The Gods Are Coming: Fortunately, I Have A God-Slaying Simulator!

Chapter 84 The Faceless God, Reappearing The Slaying Style

In the underground inner courtyard of the church, the sound of the piano continued to sound, and it didn't stop for a while because a person was transferred away.

It's just that the one who is playing is a different person, a weak and weak woman.

It was Zhang Xiaoqian, the schoolgirl of Fanxing Conservatory of Music!

Wu Yong looked at his girlfriend Zhang Xiaoqian worriedly. If he could move his body, he would have rushed over to smash this weird piano to pieces!

It's a pity that he can't, he is just an ordinary mortal, under such terrifying power, he doesn't even have the qualification to move a finger!


During the performance, Zhang Xiaoqian suddenly screamed, and two lines of blood and tears flowed from her eyes.

The sheet music she chose was "No Face", which was different from Luo Chuxue's "Chaos" and Chen Yu's "Sound of Celestial Bodies". It was an extremely changeable piece of music that controlled chaos.

The person in the song seems to describe a great man called the Faceless God.

What made Zhang Xiaoqian even more horrified was that as soon as she played the notes of "No Face", she seemed to be stared at by a pair of emotionless silver eyes!

"He's alive! Right around here!!"

Zhang Xiaoqian roared from the bottom of her heart, her sixth sense told her that the character of "Faceless" was definitely around!


The song "No Face" is like a summoning ceremony, slowly following Zhang Xiaoqian's performance, entering the critical moment of the advent ceremony.

Luo Chuxue, Lin Wentao, Wang Gang, Lin Zhiyu and others all noticed the drastic change in the air in the inner courtyard.

Groups of gray mist diffused, forming a circular arch, as if constructing some kind of passageway gate.

Aldous woke up from the state of music intoxication, saw the terrible gray fog, and frightened his soul: "Damn it! Zhang Xiaoqian, you big idiot, stop now! Don't summon the Faceless God! "

"The great Aldes doesn't want to die yet, stop quickly!"

The sound of crazy pollution poured into Zhang Xiaoqian's mind, causing a large amount of black and red blood to flow out of her seven orifices.

However, Zhang Xiaoqian's eyes had already become pure white and numb, she seemed to be unconscious, her hands were just unconsciously playing "Faceless" Divine Comedy, and when the summoning ceremony was successful, her lifespan would also reach the end of her life.

Seeing the formation of the gray fog gate, Alders didn't want to face the Supreme One directly, so he could only forcibly cut off the connection between Zhang Xiaoqian and the piano.

A huge force struck, and Zhang Xiaoqian's whole body was thrown out heavily, hitting the mossy wall not far away like a rag sack, and fell to the ground.


Zhang Xiaoqian spit out a big mouthful of black blood, felt her eyes darkened, and passed out!


Wu Yong, with tearing eyes, rushed over without hesitation.

Luo Chuxue and the others also discovered that the invisible imprisonment that bound the body had been lifted!


Lin Wentao roared angrily, but didn't even look at the school girl Zhang Xiaoqian who was unconscious on the ground.

Three people playing the piano in a row ended up in such a bleak way, and seeing the weird meaning of the piano, they didn't intend to let them go.

Lin Wentao was completely panicked.

Now that the invisible confinement of his body was lifted, the thought of escape drove him to rush into the underground passage regardless.

Xia Qi's mind turned slowly, and she hadn't seen the current situation clearly. When she wanted to follow Lin Zhiyu, Wang Gang and others to run, her legs were numb because of standing still for a long time!

"Ah! Wen Tao, don't leave me! My feet are numb!"

Xia Qi also wanted to run, but her legs tripped and fell to the ground, and a dog gnawed shit.

She has not yet regained the ability to walk, so she can only call her boyfriend, begging for Lin Wentao's help.

At this dangerous moment, I don't know if the weirdness of the piano will come back to its senses and freeze their figures.

Lin Wentao didn't dare to stay. Hearing his girlfriend Xia Qi's call, his running body suddenly stopped, and there were signs of struggle on his shoulders. After all, he ran into the moss corridor without looking back!

