The Gods Are Coming: Fortunately, I Have A God-Slaying Simulator!

Chapter 6 Only One Move For The Father, Please Enlighten Me

Following the sound of the sword, the ferocious long sword that had been silent for a long time was suddenly pulled out from the stone pier under the terrified eyes of many guards of the Zhenguo Temple, and rushed to the sky like crazy, turning into a Make a long golden line, go straight down south!

"This--the big thing is not good! Why did Zhen Guoshou Shen suddenly change! Where will it go? Should we go after it?"

"Chasing? How do you chase after this spirit sword? Use your dick that cut off both legs to chase?!"

"Everyone, don't panic. From my point of view, it was summoned by the sword master of the God of Kyushu, and went to perform a mission. Maybe you will see the terrifying world vision of that great man drawing his sword later. "

"Really? That lord, is he really going to draw his sword? Oh, oh~! Just thinking about it makes me so excited that I can't sleep, that lord... I really want to see His grace up close, Lick his toes~"

"Don't be so cavalier, this is the Zhenguo Temple, show me some seriousness!"


In the land of Kyushu, there are thirteen post-apocalyptic base cities rising from the ground, and billions of people are looking up at the dark and oppressive sky. Everyone's face is full of fear of the unknown doomsday.

A beam of golden light streaked across the dark sky, leaving a long indelible golden mark, which shocked all Kyushu people watching.

"What is this? A golden flying machine? Could it be those aliens who caused the catastrophe of the last days?"

"I don't see it! I don't know why this scene, I always feel like I've seen it somewhere before!"

"Is it Superman? The golden Superman has started to fight monsters again?"

"Superman? Where is Superman? Wow! Golden light! It's so long! Transformation, Dijia!"

"Always believe in the light!"


Plague Continent, Fuji King Capital, Jiantiansi Ruins, Blood Sacrifice Formation.

It wasn't Tiga but Dior's demon king. Seeing that the heavenly father's body was motionless and completely defenseless, he sneered, "Look at what tricks you are playing, this sword of my king has a thousand-year skill, and your mythical body is at the peak of late stage!" His body is simply unstoppable!"

As soon as the ruthless words were finished, Demon King Dior seemed to sense something, his face changed suddenly, and he looked up at the plague sky that was never open all year round!

Everyone at the scene realized something, and raised their heads in horror, only to see that the thick green sky was pierced by a golden sharp object, forming a hole the size of a table, and the golden object, unabated, was still at its peak. The speed of the mythical body is extremely fast.

Jiang Ye's lips curled up, and the clasped hands were lowered, his left hand was on his back, and the palm of his right hand felt a coolness, which was a familiar grip.

At this moment, the fighting spirit exploded!

The sky is full of dust,

The arc-shaped black half-moon sword slash was instantly torn apart by this momentum!

Nine pairs of snake pupils lit up in an instant, strange and beautiful, deadly and ferocious, as if silently speaking, kill the gods, return to the throne! !

The body of a sword is pitch black, and the two blades at the front are under the refraction of the sun, and you can see the color of pure green and poisonous. Everyone is still in the shadow of the sun, and they can vaguely see a head with an extremely terrifying momentum. The 10,000-meter ghoul phantom, which does not look like a mythical body at all, exposed two sharp fangs dripping with mucus, and kept roaring at them angrily!

Nine terrifying poisonous snakes with different attributes danced on the hilt of the sword like tentacles of flesh and blood. Looking down along the hilt until the tip of the sword, there was another unusual phenomenon at that place.

The point of the sword was terrifyingly sharp and evil, and there were huge clouds of polluted gray mist coming out of it. It seemed that the point of the sword was made of some horrible biological spikes. Just looking at it made people want to vomit.

Not only that, since the arrival of the strange and ferocious black sword, everyone can clearly feel that they seem to have fallen into a terrible quagmire, as if it is a nightmare with no boundaries, and the more they struggle, the more they sink!

The feeling of suffocation makes everyone feel uncomfortable, but what is weird is that as long as you look at the young man holding a ferocious black sword in the field, there is a majestic, upright and upright aura of righteousness, and it is like a radiant glow in the darkness. Dazzling like the sun, warm, even warm enough to make all evil gods terrified!


Such a word suddenly appeared in everyone's mind.

"This... this... what kind of sword?!!" Demon King Dio couldn't stop taking three steps back, obviously frightened by the ghostly vision of the hideous black sword king.

Jiang Ye held the sword in one hand, walked steadily and unrestrainedly, pressing every step of the way, with a loud voice, "This sword is called Killing God, and it is used for the father's important body parts of two kings, the remnant of a top Half step king, There are more than 30 million resentful and unwilling souls of the people, and the Blood Essence in the heart of the father, which is fused with a unique plague myth and many characteristics, and it is hand-crafted!"


"Worthy of killing God!"

"Today, you are all optimistic. I will only make one move. After one move, it is your ability to survive Jiang Di'ao! As a father, no matter what the result is, I will not pursue your past mistakes!"

Su Qianxi heard that Heavenly Father Jiang Ye was only planning to make a move, and thought of what He said just now, her beautiful eyes widened, and she wanted to see with her own eyes how terrifying it is for the real Heavenly Father to use gold to kill God with his own hands.

The devil Dio himself couldn't stop shaking all over his body. There was fear, but more of it was a sickly to crazy extreme excitement!


"Heavenly Father, come! Only you with such invincible aura are worthy of the name of Heavenly Father!"

"I'm Dior, today I'll see if your sword can kill me!"

"Enchanted, come!!!!"

A black long sword was held backwards, piercing the heart of Demon King Dio in an instant, and the sharp point of the sword protruded from his body. Under the astonished gazes of Emperor Gu Ge, Gao Wu, Jiang Qing, Wang Quan, and Su Qianmei, Demon King Dior began to behave abnormally. Suicide!

A large, extremely thick, pure black mist rises from around the body of Demon King Dio, and everyone can only see a pair of extremely scarlet and crazy eyes lit up in the mist exuding terrifying and extraordinary coercion!

"Devil Talent? Very good, you are more suitable for this Devil Dao Talent than being a father." For the first time, Jiang Ye gave Demon King Dior a positive award. Facing Dior whose Cultivation Base has reached the false king Realm, he does have the arrogant Plague Continent, Think of everyone as a qualification for hot chicken.

But here, Jiang Ye is not included!


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