The man was injured and the police were arrested.

Nan Jingyou wanted to hold the man responsible, but his car and people were not seriously injured. Even if he wanted to sue, the man would not be held responsible.

When he returned home, Nan Jingyou was still very angry. There were strange things every year, but there were especially many this year.

In the end, it was Nan's father and mother who persuaded him, and he calmed down.

"Don't be angry, Youyou, you haven't given them the gifts you bought for aunt and uncle yet, why don't you go and get them to make them happy." You Che also suggested to divert his attention.

Nan Jingyou's eyes fell on the corner of the living room. That was the gift he brought back and had not been opened. When You Che said this, he immediately laughed again.

He walked over and placed the gifts one by one on the coffee table in the living room.

"Mom, these are the clothes I bought for you, go and try them on."

"These are the jewelry and cosmetics for you..."

"Dad, you should try these clothes too. Oh, and there are watches..."

Nan's father and mother looked at the things in their hands and in front of them, and they couldn't stop smiling.

Their son was so filial, and the old couple felt that this life was worth it.

The two of them took the things in their hands to the bedroom to change, and when they came out again, they were like a different person.

Nan's father was wearing a white shirt, black trousers, silver-rimmed glasses and a watch, like a university professor who had just finished a lecture at a university.

Nan's mother was wearing a plain embroidered cheongsam that was below the knee. She also used a hairpin to tie her hair. This outfit matched her original gentle temperament very well.

"Mom and Dad, you are really a good match." Nan Jingyou sat on the sofa and acted as a qualified audience.

After a moment, noticing Nan's empty neck, he slapped his head and quickly got up and walked to his bedroom.

After entering the bedroom, he opened his suitcase and took out the set of imperial green jewelry that was auctioned at the auction.

After leaving the bedroom, he opened the set of jewelry in front of Nan's mother, "Mom, this is the jewelry I bought for you at the auction before. I think it suits you very well. You can wear it with other jewelry in the future."

In Nan's mother's astonished eyes, he first took out a necklace for Nan's mother to wear, and then took out a bracelet and put it on her hand.

Nan's mother raised her wrist and looked left and right, and she liked it very much.

She hugged her son and felt very moved, "Thank you Youyou, Mom likes it very much."

Both of them tacitly did not mention the price because they didn't want the other party to have any psychological burden.

After seeing all the gifts, it was getting late. Thinking that the two of them were tired from the journey today, Nan's mother asked them to go to wash and go to bed quickly.

Nan's mother was a little troubled about the room arrangement.

As luck would have it, Nan Jinghe's room was leaking because the upstairs resident was renovating, and the workers did not operate properly, causing water to leak downstairs.

The leak happened to be in Nan Jinghe's room.

Now Nan Jinghe's room cannot be used for sleeping for the time being, and there are only three bedrooms in the house, so it is impossible to make a separate room for You Che.

Nan Jingyou's body stiffened for a moment after hearing this. In this case, wouldn't You Che have to sleep with him?

Although they are a couple, it is easy for two hot-blooded men to accidentally get into trouble.

But he hesitated for only a few seconds before taking the initiative to express his opinion, "Mom, You Che can sleep with me. Anyway, my bed is big and can accommodate him."

The bed is not actually big, only 1.5 meters, but now it is like this, you can't let him sleep in a hotel.

At most, he can behave himself these few nights and not roll around on the bed.

Nan's mother looked at You Che with some apology, "Xiao Che, I'm afraid I'll have to wrong you for a while."

"Auntie, there's nothing to be wronged about. I'm happy to sleep with You You." You Che's words couldn't be more sincere.

This is simply a lamb entering the tiger's mouth, and it was the lamb that took the initiative to get into the tiger's mouth.

In the end, Nan's mother left with a smile, while Nan Jingyou was a little embarrassed. The happiest person was You Che.

After the two entered the bedroom and closed the door, You Che's chuckle came from the room immediately.

He put his arms around Nan Jingyou's thin waist, blew a breath into his ear with his lips, and his tone was extremely ambiguous, "Master, don't you want to sleep with me? I'm so sad."

Although he said this, he didn't look sad at all.

Nan Jingyou was so stimulated that he couldn't help but push You Che's chest, "No, I'm just afraid that I can't control it and then my parents will find out."

"Master, why can't you control yourself? Do you want to do something bad to me?"

Nan Jingyou's cheeks flushed instantly, and his voice began to stutter, "No, no, I, I."

In the end, he couldn't say anything more, and simply buried his face in You Che's neck and stopped talking.

You Che enjoyed the way the person in his arms relied on him so much, and the two of them hugged each other quietly until there was a knock on the door outside.

Nan Jingyou bounced out of You Che's arms as if he was frightened.

Fortunately, the door was not opened, but the voice of Nan's father came, "Youyou, your mother and I have washed up, you can use the bathroom, remember to rest early."

"Okay, good night, Dad." Nan Jingyou replied quickly.

The two of them took a shower one after another and went to the bedroom to rest.

It's July now, and it's a bit hot at night, but after turning on the air conditioner, you still need to cover yourself with a thin blanket.

When lying on the bed, Nan Jingyou didn't even dare to move, because the person next to him was only a few feet away from him, and they might bump into each other if he turned over.

In order to avoid any accidental firing, he clasped his hands and placed them on his stomach. Because he was too nervous, he didn't even say a word to You Che.

You Che seemed to feel his tension and said soothingly: "Master, you can sleep peacefully, I won't do anything to you."

Nan Jingyou was a little embarrassed. He nodded and found that You Che couldn't see it, so he said again: "Okay, good night."

He closed his eyes again, and heard You Che's even breathing in his ears, and his heart suddenly calmed down.

What he didn't expect was that this actually became his lullaby. After a while, his mind began to fuzzy, and then he fell into a deep sleep.

In the middle of the night, there was a rustling sound from the bed. If you listen carefully, you can hear someone mumbling.

Almost the moment he heard the movement, You Che's eyes opened.

However, when he saw the scene at this moment, he could only sigh helplessly, and pulled the quilt up without complaint, and closed his eyes after successfully covering the person next to him, pretending that nothing happened.

In the early morning, a ray of sunlight sneaked into the room from the window.

Nan Jingyou wanted to stretch, but found that something seemed wrong with his body.

When he opened his eyes, he saw a solid chest. Even through the pajamas, he could see that there must be well-defined muscles inside.

At this moment, his head was resting on You Che's arm, and not only that, his restless hands and feet were all on You Che's body.

In other words, he was not much different from an octopus at this moment, and the whole person was basically half lying on You Che.

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