After all, Yaoji fairy was once a fairy in heaven, and also Haotian's sister. Knowing the curse, she said, "the curse can't be solved by others. Only Jinmu can solve it."

On hearing this, Yang Jian gnashed his teeth and said, "but my mother has been pressed here. Why does she have to deal with my mother like this? It's so vicious

Yao ji fairy explained: "as the queen mother, I should call her sister-in-law, but her ambition is too big. She wants to suppress her elder brother and control the whole heaven by herself. She and I have no temperament.

And you know, I'm also the embodiment of cliff spirit, and I have the ability to be holy. And I'm a brother and sister with Haotian. She doesn't dare to harm me openly. Later, I met your father and got married with him. It's in her hands, but these years, my brother. "

Speaking of this, Yaoji sighed, as if sighing about her brother's ruthlessness, and then said: "I was originally under the pressure of the peach mountain. Zhenyuan was sealed, and it's hard to say whether she would live or die. She even cursed me. If I left the scope of the peach mountain, the curse would certainly take place, just like just now."

After hearing this, Yang Jian was so angry that he clenched his fist and said in an angry voice: "I didn't expect that woman to be so vicious! Don't worry, mother. I'll go up the mountain to find the antidote. "

The fairy Yao Ji said, "where are you going? Are you going to beg them? Your accomplishments are not Jinmu's rival, and even if your uncle can't help you, there's no way.

And with their temperament, after you go to the fairyland, you may not get the antidote at all. Maybe you will have to be controlled by them. You must never do it. "

Yang Jian said excitedly: "do you want me to watch my mother suffer? No matter what the cost, I will go to save my mother. "

With these words, Yang Jian felt that his strength was more and more uncontrollable. He took out the white jade left for him by immortal Yuding and condensed that strength into his body. He suddenly felt his breath was unstable. He vomited blood. After vomited blood, his face became pale.

Yaoji fairy's cultivation is quasi holy realm. She was just excited and didn't care about it. At this time, she found that Yang Jian had suffered such a heavy injury. Although Yang Jian had endured the pain just now, Yaoji fairy also saw the seriousness of the problem and asked him what to do.

Yang Jian couldn't stand cross examination, so he could only tell those things. It turned out that Yang Jian didn't think he had enough strength, and he was afraid that he would not be able to split the peach mountain. Moreover, the God in the sky had been killed by him. The matter of saving his mother must be speeded up, otherwise it would be bad to be found.

Therefore, Yang Jiancai took out the jade from immortal Yuding and used the secret method given to him by immortal Yuding. The power of this secret method is to integrate the power of white jade into himself and combine the power of nine turn Xuangong with that of white jade, so that his power can be increased several times in an instant.

Originally, the nine turn Xuangong practiced by Yuding immortal and the eight nine Xuangong practiced by Yang Jian are the same set of techniques. Both of them are very difficult. Most people don't succeed at all.

The cultivation of immortal Yuding focuses on spiritual power, while Yang Jian focuses on physical power. If the two skills are combined, their power can be increased by dozens of times, and Yang Jian's power can be greatly improved in a moment.

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