The Godly Player of Online Games

Chapter 453: : Sirius Gang!

After the old man Duanmu said these words, a powerful force smashed in the direction of Jiu Jianxian.

With a bang, Jiu Jianxian was ejected directly for more than ten miles. Boom fell to the ground, smashing the ground into a chasm again.

Jiu Jianxian didn't believe it anymore, he couldn't take the blow of the old man Duanmu himself. Jiu Jianxian's strength is only 4th Rank 9th Rank, infinitely close to 5th Rank, but the strength of this turn makes Jiu Jianxian unable to surpass.

Jiu Jianxian once again offered a sword to the old man Duanmu. Even the old man Duanmu was a little surprised with this sword, because this sword actually had the strength of rank five and rank one. Just now, old man Duanmu had determined that Jiujianxian was as high as rank four and rank nine at most. The strength of the first rank of the fifth rank is really unbelievable.

However, this sword was still not the opponent of the old man Duanmu, and the old man Duanmu swept across with a sword, and then bounced Jiu Jianxian a few hundred meters away again.

But this time Jiujianxian didn't smash the earth apart like before, but landed steadily.

Qin Yu saw a large amount of spiritual power surrounded by Jiu Jianxian. Could it be that he was going to break through? Sure enough, soon, the air around Jiu Jianxian fluctuated violently, with a bang, the spiritual power next to him dissipated, and Jiu Jianxian broke through.

Qin Yu saw that when I wiped it, I actually broke through to the first rank of Rank 5? According to such a breakthrough method, wouldn't it be possible to catch up with yourself soon afterwards?

But he was also happy for Jiujianxian's breakthrough. Then he glanced at the forestry again, alas, that's a sorrow, thinking that forestry will be like a wine sword fairy, and break through.

In such a battle of rank five strength, forestry has obviously become a display, and it has no effect at all.

Forestry is also very depressed. I wonder why you all break so hard one by one. When can I make a breakthrough?

Qin Yu gave Jiu Jianxian a look, Jiu Jianxian immediately understood, and then shot out the sword at the same time as Qin Yu, and pierced towards the old man Duanmu with both sides.

Seeing that the two of them attacked him at the same time, the old man Duanmu couldn't help but panicked. He immediately set up protective shields on both sides of him.

However, the combination of two Rank 5 strengths is equivalent to a powerhouse with Rank 6 strength. What's more, Qin Yu is Rank 5 Rank 5, and Jiu Jianxian is also Rank 5 Rank 1. They both work together to strike. I'm afraid there are super strengths ranging from six passes to five ranks.

Under such strength, Duanmu old man's shield did not play a role at all. The two swords Qin Yu and Jiu Jianxian fought from two directions, and instantly smashed the old man Duanmu to pieces.

After killing the two old men, Qin Yu once again diluted their strength, and then Qin Yu also gathered a large amount of spiritual power around him, and he was about to break through, but suddenly seven more people came out from a distance, Qin Yu saw that there were old and young, and even two women.

But at first glance, it was these men's playthings, and I don't know how many times they had been manipulated. Their skin was dull and yellow, and they were obviously squeezed dry.

I saw one of the young men said: "Yeah, isn't it? You can kill the two old guys Lou Wanli and Duanmurong. It seems that your strength is also good. If you don’t join our team, so you can be better here. Be safe. Don’t worry, we don’t get involved, and if you join us, these two women will belong to the three of you at the same time."

After Qin Yu heard what he said, he replied: "Oh? Really? So you are all cuckolding each other like this? But, I am not uncommon."

Qin Yu followed the person's words word by word, and the person didn't feel angry when he heard it. Instead, he continued: "I know you don't look down on these dilapidated willows, but as long as you unite with us, then wait. Once we are strong, we can go to Hualu Cave to grab those four small golden flowers. I wonder if you have this meaning?"

Qin Yu heard what this meant. There seemed to be a lot of power here, which made Qin Yu really wonder how to do it well.

After much consideration, Qin Yu decided to join them for the time being, otherwise these people would also be a big trouble, and it would be difficult for him to survive here in the future.

After thinking about it, Qin Yu said to the man: "Okay, I promise you, but you should keep these two women for yourself."

Hearing this, the two women didn’t have anger on their faces either. It seemed that they really made this group of men lose their temper.

"Well, now that we have joined us, we are members of the Sirius gang. From now on we will be the strongest existence in this large forest."

Qin Yu smiled disdainfully, but since they all joined the team, at least a self-introduction is necessary. "My name is Qin Yu, this is Jiujianxian, and this one is called Forestry."

After that, the man also introduced himself: "Oh? What a coincidence? I am also a Qin. My name is Qin Hao. The short old man next to me is called Zhang Jiufeng, and the thin and tall old man next to him is called Ouyang Qiu. There is this little fat man named Li Zidong, who can eat especially, and this, like a wooden person, named Ouyang Qianping, the son of Ouyang Qiu. This is his mother, named Leng Qingqing. Also. There is this eldest sister named Gu Chunchun, and if you have those needs in the future, he will do his best to satisfy you."

After listening to Qin Hao's nagging words, Qin Yu barely knew what their names were, and there were such young people, which really didn't make Qin Yu think of it.

"Okay, even if you officially join our Sirius Gang now, I announce that tomorrow we will clean up the second largest force in this forest, the Tiger Gang. Now go back to the camp to rest and save strength, and we will work with them tomorrow! "

Qin Yu really wanted to laugh. Just when he called people into the team, he wanted to be clear about other forces stronger than himself. He was really stupid. You should at least understand our strength first, right?

It seems that the leader of this force is a two-hundred-and-five hundred. If he can't defeat it, wouldn't the whole army be wiped out?

In this way, Qin Yu Jiujianxian and Forestry followed Qin Hao to their camp. In fact, they just pitched a few tents, nothing else.

As soon as he arrived at the camp, Qin Hao said to Qin Yu: "Hahaha, Brother Qin came on the first day. Naturally, let you pick the tent first. And this woman, except for the eldest Sister Qingqing who already has a master. Only this eldest sister Gu Chunchun is left, why would it be just one night for you?"

After Qin Yu heard what Qin Hao said, he said disdainfully: Ha ha, I said it, I'm not rare. ",,..

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