Li Zhi understood why Kong Xuan didn't use the magic weapon before he got the chaos clock, and his feelings were enhanced by the five colors of the divine light. The five colors of the divine light are the real magic weapon!

Speaking of magic weapon, Li Zhi thought of another thing. When they went to Qiao Kun that day, they collected a flame bead from Lu Ya. The flame bead is Lu Ya's own powerful magic weapon, far more powerful than the flame world made by Jiuwei real fire. It can be said that it is one of the few magic weapons with fire attributes in the world.

Li Zhi once gave the flame bead to Yuan Hong, but yuan Honggen couldn't use it. Now it has become a chicken rib. It's better to give Kong Xuan a tonic of five colors.

Kong Xuan found that the power of the flame contained in the flame bead was very high, and he immediately smelt it. However, after he found the powerful power of the flame bead, it was not easy to refine it with five colors of divine light.

As far as Kong Xuan's current cultivation is concerned, the growth of his cultivation is not of much significance. The key is to understand the realm, so he did not accept the bead of fire. Kong Xuan took a look at Yuan Hong and thought about how to let Yuan Hong really collect this magic weapon.

Just as Li Zhi was going to the East China Sea to throw fanghuxianshan to the base, someone came to see him. He was a joyful master. He was taught by the West. Since the last time he made a big stir in heaven, although Jin Mu believed that Li Zhi would die, just in case, Li Zhi still pretended not to show his face.

The elder Huanxi came to inquire and found this other courtyard, but he claimed to be a Taoist friend of the national teacher. When he came to visit, he was told that the real emperor had gone out and didn't come back. He was a little disappointed.

The royal guards, who are responsible for guarding, are extremely smart. They immediately ask the elder Huanxi to leave his name, saying that he will tell the emperor when he returns. After the elder Huanxi gives his own name, he leaves a message and then leaves.

Li Zhi was a little puzzled. He was a westerner. He coveted the beauty of hanzhixian at the beginning, but his brain was not very good. When he captured chaos lotus seed in Nanhai, he was fooled by him.

In addition to his bad brain, this guy was not very lucky. The woman who was explained almost cut off her brother, and was finally rescued by Li Zhi. He belonged to the kind of second class who was sold and helped people get money.

In the first World War of Jinjiling, Zhao Gongming killed two people of the western religion, making the immortal of the western religion even less. Almost all the elites were killed. Now only the King Kong, the King Ming and the kaluro are left.

I'm afraid it's not for personal reasons that the elder Huanxi came to find the real emperor at this time. Maybe he was sent by zhunti. But what's the purpose of his coming this time?

Li Zhi thought about it for a long time, but decided to let Yuan Hong take over with the Reverend Huanxi first. Yuan Hong is very clever. He is good at doing things. He knew the Reverend Huanxi first, and he also wanted to have a talk.

Sure enough, as Li Zhi expected, the joyful venerable was sent by the Daoist. He wanted the emperor level immortal to go to the west to meet the saints and have business to discuss with them. Generally speaking, when an ordinary immortal was invited by the saints, he would certainly feel very glorious and would not refuse. But he naturally did not care who Li Zhi was.

Yuan Hong also knows about it. When the joyful master asks about the status quo of the real emperor, Yuan Hong's face is sad and falters, but he shows an anxious look. Yuan Hong pretends to be like this, and he is seen by the joyful master.

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