and finally Nan Jingyou broke the silence.

"I have something to do, so You Che and I will leave first. You are going to video chat with your friend to see what the suite looks like, so hurry up and do it now."

He was going to find Manager He to learn about the dinner, which gave him some space to do what he wanted.

Yu Xiuhe nodded in agreement, "Okay, I won't delay you. I'll leave after I finish the video chat."

I don't know if he was bothered by what happened just now, but he was no longer interested in video chatting, but he was still polite.

After making sure that Nan Jingyou and You Che had left, he mysteriously pulled Uncle Xu to sit on the sofa.

Uncle Xu thought that his young master was going to make trouble again, and his heart was lifted.

Just when he was about to persuade the young master to be more obedient in other people's territory, he saw that Yu Xiuhe's face suddenly became serious.

Uncle Xu, who knew the young master's character, understood at once that the young master had something very important to tell him, so he swallowed the words in his mouth.

"Uncle Xu, do you still remember the rumor in the upper class circles of Beijing?"

Uncle Xu racked his brains for a long time.

, and finally understood what the young master was talking about.

"Young master, are you talking about the rich young man who spent money like water more than 20 years ago?"

Uncle Xu didn't understand why his young master suddenly brought up this matter.

It's been more than 20 years since this happened. Although it is occasionally mentioned in the circle, it is just a topic of conversation after dinner.

Uncle Xu didn't take a person who disappeared for decades seriously.

As soon as Yu Xiuhe saw Uncle Xu's look, he knew that he didn't connect this matter with Nan Jingyou.

That's right, one is a person who suddenly disappeared more than 20 years ago, and the other is an unknown young man. There is no connection between the two.

But Yu Xiuhe's intuition told him that these two things might be related. Once there are more coincidences, they are no longer coincidences.

"Uncle Xu, don't you think that Nan Jingyou's experience is very similar to that of the rich man who suddenly appeared that year?"

Uncle Xu is a smart man. When Yu Xiuhe mentioned this, he instantly grasped the key point.

"Master, do you mean that this Mr. Nan and the one from 20 years ago are probably from the same family?"

This guess is not without basis. Combined with the similar experiences of the two people, this is probably the way the hidden family cultivates heirs.

First, place the person in an ordinary family to train from a young age, and then give him some industries when he grows up so that he can slowly appear in front of the world, and finally return to the family to inherit all the industries.

I have to say that if this is true, the people of the hidden family are quite courageous.

In ordinary wealthy families, parents keep their children by their side to educate them, fearing that they will not receive a good education and become useless people in the future and cannot inherit the family business.

But this hidden family did the opposite, and I don’t know which master came up with this idea.

If there were really people from the hidden family standing by at this time, they would definitely shake their heads and sigh: Rumors are misleading!

Yu Xiuhe’s face was as dark as ink, and he did not deny Uncle Xu’s guess.

"Uncle Xu, do you know what that person looked like back then? If he looks like Nan Jingyou, then the two are 100% related."

I thought I could get some answers from Uncle Xu, but he sighed, "Master, that person was too mysterious back then. Not many people have seen him. Even if they have, they would have forgotten him after so many years."

"And the media was not as developed as it is now. Although that person was reported back then, the news was deleted as soon as it was reported. In the end, not even a photo of that person was circulated."

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