The Godly Player of Online Games

Chapter 169: ; New law!

On Monster Island, the fifth old man succeeded in a sneak attack, and the old man was seriously injured and was rescued by the third and fourth old men.

The five generals who would not be able to escape in the future, Wu Lao, Huang Yuan and others, were turned into scum, and then rushed to the headquarters of the World Organization.

After Qin Yu's pre-arrangement, everything about Monster Island was broadcast live to all parts of the world using video phone bugs.

Everyone who followed this public execution was shocked.

They shocked one of the five old stars, the five old men, who rebelled, and the old man was seriously injured. The headquarters of the world organization was attacked by Qin Yu and others.

In the Chambord Islands, a crowd of people looked at the huge TV screen and almost dropped their jaws.

"What's the situation? One of the five elder stars of the world organization has rebelled and turned to Lei Di?"

"According to reliable sources, Lei Di with a white beard and the leader of the Revolutionary Army, Monch D Dragon, attacked the headquarters of the World Organization."

"What? The headquarters of the World Organization were attacked? This Lei Di is really courageous. Don't those affiliated kingdoms support it?"

"You don't know yet. The Revolutionary Army has begun to launch large-scale riots. All kingdoms in the world are tired of fighting with the Revolutionary Army. Where does the idle control of the headquarters of the World Organization come from?"

"Is there such a thing?"

"You don't believe it, go and watch the report over there." On the big screen over there, wars around the world are being broadcast live, and it seems that the revolutionary army has generally prevailed.

The revolutionary army has the upper hand, not only because the revolutionary military first arranged and suddenly launched an attack to gain the first-hand advantage, but these kingdoms were also afraid of Qin Yu's methods.

The previous lessons of the Midor Kingdom made them feel terrified in their hearts.

Everyone looked at the scenes before them, and couldn't believe that these were true. Is the world pattern really going to change.

"Big news, very big news, the Kingdom of Ulasto has surrendered to the Revolutionary Army, declaring it is an enemy of world institutions."

"The Kingdom of Nusibir also announced its surrender..."

"And the Kingdom of Labrador..."

For a time, there were many amazing news from the Chambord Islands, and the people present went from shock to later numbness.

The Chambord Archipelago is the location for the sign recruits of the world organization. At this time, these young people who have just joined the world organization and are preparing to join the world organization, and those hermit masters, have announced that they will draw a line with the world organization.

"This world organization is really useless. It was so soon that it was put in a nest." A recruit who had just joined the world organization removed the unique badge of the world organization on his shoulders, a move that meant leaving the world organization.

When others saw this, they followed suit.

At first, it attracted the suppression of world institutions, but later on, there were more and more recruits preparing to leave the world institutions, and the world institutions could not stop them.

Not only that, as the situation develops, even the veterans of the world organization have taken off their military uniforms and expressed their desire to leave the world organization.

Suddenly, the style of the screens that broadcast the battles around the world changed, and the new law enacted by Qin Yu was broadcast, and at the same time Qin Yu's revised "Internationale" was played.

"Get up, hungry poor people!"

"Get up, suffering people all over the world!"

"The blood is full of enthusiasm, and we must fight for happiness!"

"The world's institutions are falling apart, and the poor get up, get up!"

"Don't say we have nothing, we will be the masters of the world!"

Listening to the new laws and the revised Internationale, the people on the Chambord Islands were all excited, all took up arms, and they had to fight to the death against the world institutions for happiness.

Not only the people in Chambord, but all over the world, as long as the people watching this live broadcast, the vast majority of them are excited. Even the old, young, women and children have expressed their desire to fight against world institutions.

In a slum area of ​​a certain kingdom, an old grandmother hugged her grandson and muttered while watching the TV: "This is the real truth, this is the real justice..."

On a large cargo ship in a seaport, a maritime merchant who had been oppressed by the world’s institutions burst into tears and said hysterically: "God, this is the ideal society I am pursuing. Please give me strength. I want to Overthrow the rule of world institutions."

On a certain part of the sea in the New World, a dozen pirate ships sailed quietly. Thousands of pirates did not have a carnival at this time, all quietly listening to the promulgated new laws and international songs.

Halfway through hearing, they knelt on the deck and cried, "Poseidon, please forgive me for what I did before. I am also forced to be a pirate."

Seeing this, other Heizers followed suit and enshrined the new law as a divine decree.

The new laws have been broadcast continuously, and these beautiful blueprints are extremely inflammatory, allowing those who are suffering to grasp their true ideals.

For a time, there was a wave of sentiment, and there were a large number of people all over the world clamoring to join the Godslayer Pirates, to join the revolutionary army, and to overthrow the rule of world institutions.

Of course, there are also people who oppose these laws, that is, those powerful and powerful who exploit the poor.

In a palace of a certain kingdom, a nobleman looked angrily at the video call worm in front of him, and cursed: "Bad son, stupid pariah."

When these laws were broadcast at this appropriate time, Qin Yu received unexpected results.

At the headquarters of the World Organization, looking at the huge fireball flying in front of him, Qin Yu changed his previous appearance of peeing on his pants with fear, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

The fireball with a diameter of three meters was about to hit Qin Yu, and the tyrant Xiong stepped forward and stood in front of Qin Yu.


"Hahaha, go to hell, kid." Seeing Qin Yu and the others were hit, the two elders laughed with excitement, as if he saw Qin Yu and the others disappear in smoke.

But this is destined to disappoint the two elders.


The crimson fireball hit the Tyrant Bear, quickly bounced back, and flew in the direction of the second elder and the king.

"What? This..." Seeing that the attack was bounced back, the old man used all his best to dodge in a hurry, so as to avoid this devastating blow.

The Uranus was not so lucky. The three-meter fireball hit the huge body of Uranus, the Uranus.

Qin Yu thought that with such a powerful attack, the Heavenly King would be seriously injured. If the Heavenly King was seriously injured, it would be possible to kill it.

It's just that Qin Yu didn't expect that the fireball was hitting the Queen of Heaven, and it was slowly melted and absorbed by the Queen of Heaven.

Seeing this scene, everyone was a little stunned, only Qin Yu was relieved, the king-level boss, if it was so easy to get injured, then this game wouldn't be so difficult to play.

"Hehe, the heavenly king doesn't dare to think about it. As for the five old stars, he still has his hand." Qin Yu smiled, turned into a thunder element, and appeared behind the second old man the next moment.

The two elders who were able to escape the danger were in danger again.

"Old guy, you can go on the road..."

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