A word asked after export, Nu Wa immediately a Leng.

She gave Li Zhi a definite look, and then said, "I don't know if your majesty learned this from you?"

As soon as Li Zhi turned his eyes, he said directly, "I was born with the ability to predict the future. I know that killing and robbing are coming, so I came to Nu Wa palace to pray for her. Now that she has agreed, I don't worry any more. It seems that killing and robbing have been carried by her!"

After this sentence, Nu Wa's heart clapped, who is willing to carry the killing?

Besides, I can't handle the robbery!

Besides, there are too many sects and saints involved this time, and Nu Wa dare not bear them all.

She turned to Li Zhi and said, "I have understood what your majesty said. Since you know what will happen in the future and know that the way of heaven can not be changed, why are you so stubborn? Since the robbery is coming, someone will be killed, so don't go against the way of heaven. "

After listening to Nu Wa's words, Li Zhi was almost angry.

We should know that the means of saints are absolutely not simple, which is beyond Li Zhi's imagination.

But there is at least one thing Li Zhi knows, if the sage is willing, he can certainly change the general trend!

For example, Li Zhi already knew the result of the robbery, but in the face of the two western sages and hermeneutic sages, the leader of the sect wanted to fight against the way of heaven!

However, several saints did not want to because of the great power of the sect, which made the primitive God envious.

Now this is to deal with his younger martial brother. For the sake of jealousy, he would rather contact the side door than clean up his younger martial brother. This makes Li Zhipo look down on the primitive God.

Such people can become saints. We can see the nature of saints under heaven.

Li Zhi raised his head and suddenly said to Niang Nuwa, "Niang, the human race is made by Niang Niang, just like her own offspring. As the saying goes, dogs don't dislike family poverty, but don't dislike mother ugliness. Over the years, the human race worships Niang Niang day by day, and the incense never stops. Can't Niang help when the human race has such a killing and robbing?"

Nu Wa was not happy to hear Li Zhi's questioning. She was a saint. How could she be questioned by a mortal emperor?

She said angrily to Li Zhi, "there are mole ants under the way of heaven. Since the way of heaven has decided to kill and rob, the great things can't be changed. Besides, the sage himself is the way of Hunyuan. To understand the way of heaven, we need to follow the way of heaven."

After listening to Nu Wa's words, Li Zhi burst out laughing. At the end of the laugh, Li Zhi suddenly smashed the sacrificial offerings with anger in his eyes: "since the so-called saints are operating according to the way of heaven, what's the use of asking you saints to waste money to worship you saints! If I had known that, why should I offer it to you? "

With that, Li Zhi stretched out his hands to push down all the tables in front of him, and the tribute splashed all over the ground.

What does Li Zhi mean by asking you saints to do? Now that I've offered it to you, I can't help you when I kill and rob you.

It was a crime of disrespect to overthrow the offering table, which made Nu Wa very angry.

Nu Wa jumped down directly from the offering table. Li Zhi saw Nu Wa coming down from above. Without moving his face, he saw Li Zhi say, "lady, what are you doing down here? Don't you want to kill me?"

In the tone of voice, he was indifferent, as if he was not afraid of Nu Wa at all.

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