When Su Hu sees Huang Feihu picking up his weakness in front of Ji Fa's face, he is also angry. They argue with each other until Ji Fa gets angry.

Jiang Ziya also said: "don't argue. According to my secret agent, Yang Ren didn't take refuge in Eshun directly after he was expelled. Instead, he was taken in by a small vassal, but he didn't have to be reused, so he didn't meet his talent.

Later, the vassal was annexed by e Shun, and Yang Rencai joined e Shun. E Shun did not trust him very much, but after many twists and turns, he was appointed Prime Minister of the scholar bureaucrat. After becoming prime minister, Yang Ren had extraordinary skills and made a lot of great achievements.

Later, Eshun was defeated by Deng Jiugong and retreated to the south. Some people in the South wanted to take advantage of the fire and rob, but with the help of Yang Ren, Eshun defeated the enemy and got the important position of Eshun. Moreover, he managed the land of Southern Shu in an orderly way, and the combat effectiveness of Eshun's army also improved a lot.

Recently, news came that Eshun had made a kind of very powerful armor. This kind of armor has strong defensive power and is said to be even more powerful than our armor. This kind of armor was handed over to Eshun by Yang Ren. "

When Ji Fa heard Jiang Ziya's last words, he thought of how he had been beaten by the army of Da Shang and fled that day. He was so moved that he asked, "Er, Xiangfu, in your opinion, can Yang Ren be used for me?"

Jiang Ziya said: "Yang Ren has a strong character, but he doesn't know how to be smooth. But Yang Ren's talent is really outstanding, and he also has some secrets of the big business, so he can make those armor.

If he can go to Xiqi, it must be a good thing for Xiqi. Now that he is so important under Eshun, how can he go to me again? "

Ji Fa pondered for a long time and said, "if Yang Ren is really so hot tempered, it's really hard. If he can take refuge in us." Everyone nodded.

Su Hu had an idea and said, "Yang Ren left Chaoge because he was disappointed with the emperor. If Eshun was suspicious of him, would Yang Ren be disloyal? At that time, Yang Ren can be used by Xiqi. "

Jiang Ziya listened to Su Hu's words and said, "Oh, marquis Su, this is a wonderful plan. Your majesty, this plan is really feasible. Yang Ren is still in Xiqi now. If he tries his best, he can make it.

Moreover, Yang Ren and I still had some friendship at that time. We'd better take this opportunity to explore. If there is really a place to turn around, we should do it according to what Marquis Su said.

Moreover, I also know that Eshun is suspicious, especially when there was a contradiction between Yang Ren and his father, e Chongyu. If we can successfully arouse Eshun's suspicion, we will be able to rescue Yang Ren and let him return to his heart. "

Ji Fa was so happy: "OK, OK, OK! Thanks to the strategy of marquis Su and his father, if Yang Ren came to Xiqi, he would surely make a great career. "

Jiang Ziya said to Su Hu: "after Marquis Su came to Xiqi, he made many miraculous achievements. This strategy is a good one, which makes me sigh. I heard that there is a counsellor named Fei Lian in Marquis Su's house. He gave many suggestions to help Marquis solve the crisis, and he also married Marquis su. Is this true?"

Su Hu didn't expect that Jiang Ziya knew the situation of Feilian, and said it in front of Ji Fa. He was a little depressed. This strategy was really not made by Feilian, but by himself.

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