When Li Zhi was preparing to go back in his carriage, he saw that the streets were busy. At this time, commerce had appeared. Although most of it was barter, coins also appeared, which played a role in this era.

All of a sudden, there was a panic in front of him, which aroused Li Zhi's curiosity.

Li Zhi got out of the car and came near to find that it was a slave like child running in a panic. Behind him was a group of people chasing and killing him. There were more than a dozen people behind him, looking fierce.

The slave looked like a thirteen or fourteen year old, thin and naked.

"Stop! Don't run! Catch you! I'll tear you

One of the leaders in the group of people chasing after him roared.

Li Zhiyi frowned and went straight behind the child and stood in front of the pursuer.


Li Zhi's voice suppresses the fire.

They found that the visitor was an 18-9-year-old boy. Although he was dressed in gorgeous clothes, he was not afraid of Li Zhi when he thought that he was a great scholar behind them.

The leader was of medium build, and his face was fierce. He said to Li Zhi, "where are the Dalits? Dare to disturb your grandfather! I'm a scholar in feisickle mansion! Get out of here, wise man

Before Li Zhi could speak, one of the men behind him said with a smile, "housekeeper Yu, it's just a pariah. It seems that it may be the businessmen."

Yu Hu nodded, feeling that he was right.

"A smelly businessman dares to stop you, uncle Yu. Hey hey, but I'll give you a chance to get through here, and I'll spare you."

He pointed to his crotch.

Li Zhi's guard's eyes were cold and he was about to start, but Li Zhi waved his hand indifferently.

"The system prompts that the mission of canonization is to teach the curfew Yu Hu and kill the monk Wang Lun."

Wang Lun?

Yu Hu?

Long time ago, the system suddenly appeared, released such a task? Li Zhi naturally knows that this is certainly beneficial to himself, but who is Yu Hu? Which is Wang Lun?

Li Zhi thought about these things in his mind, so he stayed in the same place. Yu Hu's eyes narrowed. He was so brave that he didn't drill if he didn't drill. How dare he ignore me?

"No drill, right? Then I'll hit you! "

With that, the whip in his hand came to Li Zhi.

Li Zhi, however, reacted in an instant. The system gave Li Zhi natural power.

With a sneer, he grabbed the whip and yanked it back.

The huge force made Yu Hu's body out of control, like Li Zhi. As soon as Li Zhi reached out, he grabbed the man's collar and pulled out his mouth.

"The export is not bad, it's time to fight."

However, Li Zhi did not find that there was a man of cultivation behind him.

Ten years of cultivation is not weak. When you go down the mountain, you go to the door of the tiger. Behind the tiger is the scholar official Fei Lian, who is naturally arrogant.

Yu Hu was dazed by Li Zhi.

Yu Hu covered his red and swollen face, and his eyes were burning: "Wang Lun!! Kill him for me

Wang Lun, who was wearing blue clothes behind the tiger, heard his master's words and then quickly started. With a wave, a knife appeared in his hand out of thin air!

Li Zhi's eyes narrowed when he saw the sword appearing out of thin air, friar? Wang Lun!

Wang Lun stabbed Li Zhi, because it was a sneak attack, and he also added the technique of defending the wind.

The speed is extremely fast. Li Zhi is caught off guard and is stabbed on the shoulder by Wang Lun.

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