Seeing the scene where her boyfriend ran away cruelly alone, Xia Qi screamed angrily: "No!!!"

Lin Zhiyu turned her head to look at Xia Qi, sarcasm flashed in her eyes, and she ignored the yelling of this plain-looking, poisonous girl.

In the basement courtyard space, gray mist, even without the performance of "Faceless" Divine Comedy, the gate is still slowly being built.

It seems that on the opposite side, there is a god who is watching the scene here, and he is about to shuttle over!

Aldes was annoyed at Zhang Xiaoqian's recklessness. Once he summoned the supreme being, his small body was no match at all, and he would definitely be captured by the faceless god to serve as a hard labor for the performance!

"Damn it! Damn it all!!"


"Go to hell! Poor experiment!"

Piano Yinhyun flew out one after another, tied all the fleeing people around their necks, and pulled them up to the top of the pointed Gothic tower.

Luo Chuxue felt a chill on her neck, The next moment, she was hoisted high into the sky, the sharp strings on her neck were still tightening slowly!

Streaks of bright red blood dripped down the silver-white strings to the ground.

The suffocation of Death is approaching like never before!

Not only Luo Chuxue, Zhang Xiaoqian and Wu Yong who fainted to the ground, but also Lin Wentao who fled to the front, as well as Wang Gang, Lin Zhiyu and Xia Qi were all hung up.

There was no one playing the black piano, but suddenly the sound waves burst out, and Lin Wentao's eardrums were instantly blasted.

Everyone felt dizzy for a while, and the thumping gate of heaven seemed to appear in front of them.

The corner of Luo Chuxue's mouth turned bitter. If she had the choice, she would definitely not risk her life to come to this cathedral, looking for so-called stimulating inspiration!

Now the inspiration is found, but the life is about to die!

But luckily, Jiang Ye was temporarily busy and couldn't come with him, otherwise there would be an extra hanged ghost here!

Just when Luo Chuxue was about to be executed by the angry Aldous, a green figure walked slowly through the long mossy corridor.

Wherever he passed, the moss with fine tentacles grew into giant tentacles of the plague.

When he looked up, he happened to see familiar and unfamiliar college students hanging in the air.

The person who came was Jiang Ye who had broken through, and he still couldn't figure out what happened at the moment.

But seeing Luo Chuxue's snow-white neck weeping blood, and her indifferent divine eyes, a trace of anger flashed across her.

A green blade glow flew out, cutting off everyone's strings.

Jiang Ye firmly caught Luo Chuxue's weak body, and the rest of them fell heavily on the hard ground, fainting.

" are Jiang...?"

Luo Chuxue half-opened her heavy eyelids, and fell into a daze due to suffocation and lack of oxygen, which made her unable to confirm who the owner of those indifferent eyes was.

It's just the familiar masculine smell coming from her nose, which made her realize that it should be Jiang Ye.

But there was a strange divine fragrance in it, which made her not sure for a moment, her head tilted, and she completely fainted.

"God...mythical are you?!"

"How bold! How dare you disturb the slumber of the great master of the magic harp, Aldes!"

"Leave quickly, or the great Ardes will be angry!"

In the inner court, the sound of pollution resounded.

Jiang Ye took Luo Chuxue a bottle of life-restoring potion of perfect quality on his own, and took out the pollution on her body, ignoring the threat from the owner of the voice.

On the other hand, the gray fog gate gradually formed complex and delicate chaotic patterns, a big dry black hand grabbed the edge of the door frame, trying to get out!

Jiang Ye felt the terrifying aura gathering behind him, and he was shocked!

"God? Just in time!!"

"The myth that I just advanced, how many come, how many cuts!"

A bright red ash long knife was pulled out slowly, and Jiang Ye's aura surged all over his body, and the green mythical poison chain of the plague crazily attached to the knife.

Before the faceless god avatar on the other side of the gray fog gate could speak, a green-gold beam of God-slaying sword slashed over while screaming!

One style - Slay God! !

"I am chaotic...ah!!!"

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